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Smart data pricing

Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Mung Chiang
2015 Communications of the ACM  
Exploring the link between economic principles and network engineering is the goal of several recent research efforts in smart data pricing (SDP). 24 SDP mechanisms go beyond simple byte-counting schemes  ...  a longer delay at congested times), and "smart market" auction pricing (deciding whether to admit a packet into the network at congested times based on the user-specified bid attached to that packet).  ... 
doi:10.1145/2756543 fatcat:sespuy5wxfgdpbegtbt5bexhxm

Will Smart Pricing Finally Take Off? [chapter]

Andrew Odlyzko
2014 Smart Data Pricing  
Smart pricing" has been the goal of the networking research community and the telecommunications industry for decades. Yet it has also proved remarkably hard to achieve.  ...  However, in the wireless arena, there is a mismatch between potential demand and what technology can provide, and this likely means that some forms of not-very-smart pricing will dominate.  ...  Any truly "smart pricing" measures, such as congestion charges, are likely to be detrimental to the industry.  ... 
doi:10.1002/9781118899250.ch1 fatcat:rkch7z5jsfe3vdurh4hlgoppmy

A Survey of Smart Data Pricing: Past Proposals, Current Plans, and Future Trends [article]

Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Mung Chiang
2013 arXiv   pre-print
Traditionally, network operators have used simple flat-rate broadband data plans for both wired and wireless network access.  ...  This decade will therefore likely witness a major change in the ways in which network resources are managed, and the role of economics in allocating these resources.  ...  We would like to specially thank Victor Glass, Prashanth Hande, Raj Savoor, Steve Sposato, Rob Calderbank, Danny Tsang, Sundeep Rangan, Yuan Wu, Junshan Zhang, T.  ... 
arXiv:1201.4197v4 fatcat:tk2fouiapndcde67segrvbh4x4

Smart Data Pricing: Lessons from trial planning

Ming-Jye Sheng, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Felix Ming Fai Wong, Soumya Sen
2013 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)  
Yet under the current pricing plans, CSPs' revenue has not kept pace with these costs. Thus, many CSPs are considering Smart Data Pricing (SDP) as a way to reduce cost or increase revenue.  ...  Due to the complexity of necessary changes in network equipment and a need to carefully design the trial in order to understand customer behavior, planning such trials is not only a critical precursor  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are grateful to our CSP trial partners, including MTA, AT&T, Comcast, and Reliance, who have shared their insights on SDP through numerous discussions.  ... 
doi:10.1109/infcomw.2013.6562891 dblp:conf/infocom/ShengJHWS13a fatcat:fbfm62pyuzc4tbvnbnduuruxrm

Smart data pricing: Lessons from trial planning

Ming-Jye Sheng, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Felix Ming Fai Wong, Soumya Sen
2013 2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM  
Yet under the current pricing plans, CSPs' revenue has not kept pace with these costs. Thus, many CSPs are considering Smart Data Pricing (SDP) as a way to reduce cost or increase revenue.  ...  Due to the complexity of necessary changes in network equipment and a need to carefully design the trial in order to understand customer behavior, planning such trials is not only a critical precursor  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT We are grateful to our CSP trial partners, including MTA, AT&T, Comcast, and Reliance, who have shared their insights on SDP through numerous discussions.  ... 
doi:10.1109/infcom.2013.6567159 dblp:conf/infocom/ShengJHWS13 fatcat:tc3f2ly2p5eufgqdgvtoa6aati

SpeedGate: A smart data pricing testbed based on speed tiers

Yih-Farn Robin Chen, Rittwik Jana
2013 2013 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM  
Some service providers have started exploring various economic incentives, including smart data pricing, to manage network congestion.  ...  We present SpeedGate, a smart mobile data pricing testbed that allows a service provider to experiment with different dynamic pricing strategies.  ...  The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Karthik Kannan and Harsha Raman in in managing the first trial, and the administrative support from Steven Gao, Gang Yao, Robert Hooper, and Fu Che  ... 
doi:10.1109/infcom.2013.6567137 dblp:conf/infocom/ChenJ13 fatcat:ft35565ozjc4bifv34tuo4x3sq

SpeedGate: A smart data pricing testbed based on speed tiers

Yih-Farn Robin Chen, Rittwik Jana
2013 2013 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)  
Some service providers have started exploring various economic incentives, including smart data pricing, to manage network congestion.  ...  We present SpeedGate, a smart mobile data pricing testbed that allows a service provider to experiment with different dynamic pricing strategies.  ...  The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Karthik Kannan and Harsha Raman in in managing the first trial, and the administrative support from Steven Gao, Gang Yao, Robert Hooper, and Fu Che  ... 
doi:10.1109/infcomw.2013.6562869 dblp:conf/infocom/ChenJ13a fatcat:4hrifzagdncllb3f4fpeseouui

Usage-Based Pricing Differentiation for Communication Networks: Incomplete Information and Limited Pricing Choices [chapter]

