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Theoretical Modelling of Liquid Crystal Electro-Optical Material Display Elements to Achieve Optimal Low Power Consumption Ship Stealth

Christopher R. Lavers, Dartmouth Centre for Sea Power and Strategy, Plymouth University at Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth, TQ6 0HJ, UK, Visiting Research Fellow, CCW Pembroke College, Oxford OX1 1DW , UK.
2020 Recent Progress in Materials  
Advanced optical stealth techniques are of growing importance in the role of manned and unmanned aircraft or ship platforms. We consider here the concept of using passive reflective display elements rather than high power active light projection to achieve a low observable camouflaged ship platform. This paper presents practical consideration towards minimal radiated power user-driven requirements using adaptive liquid crystal electro-optical methods. Optical reflectivity for a multi-layer
more » ... d crystal cell structure composed of a glass/ ITO/ aligning layer/ liquid crystal/ aligning layer/ ITO/ glass will support optical guided modes. Reflectivity as a function of angle and voltage are compared with theory generated from a Fresnel matrix formalism. Voltage device modulated reflectivities are then simulated across a ship platform to evaluate this method for low power consumption, with minimal radiated optical radiation.
doi:10.21926/rpm.2102019 fatcat:435miztprzfg5jn42zekjwp5ia