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Run-time verification using the VHDL-AMS simulation environment

Zhi Jie Dong, Mohamed H. Zaki, Ghiath Al Sammane, Sofiene Tahar, Guy Bois
2007 2007 IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems  
In this paper, we propose a run-time verification approach for VHDL-AMS designs. The essence of this approach is the construction of timed automata from the given specification.  ...  For illustration purposes, we applied the approach using VHDL-AMS simulation environment for the verification of a PLL design.  ...  The main challenge in monitoring AMS designs is the development of adequate monitors able to express the properties. In this paper, we propose a run-time verification approach for VHDL-AMS designs.  ... 
doi:10.1109/newcas.2007.4488030 fatcat:iwfj3zfmujat5kkvunygh3ixu4

System level design and verification using a synchronous language

G. Berry, M. Kishinevsky, S. Singh
2003 ICCAD-2003. International Conference on Computer Aided Design (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37486)  
Case studies include examples of design space exploration by synthesizing equivalent hardware or software from the same Esterel description, with formal verification of safety properties such as bus protocol  ...  Esterel models have proved to be useful for rapid design space exploration and verification at system level, without resorting to detailed implementation and slow bit-level event-based simulation.  ...  Such a flow has many desirable properties, including the ability to keep a single specification for hardware and software while formally guaranteeing the same behavioral properties of the design.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iccad.2003.159720 fatcat:7sidxprs4zgfffv7h5e6rdix74

Design and Verification of CoreConnectTM IP Using Esterel [chapter]

Satnam Singh
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We describe experiments to design and build working hardware based around IBM's CoreConnectTM Intellectual Property (IP) bus.  ...  This paper explores the practicality of describing and verifying both the hardware and software components of System-on-Chip (SOC) architectures using Esterel.  ...  "Virtex-II" is a trademark of Xilinx Inc. "CoreConnect" is a trademark of IBM. We would like to thank the staff at Esterel Technologies for their generous assistance during this project.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39724-3_26 fatcat:yxiobw3jrzdn7kw35o2bzdg7j4

Control Interpreted Petri Nets - Model Checking and Synthesis [chapter]

Iwona Grobelna
2012 Petri Nets - Manufacturing and Computer Science  
(but are not limited to) model checking of other forms of logic controllers specification and mechanisms for behavioural properties specification.  ...  Schema of proposed system for designing of logic controllers is presented in Figure 2 . specification is prepared by means of Control Interpreted Petri Nets [8] .  ... 
doi:10.5772/47797 fatcat:ggtegcoakze5po56mgakchhrgm

Checking properties of PLL designs using run-time verification

Zhi Jie Dong, Mohamed H. Zaki, Ghiath Al Sammane, Sofiene Tahar, Guy Bois
2007 2007 Internatonal Conference on Microelectronics  
In this paper, we propose a run-time verification approach for PLL designs.  ...  Due to challenges associated with its verification process, analog and mixed signal designs like PLLs require a considerable portion of the total design time.  ...  In [5] , a run-time verification approach for VHDL-AMS designs is proposed, in which the properties of interest are monitored by timed automata.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icm.2007.4497676 fatcat:pvlp66acpzcyzeg7muaik7e7ty

Addressing verification bottlenecks of fully synthesized processor cores using equivalence checkers

G. Subash Chandar, S. Vaideeswaran
2001 Proceedings of the 2001 conference on Asia South Pacific design automation - ASP-DAC '01  
The verification cycle time reduction and the salient features of an automated methodology that was developed specifically for our DSP core are described.  ...  Formal verification plays an important role in the verification of complex processors.  ...  RTL-to-RTL verification of C3 sub designs versus C1 sub designs 2. RTL (VHDL)-to-Netlist(MCL) verification for the blocks coded in MCL. 3.  ... 
doi:10.1145/370155.370316 dblp:conf/aspdac/ChandarV01 fatcat:dbx3mvifrnfyddcnzpnxa6qp64

System synthesis utilizing a layered functional model

Ingo Sander, Axel Jantsch
1999 Proceedings of the seventh international workshop on Hardware/software codesign - CODES '99  
Thus, without compromising the formal properties of the abstract system model we provide an efficient synthesis method.  ...  Because of this restriction cost measures can be developed to control and predict performance and cost of an implementation, as elaborated in [12] .  ...  control constructs to facilitate also the modelling of complex control flow and is executable to allow the simulation of the system model.  ... 
doi:10.1145/301177.301510 dblp:conf/codes/SanderJ99 fatcat:hxckizu4ebhpvljcsm3yvixevm

High Level Synthesis Using Operation Properties [chapter]

