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The strong reflecting property and Harrington's Principle [article]

Yong Cheng
2015 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper we characterize the strong reflecting property for L-cardinals for all ω_n, characterize Harrington's Principle HP(L) and its generalization and discuss the relationship between the strong  ...  reflecting property for L-cardinals and Harrington's Principle HP(L).  ...  and Harrington's Principle HP (L).  ... 
arXiv:1503.04015v1 fatcat:4ffs5rjbujgrzaldx4slzjr4vq

Page 70 of Political Studies Vol. 60, Issue 1 [page]

2012 Political Studies  
Since, on Harrington’s model, there are two relevant parties, represented by the senate and the popular assembly, the question has two sides.  ...  Harrington’s impersonal institutional scheme, for example.  ... 

Super-Realized Gain Huygens Antennas [article]

Donal Patrick Lynch, Vincent Fusco, Manos M. Tentzeris, Stylianos D. Asimonis
2024 arXiv   pre-print
The optimized structure achieves a realized gain that surpasses Harrington's well-known maximum theoretical limit for antenna directivity, effectively addressing practical concerns related to ohmic and  ...  Additionally, the compact size of the proposed antenna array, as opposed to a uniform linear array, offers the potential to fabricate highly radiation-efficient, high-directivity antennas in a compact  ...  Acknowledgment This work was funded by the Department of the Economy (DfE) in Northern Ireland. As part of their Postgraduate Studentships programme with Queen's University Belfast.  ... 
arXiv:2402.06285v1 fatcat:ifqcoeu3qfhebblnh4npidva7i

Force a set model of Z_3 + Harrington's Principle [article]

Yong Cheng
2014 arXiv   pre-print
Let Harrington's Principle, HP, denote the statement that there is a real x such that every x--admissible ordinal is a cardinal in L.  ...  This paper is based on part of the author's Ph.D. thesis written in 2012 at the National University of Singapore under the supervision of Chong Chi Tat and W.Hugh Woodin.  ...  I would like to express my deep gratitude to W.Hugh Woodin for all his support and guidance on the thesis. I would like to thank members of my Ph.D. committee.  ... 
arXiv:1402.4659v2 fatcat:so2cxhx3srardfznxskcgzdph4

The Linguistic Genius Of Parker McKenzie's Kiowa Alphabet

Laurel J. Watkins
2010 International Journal of American Linguistics  
Despite his substantial contribution to Harrington's understanding of Kiowa phonetics, he rejected the extreme phoneticism of Harrington's orthographies and instead independently developed a system that  ...  is phonemic, except for very minor rulegoverned deviations that reflect his personal normative concerns.  ...  So, if the values of p, t, k are as in English, then they will have exactly the right properties: aspiration syllable-initially and glottal reinforcement syllable-finally, precisely the properties that  ... 
doi:10.1086/652791 fatcat:whvco2n3tnh3jjwmnulyf7pm2m

The Two Sides of the Representative Coin

Keith Sutherland
2011 Studies in Social Justice  
In Federalist 10 James Madison drew a functional distinction between "parties" (advocates for factional interests) and "judgment" (decision-making for the public good) and warned of the corrupting effect  ...  Not only does the proposal challenge Manin's thesis, but a 28th Amendment implementing it would finally reconcile the competing visions that have bedevilled representative democracy since the Constitutional  ...  reflect the weight and numbers of the demos, so Publius won the ratification battle.  ... 
doi:10.26522/ssj.v5i2.987 fatcat:67p6gylq25clhjcjqizgxnjo6a

Use of Harrington's desirability function in wheat grain quality assessment

A F Melnik, V G Shumetov, B S Kondrashin, M R Mikhaylov
2020 IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment  
The publication is devoted to the development of a method for assessing the quality of wheat grain based on Harrington's desirability function, which reflects the nonlinearity of the relationship between  ...  the quantitative values of quality indicators and the psychological perception of a person.  ...  In addition to the lack of division into food and fodder grains, the American standard of grain classification is based on the biological properties of grain and its condition as a commodity, i.e. grain  ... 
doi:10.1088/1755-1315/422/1/012008 fatcat:gd73w2bbifeeleju3hmwxkhqbu


