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Research on the Stability of Open Financial System

Haijun Yang, Lin Li, Deshen Wang
2015 Entropy  
We propose a new herd mechanism and embed it into an open financial market system, which allows traders to get in and out of the system based on some transition rates.  ...  Interactions especially occur among three different groups of agents instead of two, which makes the artificial financial market more close to the real one.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.71171010).  ... 
doi:10.3390/e17041734 fatcat:baiytqwgn5ey3diywrds3knz2y

Dynamic Impact of Banking Performance on Financial Stability: Fresh Evidence from Southeastern Europe

Veton Zeqiraj, Flamur Mrasori, Omer Iskenderoglu, Kazi Sohag
2021 Journal of Central Banking Theory and Practice  
The study sheds light to the policymakers and research about the role of banking performance on financial stability for this region of Europe.  ...  The findings reveal the presence of significant positive long-run relationship between ROA, ROE, trade openness, and human capital, while government expenditures have negative impact on financial stability  ...  Much of research considers it the main catalyst impact of financial stability.  ... 
doi:10.2478/jcbtp-2021-0008 fatcat:oowc7z4qkve55b5awj2rdnja7m

Dose Remittances Matter for Openness and Financial Stability: Evidence From Least Developed Economies

Meng Miao, Md. Qamruzzaman
2021 Frontiers in Psychology  
The study applies Generalized Moment of Methods (GMM) and System-GMM to detect the magnitude of remittances, gross capital formation, and government debt on openness and financial stability, and their  ...  The study's motivation is to gauge the effects of remittances on openness: financial and economic openness and financial stability in least developed countries (LDCs) for the period spanning 1975–2018.  ...  On the other hand, excessive growth relies on the government's external debt which adversely causes financial openness and financial stability.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.696600 fatcat:pw743pngzzfz5akemurxlcft6a

Impact of Financial Inclusion on Financial Stability based on Income Group Countries

Azka Azifah Dienillah, Lukytawati Anggraeni, Sahara Sahara
2018 Buletin Ekonomi Moneter dan Perbankan  
Therefore, this research aimed to measure financial inclusion and financial stability indexes between countries and analyze the impact of financial inclusion on financial stability in 19 countries based  ...  The methods used Sarma index to calculate financial inclusion, Albulescu and Goyeau index to calculate financial stability, and tobit model to analyze the impact of financial inclusion on financial stability  ...  Financial openness has a significant negative impact on stability of financial system in high-income countries at the level of 10%.  ... 
doi:10.21098/bemp.v20i4.859 fatcat:f6tfhkxevjecfeuqocxf2s6bzq

Modelling the effect of bank performance on financial stability

Frank Antwi, Mercy Kwakye
2022 International Journal of Research In Business and Social Science  
The granger causality results show a one-way causality established to bank stability in the case of bank performance and trade openness.  ...  the banking system's financial stability.  ...  Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding author.  ... 
doi:10.20525/ijrbs.v11i7.2058 fatcat:sd6qia62u5hwjfunpwifujujuq

Optimal Capital Account Openness in China

Wenyun Zhou
2024 International Journal of Economics and Finance  
Recent research mainly focuses on the qualitative research of capital account openness on financial stability and economic development.  ...  This paper measures the degree of capital account openness and financial stability index, and uses GDP to represent economic development.  ...  Actual capital openness λ is 0.4, GDP is 304, and the predicted value of the model is 302, which are very close.  ... 
doi:10.5539/ijef.v16n3p42 fatcat:6joypnybvja3pd5qnboot6c2ea

Exchange rate regimes and external financial stability

Ovidiu Stoica, Iulian Ihnatov
2016 Ekonomski Anali  
of Southeast Asian Nations) on financial stability.  ...  Financial stability within the framework of the global financial crisis has become a common topic for researchers and practitioners.  ...  We want to thank participants at the 74 th International Atlantic Economic Society Conference in Montreal, 2012, and the International Conference "Exchange Rates, Monetary Policy and Financial Stability  ... 
doi:10.2298/eka1609027s fatcat:4vwdi2jypjcvhdbtkkaotdkxme

Improving the Resilience of Banking System in Small Open Economy: Is Macroprudential Policy Efficient?

