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Poster Presentations Part II (pp. 431–528)

2009 Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism  
OBJECTIVE: METHODS: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer was used to identify the changes of metabolites of hepatocytes after RESULTS: Compared with control, the most notable changes were as follows: (1) dimethylamine (DMA) increased acetate increased, pyruvate decreased remarkably in the H2O2, included (1) lactate (Lac) and glutamine (Gln) increased in quercetin group; (2) Lac and taurine (Tau) increased, and CONCLUSION: DMA, acetate, Lac and Tau, the utilization of pyruvate, and stress.
more » ... , more than ever, there are serious health concerns for obese and overweight children. Schools are the perfect setting for in preventing children from becoming obese and overweight. The study concerns the behaviors of Health Promoting School Organization (WHO), or dependent on schools own health whether promoting physical activity among the children at schools in relation to a school health policy such as Food and Nutrition Policy (FNP). This was determined through the comparisons between the FNP based schools and non-policy based schools. The study undertook surveys among school food coordinators in the selected Danish primary schools through a web-based questionnaire. The questions in the survey were school environment. The data shows the relations regarding the promoting physical activities among the pupils between different types of schools. Results indicate that health policy intervention can be effective in improving the physical activities and preventing the development of obesity and overweight issues among the children in schools. P81-10 EFFECT OF ENDURANCE TRAINING ON PLASMA AND STOMACH OBESTATIN CONCENTRATIONS IN WISTAR RAT Jafari, Akram Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord, IRN OBJECTIVES: Ghrelin and obestatin both are effective The purpose of this study was to investigate fundus obestatin program in Wistar rats. METHODS: and liver glycogen. FINDINGS: Data analyses for determine of difference of mean between groups and in each group were done by using of independent t-test and paired t-test. Obestatin concentrations CONCLUSION: to reduce fundus obestatin concentrations and this reduction was accompanied with a higher liver glycogen content in levels via an improvement of energy source. Modern inactive lifestyle promotes disuse muscle atrophy rich in DHA and EPA is capable of preventing loss of muscle 10 days of hind limb immobilization of adult male SD rats of MHC. Insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) associated with reduces immobilization-induced muscle atrophy through Akt Improved standards of living with decrease in customary work have contributed to the problem of obesity. The proliferation look good. The present study assessed the effect of physical activity and counseling for dietary changes on weight loss in was collected on dietary patterns, anthropometry and physical activity done at the centre and in routine life. The subjects were in males). BMI shifted from grade I, II and III to overweight or normal. The energy and fat intake decreased and the mean 432 about an appreciable weight loss. OBJECTIVE: To present the designing and testing of an educational methodology for healthy diet promotion. METHODS: Theoretical references adopted: health promotion precepts, critical approach of health education, food and target groups (school and health professionals, adolescents); designing and testing the education model and analysis of the collected material. RESULTS: The model consisted in an educative workshop issues that appeared in the previous debate were discussed, and an evaluation meeting. Eight educative workshops were carried model was able to motivate them with respect to the subject for their personal life and professional activity. CONCLUSION: The model tested proved to be feasible and represents a methodological innovation in healthy diet promotion
doi:10.1159/000248544 fatcat:4moiszpf5jdyvnlpo5bswtbrka