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Detecting Kernel Refcount Bugs with Two-Dimensional Consistency Checking

Xin Tan, Yuan Zhang, Xiyu Yang, Kangjie Lu, Min Yang
2021 USENIX Security Symposium  
In the Linux kernel, reference counting (refcount) has become a default mechanism that manages resource objects.  ...  By checking if callers consistently use a refcount function, CID detects deviating cases as potential bugs, and by checking how a caller uses a refcount function, CID infers the condition-aware rules for  ...  RID [29] proposes inconsistent path pair (abbreviated as IPP) checking to detect refcount bugs.  ... 
dblp:conf/uss/Tan0YL021 fatcat:xwrjvxktvjgalkom2zphbaoqzy

Understanding and Detecting Disordered Error Handling with Precise Function Pairing

Qiushi Wu, Aditya Pakki, Navid Emamdoost, Stephen McCamant, Kangjie Lu
2021 USENIX Security Symposium  
Critical bugs occur when these operations are performed (1) in an incorrect order, (2) redundantly, or (3) inadequately. We refer to such bugs as Disordered Error Handling (DiEH).  ...  With HERO, we found 239 DiEH bugs in the Linux kernel, the FreeBSD kernel, and OpenSSL, which can cause security and reliability issues.  ...  The authors also thank Peng Le for helping implement function pairing. This research was supported in part by the NSF awards CNS-1815621 and CNS-1931208.  ... 
dblp:conf/uss/WuPEML21 fatcat:hdph5rpjjrdwhn3o5o3tufvwca

History-Driven Test Program Synthesis for JVM Testing

Yingquan Zhao, Zan Wang, Junjie Chen, Mengdi Liu, Mingyuan Wu, Yuqun Zhang, Lingming Zhang
2022 International Conference on Software Engineering  
test programs into seed programs for covering more JVM behaviors/paths.  ...  To date, various techniques have been proposed to expose JVM bugs via generating potential bug-revealing test programs.  ...  We also thank all the JVM developers for analyzing and replying to the bugs we reported.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3510003.3510059 dblp:conf/icse/ZhaoWCLWZZ22 fatcat:k7s3wo7yjbednptxlemp7wepuy

Debugging Unsatisfiable Classes in OWL Ontologies

Aditya Kalyanpur, Bijan Parsia, Evren Sirin, James Hendler
2005 Social Science Research Network  
However, the diagnosis and resolution of the bug is not supported at all.  ...  Existing ontology development environments provide some limited support, in conjunction with a reasoner, for reporting errors in OWL ontologies.  ...  This work was completed with funding from Fujitsu Laboratories of America -College Park, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratory, NTT Corp., Kevric Corp., SAIC, National Science Foundation, National  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.3199261 fatcat:knaskwk26vfibdbotg74fprc54

Debugging unsatisfiable classes in OWL ontologies

Aditya Kalyanpur, Bijan Parsia, Evren Sirin, James Hendler
2005 Journal of Web Semantics  
However, the diagnosis and resolution of the bug is not supported at all.  ...  Existing ontology development environments provide some limited support, in conjunction with a reasoner, for reporting errors in OWL ontologies.  ...  This work was completed with funding from Fujitsu Laboratories of America -College Park, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratory, NTT Corp., Kevric Corp., SAIC, National Science Foundation, National  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.websem.2005.09.005 fatcat:oijp32bix5eclbcfd2ajhkzjmi

Testing the Compiler for a New-Born Programming Language: An Industrial Case Study (Experience Paper)

Yingquan Zhao, Junjie Chen, Ruifeng Fu, Haojie Ye, Zan Wang
2023 Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis  
By comparing with the testing practice adopted by the testing team and the general fuzzer (AFL), SynFuzz can detect more bugs during the same testing time, and both SynFuzz and  ...  In this work, we conduct the first exploration (i.e., an industrial case study) to investigate the performance of the existing techniques in this new scenario with substantial adaptations.  ...  Then, we manually check the remaining inconsistencies and report the potential bugs to developers.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3597926.3598077 fatcat:inmn7y46s5bavlbcrhh247zx2m

Java Memory Model-Aware Model Checking [chapter]

Huafeng Jin, Tuba Yavuz-Kahveci, Beverly A. Sanders
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Legal executions of programs with data races may be sequentially inconsistent but are subject to constraints that ensure weak safety properties.  ...  Because most model checking tools, including Java Pathfinder, only generate sequentially consistent executions, they are not sound for programs with data races.  ...  W (rid ) and the value it returns, W (V (rid )) for action id rid . The boolean value indicates whether the W (rid ) occured in the future on the current path.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28756-5_16 fatcat:qnnvovheurek3busbof6tph3tq

Selected dynamic issues in software model checking

Viet Yen Nguyen, Theo C. Ruys
2012 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)  
Software model checking has come of age. After one and a half decade, several successful model checking tools have emerged.  ...  Fortunately, with respect to the implementation of virtual based model checkers, there is still ample room for innovation and optimizations.  ...  For example, a fundamental different approach is to combine reference counting with a form of incremental cycle detection.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10009-012-0261-y fatcat:wi7uoinvwrfydexhf7mftfp6oi