2001 The Historical Journal  
In Harrington's theory the central principle was not a restriction of the powers of the sovereign by laws as much as a distribution of the functions of government.  ...  Scott, ' The rapture of motion : James Harrington's republicanism ', in N. Phillipson and Q.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0018246x01001893 fatcat:lsiqyzzlrbgl7pb5nsvwjgikau

Mean Circulation in the Great Lakes

Dmitry Beletsky, James H. Saylor, David J. Schwab
1999 Journal of Great Lakes research  
Knowledge of the mean circulation in the Great Lakes is important for ecological and management issues because it provides an indication of transport pathways of nutrients and contaminants on longer time  ...  Based on the availability of data, summer circulation patterns in all of the Great Lakes, winter circulation patterns in all of the Great Lakes except Lake Superior, and annual circulation patterns in  ...  Schertzer and an anonymous reviewer for their suggestions that improved the manuscript. This research was partially supported by the USEPA Lake Michigan Mass Balance Project.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0380-1330(99)70718-5 fatcat:vel2bmzj65gurirqpmjz3tpu7i

Page 356 of Commonweal Vol. 30, Issue 15 [page]

1939 Commonweal  
My translation of that memorable document reads: “the public authority, in view of the common good, has the right to specify what is licit and what is illicit for property owners in the use of their possessions  ...  Harrington’s article, “Why We Have Idle Millions” (July 14) was like a well ina thirsty land, after all the blatherings we get in books and periodicals about what is wrong with the world and what we should  ... 

SPM Bulletin 13 [article]

Boaz Tsaban
2005 arXiv   pre-print
: Topological congruence relations on groups; Inverse Limits and Function Algebras; Ultrafilters and partial products of infinite cyclic groups; More on regular reduced products; Consistency of "the ideal  ...  Contents of this issue: Workshops on SPM themes; Second workshop on Coverings, Selections and Games in Topology (SPM05); Analysis and Descriptive Set Theory Workshop; Descriptive set theory: Effective  ...  Since 2001 several strong Ph.D. theses were devoted exclusively to topics in Selection Principles in Mathematics.  ... 
arXiv:math/0508563v1 fatcat:red756ov6bepjeose6m4bzpkiu

2 Writing English Comedy: "Patronizing Shylock" [chapter]

2020 Figures of Conversion  
As a reflection on Edgeworth's own project in Harrington, this passage is at once serious and self-mocking.  ...  condescend to be even as little children, if we would discover or recollect those small causes which early influence the imagination, and afterwards become strong habits, prejudices, and passions" (9)  ... 
doi:10.1515/9780822378129-005 fatcat:jymjdw2u3fgrli235at43y6bge

The Political Ideal of the English Commonwealth

1891 English Historical Review  
Harrington's provision against the evil is one which modern reform has rendered tolerably familiar, that of cutting down large property holdings by legal enactment.  ...  In the third part the work is performed. The fourth is a corollary of reflections.  ...  He threw upon parliament the responsibility of * healing and settling,' but he reserved to himself the right of saying who should enter parliament and who should not, and thereby excluded from the deliberative  ... 
doi:10.1093/ehr/vi.xxii.306 fatcat:e766hnitsvajrafppeztn6675e

That Damned Mob of Scribbling Siblings: The American Romance as Anti-novel in The Power of Sympathy and Pierre

E. Dill
2008 American Literature  
Sentimentalism's conjoining of taboo and agency reflects upon this tension, for in the injunction to "feel right," one often feels quite wrong, and the link to a shared humanity, at least in the incest  ...  This language emerges symbolically through silences, which at times convey sentimental principles through a sensational setting and at others sensational principles through a sentimental setting.  ... 
doi:10.1215/00029831-2008-036 fatcat:a4moam5bindgxpoybm5qgnhsay


2004 The Historical Journal  
As a result, com- monwealth principles — not only liberty and virtue, but equality, community and social justice — are the property of no single country or system.  ...  That more broadly within the radical protestant literature of the English revol- ution the idea of community of property was common reflected the impact of another intellectual context: that of radical  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0018246x04003875 fatcat:cjxt2nqxcfcdnalpom7rtjroha
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