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Reconfiguration Cost Analysis Based on PetriNet for Manufacturing System

Jie CHEN, Liangwei ZHANG, Jianqiang LUO
2009 Journal of Software Engineering and Applications  
This paper focuses on studying of reconfiguration cost of such systems.  ...  By physical and logical reconfiguration, Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS) is able to fulfil customers' needs in a cost-effective way by making full use of the resources currently available.  ...  Our study is focused on the reconfiguration cost analysis for manu-facturing system. There are several studies related to reconfiguration cost modelling of RMS.  ... 
doi:10.4236/jsea.2009.25048 fatcat:tbkz3fpn3beptoubagqlszd7e4

Measuring the effort of a reconfiguration process

Amro M. Farid, Wuttiphat Covanich
2008 2008 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation  
In recent years, the fields of reconfigurable manufacturing systems [1], holonic manufacturing systems [2], multiagent systems [3] have made technological advances to support the ready reconfiguration  ...  of automated manufacturing systems.  ...  These easy reconfiguration techniques can shed some light on the "reconfigurable vs. flexible" manufacturing system debate [36] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/etfa.2008.4638540 dblp:conf/etfa/FaridC08 fatcat:3dhna4heoncezfaoufflixdsqa


Jin-Lung Chirn, Duncan McFarlane
2005 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
This paper proposes a simple approach for evaluating the effectiveness of a holonic system design, with particular focus on the ability of the system to support reconfiguration (in the face of change).  ...  In the last 10 years many designs and trial implementations of holonic manufacturing systems have been reported in the literature.  ...  (In fact, the overall manufacturing operations in HCBA can be represented by the separated Petrinet designs which are distributed across four Petri Net based system components -3 resource holons and 1  ... 
doi:10.3182/20050703-6-cz-1902.01575 fatcat:5yu4chlktzc4radkjokikmauzi

Constructing reconfigurable software for machine control systems

Shige Wang, K.G. Shin
2002 IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation  
Reconfigurable software is highly desired for automated machine tool control systems for low-cost products and short time to market.  ...  Our evaluation based on current software construction practices for both laboratory machine tools and an industry machining system has shown that the goals of higher reconfigurability and lower development  ...  Storoshchuk of General Motors for the industry application results in Section IV-C.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tra.2002.802235 fatcat:t7h7j6jqyvfp3jqtawv7ayamnu

Modular architecture of the microfactories for automatic micro-assembly

Dominique Gendreau, Michaël Gauthier, David Hériban, Philippe Lutz
2010 Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing  
The classical approach called "top-down" which consists in a functional analysis and a definition of the tasks sequences is insufficient for micromanufacturing systems.  ...  The method enables to build a modular architecture for micromanufacturing systems.  ...  Literature clearly shows that a modular approach makes the reconfiguration of systems easier. For example, a component based approach enables the control system to be reconfigurated easily [11] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2009.11.013 fatcat:ji3fvdatajcm3aipefwz4pndqe

Ecosystem-inspired enterprise modelling framework for collaborative and networked manufacturing systems

Amjad Fayoumi
2016 Computers in industry (Print)  
For enterprises to remain competitive, analysing manufacturing activities and designing systems to address emergent needs, in a timely and efficient manner, is understood to be crucial.  ...  The research presented in this paper draws on a theoretical discussion with aim to demonstrate a facilitating approach to those analysis and design tasks.  ...  The author thanks all reviewers who provided useful comments and feedback on an earlier version of this paper and the anonymous reviewers who offered their insightful comments through the review stage.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.compind.2016.04.003 fatcat:zgoi4hhdtrhzpnlmsayl65fcyi

A PetriNet-Based Approach for Supporting Traceability in Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Systems

Jiwei Huang, Yeping Zhu, Bo Cheng, Chuang Lin, Junliang Chen
2016 Sensors  
Petri net models are generalized for formulating dynamic manufacturing processes, based on which a detailed approach for enabling traceability analysis is presented.  ...  This paper studies the traceability issue in cyber-physical manufacturing systems from a theoretical viewpoint.  ...  Chuang Lin designed the scheme of quantitative analysis based on Petri nets. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s16030382 pmid:26999141 pmcid:PMC4813957 fatcat:imw2gqivprgp3eox7khurn4pgy

Analysis of performance measures of flexible manufacturing system

Abdulziz M. El-Tamimi, Mustufa H. Abidi, S. Hammad Mian, Javed Aalam
2012 Journal of King Saud University: Engineering Sciences  
Flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is a highly integrated manufacturing system. The relation between its components is very complex.  ...  In this paper, a concept and implementation of the Petri nets for measuring and analysis of performance measures of FMS is applied. Also the system has been modeled in Visual Slam software, i.e.  ...  Acknowledgments The author would like to thank Princess Fatima Alnijris Research Chair for Advanced Manufacturing Technology (FAR-CAMT) for their support in this work.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jksues.2011.06.005 fatcat:6wjo2x6f7zgc5gidjdqlwvsx3m