Jan Langer, Ulrich Heinkel
2010 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering  
Furthermore, operation properties are well suited for specifications of consecutive operations of finite length.  ...  A major advantage of using operation properties as a design method is the existence of commercial tools to check the completeness and consistency of the property set.  ...  SYNTHESIS ALGORITHM In this section we first propose an algorithm to synthesize the control flow of the design.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-90-481-9304-2_11 fatcat:gxux5eeodzbtxof2jqnarumn4i

From VHDL to efficient and first-time-right designs: a formal approach

Peter F. A. Middelhoek, Sreeranga P. Rajan
1996 ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems  
To ensure that design transformations are indeed behavior-preserving a novel mechanized approach to the specification and verification of design transformations on control data flow graphs which is independent  ...  in VHDL.  ...  Algorithms written in Pascal or Behavioral VHDL used for specification are translated into an Extended Timed Petri Net representation in which data and control flow are separated.  ... 
doi:10.1145/233539.233541 fatcat:yq72f3twtzeyxgwdmm7kbzkcyq

Semi‐formal specifications and formal verification improving the digital design: some statistics

D. Torres, J. Cortéz, R.E. González
2009 Journal of Applied Research and Technology  
The major change is the use of a semiformal specification for the code implementation, the use of a verification tool and the establishment of properties for the formal verification of Finite State Machines  ...  Finally, a set of properties for the verification of this module were established and proved using a model checking tool.  ...  Likewise, they would like to acknowledge Safelogic for allowing them to use the safelogic verifier for the formal verification process of their code  ... 
doi:10.22201/icat.16656423.2009.7.01.498 fatcat:ze7uchhoqnhdval6xolsqdqc3a

From Assertion-Based Verification to Assertion-Based Synthesis [chapter]

Yann Oddos, Katell Morin-Allory, Dominique Borrione
2011 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
We connect them with specific components to obtain a design that is correct by construction. It shortens the design flow by removing implementation and functional verification steps.  ...  We propose a linear complexity approach to achieve automatic synthesis of designs from temporal specifications. It uses concepts from the Assertion-Based Verification.  ...  Fig. 2 . 2 Trace with several activations of Start Fig. 3 . 3 Design flow including the functional verification of a hand-coded RTL design Fig. 4 . 4 Design flow with automatic synthesis of the RTL  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-23120-9_6 fatcat:qltusvyusnh7hcpt2tzldxca5a

Design-flow and synthesis for ASICs

Massimo Bombana, Patrizia Cavalloro, Salvatore Conigliaro, Roger B. Hughes, Gerry Musgrave, Giuseppe Zaza
1995 Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE conference on Design automation conference - DAC '95  
phases of the design flow.  ...  The growing complexity of devices to be designed and manufactured, and the need to reduce the time-to-market, stress the importance of sound design methodologies.  ...  For this reason these two parameters must be kept under control even at the highest levels of specification and partitioning.  ... 
doi:10.1145/217474.217544 dblp:conf/dac/BombanaCCHMZ95 fatcat:iovpvob7d5hvpczrikhgaatmna

Design-Flow and Synthesis for ASICs: A Case Study

Massimo Bombana
1995 Proceedings - Design Automation Conference  
phases of the design flow.  ...  The growing complexity of devices to be designed and manufactured, and the need to reduce the time-to-market, stress the importance of sound design methodologies.  ...  For this reason these two parameters must be kept under control even at the highest levels of specification and partitioning.  ... 
doi:10.1109/dac.1995.249962 fatcat:5ulddl4rrraqpgz5wleeb5o6du

Fast prototyping

Benoit Clement, Richard Hersemeule, Etienne Lantreibecq, Bernard Ramanadin, Pierre Coulomb, Francois Pogodalla
1999 Proceedings of the 36th ACM/IEEE conference on Design automation conference - DAC '99  
This flow, called Fast Prototyping, enables concurrent hardware and software development, early verification and productive re-use of intellectual property.  ...  This paper describes a new design flow that significantly reduces time-to-market for highly complex multiprocessor-based System-On-Chip designs.  ...  FAST PROTOTYPING This methodology defines a flow for fast SOCs design.  ... 
doi:10.1145/309847.309971 dblp:conf/dac/ClementHLRCP99 fatcat:wkdwm6bstjfhfcksh66yz2hshu

Issues in Tool Qualification for Safety-Critical Hardware: What Formal Approaches Can and Cannot Do [chapter]

Brian Butka, Janusz Zalewski, Andrew J. Kornecki
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
to prove the design is correct.  ...  However, clear distinctions exist in the design tools.  ...  Findings contained herein are not necessarily those of the FAA.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04468-7_17 fatcat:kecmx2fqbzdcroisstidgpcpl4
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