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An Asynchronous FPGA Block with Its Tech-Mapping Algorithm Dedicated to Security Applications

Taha Beyrouthy, Laurent Fesquet
2013 International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing  
This paper presents an FPGA tech-mapping algorithm dedicated to security applications. The objective is to implement—on a full-custom asynchronous FPGA—secured functions that need to be robust against side-channel attacks (SCAs). The paper briefly describes the architecture of this FPGA that has been designed and prototyped in CMOS 65 nm to target various styles of asynchronous logic including 2-phase and 4-phase communication protocols and 1-of-ndata encoding. This programmable architecture is
more » ... designed to be electrically balanced in order to fit the security requirements. It allows fair comparisons between different styles of asynchronous implementations. In order to illustrate the FPGA flexibility and security, a case study has been implemented in 2-phase and 4-phase Quasi-Delay-Insensitive (QDI) logic.
doi:10.1155/2013/517947 fatcat:wlrcnr4zzrg7zmdpnwp2cdsfv4