Caradoc: A Pragmatic Approach to PDF Parsing and Validation

Guillaume Endignoux, Olivier Levillain, Jean-Yves Migeon
2016 2016 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW)  
methodically testing PDF readers against hand-crafted files, we show that the interpretation of PDF files at the structural level may cause some form of denial of service, or be ambiguous and lead to rendering inconsistencies  ...  However, as with the cross-reference example, PDF readers rarely enforce the expected properties with all necessary checks.  ...  Our contributions in this paper are threefold: • uncovering bugs and inconsistencies in common PDF readers (bugs were reported and are currently under review by software editors [6] , [7] ); • proposing  ... 
doi:10.1109/spw.2016.39 dblp:conf/sp/EndignouxLM16 fatcat:crrdpdfb4bdptpbwtohax4fq5i

The Design and Algorithms of a Verification Condition Generator [article]

Radu Grigore
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Chalin [45] explains why it is desirable to have automatic sanity checks for specifications and designs an automated analysis that finds bugs in JML annotations, other than plain logic inconsistencies  ...  Inconsistent Specifications Lines 4 and 5 illustrate another type of bug caused by inconsistent specifications.  ...  Inconsistent Specifications 5 Inconsistencies in the JDK specifications that ship with ESC/Java. They were filed as ESC/Java bugs #595, #550, #568, #549, and #545.  ... 
arXiv:1204.6719v1 fatcat:zfnb5e4ysrc4xngkels75amtpe

Synthesis of synchronization using uninterpreted functions

Roderick Bloem, Georg Hofferek, Bettina Konighofer, Robert Konighofer, Simon Auserlechner, Raphael Spork
2014 2014 Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD)  
Correctness of a program with respect to concurrency is often hard to achieve, but easy to specify: the concurrent program should produce the same results as a sequential reference version.  ...  Using techniques from bounded software model checking, we transform the program into an SMT formula that becomes unsatisfiable when we add correct atomic sections.  ...  To model such context switches, we split statements with more than one reference to a global variable.  ... 
doi:10.1109/fmcad.2014.6987593 dblp:conf/fmcad/BloemHKKAS14 fatcat:gj43a4izxjbv3fwvjrmslge3ja

Co-evolution of Infrastructure and Source Code - An Empirical Study

Yujuan Jiang, Bram Adams
2015 2015 IEEE/ACM 12th Working Conference on Mining Software Repositories  
Through an empirical study of the version control system of 265 OpenStack projects, we find that infrastructure files are large and churn frequently, which could indicate a potential of introducing bugs  ...  The amount of work involved with such maintenance, as well as the size and complexity of infrastructure specification files, have not yet been studied empirically.  ...  Motivation: Based on the preliminary questions, we find that infrastructure files are large and see a lot of churn, which means that they might be bug prone.  ... 
doi:10.1109/msr.2015.12 dblp:conf/msr/JiangA15 fatcat:k4yg25m5abftlao6s7pt4jiqkm

Can We Efficiently Check Concurrent Programs Under Relaxed Memory Models in Maude? [chapter]

Yehia Abd Alrahman, Marina Andric, Alessandro Beggiato, Alberto Lluch Lafuente
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Fig. 7 . 7 Reduction with POR Fig. 8 . 8 Bug-finding with heuristics Table 1 . 1 Rules of the operational semantics of Pimp  ...  with the idea that program configurations with higher values are more likely to lead to a bug.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-12904-4_2 fatcat:lfec4mjkyvgsnlkz7lyqasrf7e

Feral Concurrency Control

Peter Bailis, Alan Fekete, Michael J. Franklin, Ali Ghodsi, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Ion Stoica
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data - SIGMOD '15  
We quantitatively analyze the use of these mechanisms in a range of open source applications written using the Ruby on Rails ORM and find that feral invariants are the most popular means of ensuring integrity  ...  In light of these findings, we present recommendations for database system designers for better supporting these modern ORM programming patterns, thus eliminating their adverse effects on application integrity  ...  we can iterate through all operations and declared invariants and check whether or not they appear in the set of I-confluent pairs.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2723372.2737784 dblp:conf/sigmod/BailisFFGHS15 fatcat:ivgtcqcqpjgn5mak3cf44fm254

A Survey of Learning-based Automated Program Repair [article]

Quanjun Zhang, Chunrong Fang, Yuxiang Ma, Weisong Sun, Zhenyu Chen
2023 arXiv   pre-print
With the recent advances in deep learning (DL), an increasing number of APR techniques have been proposed to leverage neural networks to learn bug-fixing patterns from massive open-source code repositories  ...  Automated program repair (APR) aims to fix software bugs automatically and plays a crucial role in software development and maintenance.  ...  For example, CoCoNut [115] manually checks the bug-fixing pairs in Defects4J benchmark and extracts the changed statements as inputs to the repair model.  ... 
arXiv:2301.03270v3 fatcat:dm3hgnvj2bhe5nmlxfxt3epjdm
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