Shuqin Li, Jianwei Huang
2014 Smart Data Pricing  
In this chapter, we focus on studying the "economics-based" pricing schemes for managing communication networks.  ...  The other is the "economics-based" pricing, which is used by a network service provider to various objectives including revenue maximization.  ...  Appendix A.1 Complete Price Differentiation under complete information with General Utility Functions In this section, we extend the solution of complete price differentiation problem to general form  ... 
doi:10.1002/9781118899250.ch8 fatcat:myy2yma5u5f6rnh56srugtheqe

Smart Data Pricing Models for Internet-of-Things (IoT): A Bundling Strategy Approach [article]

Dusit Niyato, Dinh Thai Hoang, Nguyen Cong Luong, Ping Wang, Dong In Kim, Zhu Han
2015 arXiv   pre-print
In this article, we focus on addressing data management in IoT through using a smart data pricing (SDP) approach.  ...  We propose a new pricing scheme for IoT service providers to determine the sensing data buying price and IoT service subscription fee offered to sensor owners and service users, respectively.  ...  SMART DATA PRICING (SDP) APPROACHES IN IOT SDP [3] is a new concept to enhance network performance and to support data management through using pricing incentives.  ... 
arXiv:1512.05075v1 fatcat:lfqthr4m7bddxg673bhgfskduq

Smart Urban Mobility: When Mobility Systems Meet Smart Data [article]

Zineb Mahrez, Essaid Sabir, Elarbi Badidi, Walid Saad, Mohamed Sadik
2020 arXiv   pre-print
These figures indicate the rapid rise of industrial cities and the urgent need to move from traditional cities to smart cities.  ...  AI-driven ITS is becoming possible thanks to the existence of a large volume of mobility data generated by billions of users through their use of new technologies and online social media.  ...  Municipal officials use V2I to improve road design, reduce congestion and manage the road network efficiently by providing critical information to road users.  ... 
arXiv:2005.06626v1 fatcat:trlofmgej5c3hlkmezha373gca

Role of Big Data and Analytics in Smart Cities

2016 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  
This paper focused on two main areas -Smart Grid and Traffic Congestion Management where Big Data Analytics can be useful for decision makers and city planner.  ...  The aim of this paper is to study the real potential of using Big Data Analytics in Smart Cities.  ...  Selected Congestion Management Pilot Programsacross the globe Cities where Big Data Analytics is helping in Traffic and Congestion management are: Project Benefits using Analytics The Dutch city of  ... 
doi:10.21275/v5i2.nov161007 fatcat:lctbiq4oq5bh5kft76iydlqsru

Cooperative transmission for meter data collection in smart grid

Dusit Niyato, Ping Wang
2012 IEEE Communications Magazine  
The power consumption demand from the nodes is measured by smart meter and transmitted to meter data management system (MDMS) through the data aggregator unit (DAU) using wireless broadband access.  ...  The proposed network architecture and analysis will be useful for the design and optimization of wireless network for smart grid.  ...  Wireless Network Architecture To support data transfer and power management in smart grid, different wireless network architectures can be used.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcom.2012.6178839 fatcat:rdm6vp54bfg2rhvhztpjrkh54q

Open Data in Smart Region

O. Kodym, J. Unucka, D. Létavková
2017 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities  
Putting together up to date particular technical and organizing solutions brings us significant spin-off effecting.  ...  The Strategy should contribute to making the Moravian-Silesian Region a leader in the use of smart solutions in the Czech Republic and an exporter of these solutions from the region itself.  ...  On the other hand, we are limited by the technical and economic resources needed to manage such a large data volume.  ... 
doi:10.4108/eai.19-12-2017.153480 fatcat:ad3owrmfarh2rempwj2jisjk6a

Big Data Analytics for Dynamic Energy Management in Smart Grids

Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis, Vasileios M. Kapinas, George K. Karagiannidis
2015 Big Data Research  
The smart electricity grid enables a two-way flow of power and data between suppliers and consumers in order to facilitate the power flow optimization in terms of economic efficiency, reliability and sustainability  ...  This research aims to highlight the big data issues and challenges faced by the DEM employed in SG networks.  ...  Acknowledgement This work was supported by the project of "Scalable Real-Time Load Forecasting in Smart Grid" under a grant from the Khalifa University Internal Research Fund (KUIRF-Level 2; Fund # 210063  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.bdr.2015.03.003 fatcat:2rz5wct5djfjhcec6xic5rnd3i

Metrics for assessment of smart grid data integrity attacks

A. Giani, R. Bent, M. Hinrichs, M. McQueen, K. Poolla
2012 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting  
This vulnerability arises from the increasing reliance on using remote measurements, transmitting them over legacy data networks to system operators who make critical decisions based on available data.  ...  We develop metrics to assess the economic impact of these attacks under operator re-dispatch decisions using optimal power flow methods.  ...  Compromised data can lead to economically sub-optimal dispatch choices, congestion, and even failures of transmission lines.  ... 
doi:10.1109/pesgm.2012.6345468 fatcat:mb5maaebc5drnmkkp7ufx7eh54
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