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GeoTravel: Harvesting Ambient Geographic Footprints from GPS Trajectories [article]

Li Ching Liew, Ong Sing Goh
2014 arXiv   pre-print
This study is about harvesting point of interest from GPS trajectories. Trajectories are the paths that moving objects move by follow through space in a function of time while GPS trajectories generally are point-sequences with geographic coordinates, time stamp, speed and heading. User can get information from GPS enable device. For example, user can acquire present location, search the information around them and design driving routes to a destination and thus design travel itineraries. By
more » ... ring GPS logs among each other, people are able to find some places that attract them from other people's travel route. Analysis on the GPS logs can get the point of interest that is popular. By present the point of interest, user can choose travel place easily and the travel itineraries is plan based on the user preferences.
arXiv:1411.2195v1 fatcat:47656apkq5d73gceyimwksr5vu