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The Change We Must Make: Producing Clean Energy (Winter 2008)

2008 The Electrochemical Society Interface  
This symposium will focus on recent advances in biomimetic recognition schemes and sensor architectures designed at the molecular level for chemical and biological sensors.  ...  Besides the development and synthesis of biomimetic recognition elements, the symposium will also focus on sensor characterization and performance in real-world applications including but not limited to  ...  The chip wil l be used for application in biosensing where this structure would be of value in exploring in-hole based SPR detection.  ... 
doi:10.1149/2.20084if fatcat:slk64lg5pnf6pnaqbj5n57ndri

Abstracts of Papers Presented at the 2007 Pittsburgh Conference

Peter B. Stockwell
2007 Journal of automated methods & management in chemistry (Print)  
stray air around it.  ...  That means it must be simple to operate in a manner that the human is capable of doing within a practical amount of training, and the information provided by the detector must be reliably accurate and  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Funding of this research by MPB Technologies Inc. and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada is gratefully acknowledged.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2007/71943 pmid:18528514 pmcid:PMC2391256 fatcat:x3ojznxiufafpcjumeymzd5ise


Lucia Rotiroti
The dielectric properties of each PSi layer, and in particular its refractive index n, can be namely modulated between those of crystalline silicon (n = 3.54, porosity = 0) and air (n=1, porosity = 100  ...  Porous silicon was unexpectedly discovered in the late fifties when chemists attempted to electropolish silicon wafers with an electrolyte containing hydrofluoric acid to get better electrical contacts  ...  This project was realized in the frame of the CRdC-ATIBB and CRdc-NTP POR UE-Campania Mis 3.16 activities and in the frame of the CNR Commessa "Diagnostica avanzata ed alimentazione".  ... 
doi:10.6092/unina/fedoa/3139 fatcat:3iwhuqgkorfptg356a3xdgtn2y

Investigating Type 2 Diabetes Related Biosensing and Amyloid Peptide Fibrillation

Shih-Ting Wang, Molly Stevens, Imperial College London, United States. Dept Of Energy, Engineering And Physical Sciences Research Council
It is important to understand the underlying disease mechanisms and pathways, and develop simple and robust platforms for early diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of T2D.  ...  by multiple techniques including chemical, structural, microscopic characterisations and computer simulations to probe the interactions at the bio-bio and bio-nano interfaces.  ...  The sample was drop-cast on an oxygen plasma treated silicon wafer and left dry in air prior to imaging.  ... 
doi:10.25560/72194 fatcat:3755mgumk5dbjkpxehft6clbaa