Agent-based distributed manufacturing process planning and scheduling: a state-of-the-art survey

Weiming Shen, Lihui Wang, Qi Hao
2006 IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part C (Applications and Reviews)  
integration, particularly on agent-based approaches to these difficult problems.  ...  Therefore, there is a need for the integration of manufacturing process-planning and scheduling systems for generating more realistic and effective plans.  ...  CONCLUDING REMARKS It is becoming clear that agent-based approaches offer many advantages for distributed manufacturing process-planning and scheduling systems: modularity, reconfigurability, scalability  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsmcc.2006.874022 fatcat:dgqbnflcqbcftdeuhbpzyf2uoq

Sound conflict management and resolution for virtual-enterprise collaborations

Nanjangud C. Narendra, Alex Norta, Msury Mahunnah, Lixin Ma, Fabrizio Maria Maggi
2015 Service Oriented Computing and Applications  
Throughout this paper, we illustrate Thanks to Kuldar Taveter for his feedback. our ideas with a running example and also present a detailed evaluation based on a case study from the automotive production  ...  For fulfilling customer requests, enterprises are increasingly part of collaboration networks with peers.  ...  Acknowledgement The work reported in this paper is partly supported by the research project SF0140013s10 "Model-based Creation and Management of Evolutionary Information Systems" by the Estonian Ministry  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11761-015-0183-0 fatcat:65acbuda2rcgvisdsnerustj4e

Soft Computing Techniques for Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems [article]

Muhammad Atif, Siddique Latif, Rizwan Ahmad, Adnan Khalid Kiani, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, Hisao Ishibuchi, Waseem Abbas
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In addition, this paper provides a comprehensive survey on the use of various soft computing techniques for making CPS dependable.  ...  In this paper, we present a comprehensive contemporary review of soft computing techniques for CPS dependability modeling, analysis, and improvement.  ...  Reliability and dependability analysis of CPS is usually based on traditional techniques for systems reliability analysis [46] .  ... 
arXiv:1801.10472v2 fatcat:2gsfqsmwgzevrchlpifxqmlyri

Soft Computing Techniques for Dependable Cyber-Physical Systems

Muhammad Atif, Siddique Latif, Rizwan Ahmad, Adnan K. Kiani, Junaid Qadir, Adeel Baig, Hisao Ishibuchi, Waseem Abbas
2019 IEEE Access  
We present a comprehensive contemporary review of soft computing techniques for CPS dependability modeling, analysis, and improvement.  ...  Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) were envisaged as a way to manipulate the objects in the physical world through computer intelligence.  ...  Reliability and dependability analysis of CPS is usually based on traditional techniques for systems reliability analysis [47] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2920317 fatcat:2fzbaxsknfbylhcky4qxmj2a64

Web Services Supply Chains: A Literature Review

Krithika V
2012 International Journal on Web Service Computing  
An empirical analysis of the impact of SOA adoption on electronic supply chain performance, “40th International conference on system sciences, 2007 [17] Huaqing Wu; Shu Yang, “ Service supply  ...  ] Chan, A.T.S.; Jiannong Cao; Chan, C.K , “ WEBGOP: collaborative web services based on graph- oriented programming”, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijwsc.2012.3102 fatcat:zkjvh3kaunbgvcjycohgxszeq4

Fault Handling in PLC-Based Industry 4.0 Automated Production Systems as a Basis for Restart and Self-Configuration and Its Evaluation

Birgit Vogel-Heuser, Susanne Rösch, Juliane Fischer, Thomas Simon, Sebastian Ulewicz, Jens Folmer
2016 Journal of Software Engineering and Applications  
Next, an analysis based on eight case studies has been conducted to capture real world software architecture including concepts for fault-handling.  ...  In systems design, consistency of models from different disciplines for specific purposes (fault analysis, safety) is required, but needs further analysis and support in the future [3] .  ...  We thank the FA 5.15 Agents in Automation Technology for the discussion on the topic of metrics in Industry 4.0 and CPPS as well as the companies for providing an insight into their challenges and software  ... 
doi:10.4236/jsea.2016.91001 fatcat:mmchrna77zfybfjw7rsfkfdbny

A Methodology for Performance Modeling of Distributed Event-Based Systems

Samuel Kounev, Kai Sachs, Jean Bacon, Alejandro Buchmann
2008 2008 11th IEEE International Symposium on Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC)  
A workload model of a generic DEBS is developed and operational analysis techniques are used to characterize the system traffic and derive an approximation for the mean event delivery latency.  ...  While numerous approaches to performance modeling and evaluation of conventional request/reply-based distributed systems are available in the literature, no general approach exists for DEBS.  ...  The methodology is based on operational analysis and Queueing Petri Nets (QPNs).  ... 
doi:10.1109/isorc.2008.51 dblp:conf/isorc/KounevSBB08 fatcat:gcwebsyti5agbocdqpqxw3jefa
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