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A Survey on Robust Video Watermarking Algorithms for Copyright Protection

Xiaoyan Yu, Chengyou Wang, Xiao Zhou
2018 Applied Sciences  
With the development and popularization of the Internet and the rise of various live broadcast platforms, digital videos have penetrated into all aspects of people's life. At the same time, all kinds of pirated videos are also flooding the Internet, which seriously infringe the rights and interests of video copyright owners and hinder the healthy development of the video industry. Therefore, robust video watermarking algorithms for copyright protection have emerged as these times require. In
more » ... s paper, we review robust video watermarking algorithms for copyright protection based on original videos and compressed videos. Basic models and properties of video watermarking algorithms are described, and the evaluation indexes corresponding to each property are also introduced. To help researchers understand various existing robust watermarking algorithms quickly, some basic information and the quantitative estimation of several performances are analyzed and compared. Finally, we discuss the challenges in the research of robust video watermarking algorithms, and give possible development directions for the future.
doi:10.3390/app8101891 fatcat:qctjt6d5jfeh3e7k2cwrmmyste