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Pseudo-cryptanalysis of the Original Blue Midnight Wish [chapter]

Søren S. Thomsen
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The hash function Blue Midnight Wish (BMW) is a candidate in the SHA-3 competition organised by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).  ...  In this paper we describe cryptanalysis on the original version of BMW, as submitted to the SHA-3 competition in October 2008.  ...  In this paper we describe some weaknesses in Blue Midnight Wish. We show how to easily find near-collisions in the compression function of Blue Midnight Wish.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-13858-4_17 fatcat:we6fqo5nlvdb5k6lub7x2n3ozu

The First 30 Years of Cryptographic Hash Functions and the NIST SHA-3 Competition [chapter]

Bart Preneel
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In 2004 Wang et al. perfected differential cryptanalysis to a point that finding collisions for MD5 became very easy; for SHA-1 a substantial reduction of the security margin was obtained.  ...  This paper presents a brief overview of the state of hash functions 30 years after their introduction; it also discusses the progress of the SHA-3 competition.  ...  The hash functions Blue Midnight Wish, CubeHash, Blake and Skein are of the ARX (Addition, Rotate, XOR) type; they derive their non-linearity from the carries in the modular addition.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-11925-5_1 fatcat:pmaorvizrbghxi2wrtry6i3j7a

Neutrality-Based Symmetric Cryptanalysis

Shahram Khazaei
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the probabilistic neutrality has found diverse applications in cryptanalysis.  ...  In symmetric cryptography, the communicating parties perform essentially the same operation and use the same key, if any. This thesis concerns cryptanalysis of stream ciphers and hash functions.  ...  INTRODUCTION BLAKE Grøstl Shabal BLUE MIDNIGHT WISH Hamsi SHAvite-3 CubeHash JH SIMD ECHO Keccak Skein Fugue Luffa Table 1.2: SHA-3 second round candidates.  ... 
doi:10.5075/epfl-thesis-4755 fatcat:tomy5da37zdb5bhes5ld7iysna

Complete Vol 1 (1988)

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1988 Fontanus  
The tradition of keen and talented individuals collecting within their particular area has existed from the early days of McGill to the present time.  ...  Many of these collections are known internationally and have been studied, described, catalogued, and displayed.  ...  denounces astrology as a pseudo-science of legitimate astronomy, asserting that the "assumptions of the astrologers ...  ... 
doi:10.26443/fo.v1i.209 fatcat:j5gltyautjdg3d5tfhvl4kyg4i

JSE 31:4 Winter 2017

Kathleen E. Erickson
2017 Journal of Scientific Exploration  
Acknowledgments This study is approved by the Chubu University Institutional Review Board (#260100). I would like to thank all the participants of this study for sharing their time with the author.  ...  Acknowledgments The author is indebted to Diana Price for generously reviewing and commenting on earlier versions of this article, and to Henry Bauer, Elliot Bloom, Jeffrey Scargle, and Sarah Webster Goodwin  ...  TABLE 1 ⑨ 4 years, 9 months old Out of the blue he said: "I was once burnt."  ... 
doaj:d57508d974204b51b61a77fe9776ccc2 fatcat:wfis64ujzvfl5l5x3qs3jgzbqe

Contributions to cryptanalysis: design and analysis of cryptographic hash functions

Przemysław Szczepan Sokołowski
To demonstrate the efficiency of proposed distinguishers, we provide formal proof of a lower bound for finding a differential pair that follows a truncated differential in the case of a random permutation  ...  We investigate the problem of building hash functions from block ciphers and the security properties of different structures used to design compression functions.  ...  Jerzy Jaworski, who inspired me to start research in the field of cryptology and has been my guide ever since.  ... 
doi:10.25949/19433756.v1 fatcat:wtecbhybqvaudleejsep2wfun4

Disrupting surveillance: critical software design-led practice to obfuscate and reveal surveillance economies and knowledge monopolies [article]

Hadi Mehrpouya, University Of Edinburgh, Chris Speed, Craig Martin
Based on a review of philosophy of technology and especially as it relates to Science and Technology Studies (STS), I reflect on some of the underlying conditions that made possible the existence of modern  ...  I analyse the contextual background of this body of work and its take on technology as a central lever for governance and for shaping of human subjects.  ...  Blue Spots The first outbreak of Blue Spots was recorded by epidemiologist bot in California. Sufferers complained of clusters of ovoid marks on their skin.  ... 
doi:10.7488/era/1188 fatcat:dqzfuxychfafdabx4yhz3c5ioe