Petra Popek Biskupec, Suzana Herman, T. Kliestik
2021 SHS Web of Conferences  
On the other hand, the macroprudential measures increase the financial stability of the whole economy, which is positive for future investments and recovery of the real sector.  ...  Methods: The research was conducted for the period of 2000 – 2019, based on the data of the Croatian National Bank and the Croatian Bureau of Statistics using logarithmic quarterly data.  ...  and markets had huge impact on materialization of systemic risk in the financial system  ... 
doi:10.1051/shsconf/20219207050 fatcat:e2y2xrqaere3lhghekkjwfn64a

Corporate Governance and Macroeconomics on The Financial Stability of Islamic Banks

Siti Rahmayuni, Ardi Paminto
2021 IJEBD (International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Development)  
Purpose: This study discusses the influence of Corporate Governance and macroeconomics on financial stability in the Islamic banking sector.  ...  Originality/value: TThis study calculates and finds out the truth of corporate governance and macroeconomic variables on financial stability.  ...  stability of the system, (b) anticipate the sources and causes of financial stress on the system and (c) communicate more effectively the impact of such conditions In measuring financial stability, the  ... 
doi:10.29138/ijebd.v4i4.1417 fatcat:tdv7hzzzuzgytco3ulxmscj5fq


Helena Ahulu, John MacCarthy, Paul Muda
2021 International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues  
This paper examines the effect of financial stability on the economic growth of countries in Sub-Saharan Africa using the World Development Indicators Data.  ...  Panel data was collected on Sub-Saharan Africa countries from 2010 to 2019 to predict the effect of financial stability on economic growth.  ...  Research Variables To test the effect of the financial stability on the growth nexus, three variables were employed: Dependent variable, independent variables, and control variables.  ... 
doi:10.32479/ijefi.11407 fatcat:7bnovuytnvfy3j2d6k6rszjgom

Financial Security Assessment in the European Union Countries

Jurga Grikietytė-Čebatavičienė
2021 Vilnius University Open Series  
Financial security of the country means the absence of threats to the financial system, ensuring the stability and development of the financial system and the ability to maintain the financial sovereignty  ...  AFSI calculation is based on five sub-indexes: Human Development Index, Economic Globalisation Index, Financial Development Index, Index of Economic Freedom and Country Level Index of Financial Stress.  ...  A country's financial security is defined as the ability of the country to reduce and control systemic risks and threats that has an effect on a country's financial system stability and development.  ... 
doi:10.15388/vgisc.2021.2 fatcat:g2iiaunmzfh75pi2tnnqmxqgzy


Yulia Temchyshyna, Daria Gerasimenko
2020 Black Sea Economic Studies  
The source of negative financial consequences is the risk of unpredictable costs associated with rising of market prices for resources, future increase in floating interest rates on given to the enterprise  ...  In this connection, stochastic disturbances of the external economic environment and financial shocks with negative financial consequences are increasingly observed.  ...  Shubovska and others are devoted to the research of a complex of questions on the functioning of economic systems, their stability and development.  ... 
doi:10.32843/bses.50-26 fatcat:73e53uvlfvcz3gyyduc4je74aa

Evidence For The Relationship Between Financial Development, Financial Stability and Foreign Direct Investments

Gökhan Karhan, Vehbi Akbulut
2019 İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi  
Article Classification: Research Article Purpose -In this study, the effect of the financial development and financial stability variables on foreign direct investment were investigated for Turkey.  ...  Findings -Empirical findings suggests that financial stability has a positive effect on the foreign direct investments especially after 2013; coefficient increased over 1 for foreign direct investments  ...  İşletme Araştırmaları Dergisi Journal of Business Research-Türk  ... 
doi:10.20491/isarder.2019.595 fatcat:cxyguk2j3fa63iyfs6oguftagq

Exploring Digital Payments, Financial Inclusion, and Monetary Policy in India [article]

Dr. J. Suresh Kumar, Dr. D. Shobana
2024 Zenodo  
The study delves into the multifaceted impact of digital payment systems on the attainment of monetary policy goals.  ...  This research investigates the interplay between digital payments, financial inclusivity, and their relationship with the overarching objectives of monetary policy.  ...  openness on the stability of banking systems.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10643157 fatcat:ifpe5ubcqbc6zgi2xm6f3ty72q

A Study on China's Deleveraging and Financial Stability Under the Background of Financial Globalization

Zhimin Zhang, Xin Kai
2021 International Journal of Economics and Finance  
After the 2008 financial crisis, maintaining the stability of the financial system is China’s core task.  ...  This paper studies the impact of financial globalization and leverage ratio on China’s financial stability.  ...  This study contributes to the existing literatures by combing the financial globalization and deleveraging progress, which could be defied as foreign risk and domestic risk related to the financial stability  ... 
doi:10.5539/ijef.v13n8p8 fatcat:ngkufakcivhbxe47gwhzfuc3da
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