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Projective Synchronization Analysis of Drive-Response Coupled Dynamical Network with Multiple Time-Varying Delays via Impulsive Control

Song Zheng
2014 Abstract and Applied Analysis  
Some sufficient conditions are derived to ensure projective synchronization of drive-response coupled network under the impulsive controller by utilizing the stability analysis of the impulsive functional  ...  The problem of projective synchronization of drive-response coupled dynamical network with delayed system nodes and multiple coupling time-varying delays is investigated.  ...  That is to say, the coupled dynamical drive-response network with time-varying delays can realize the projective synchronization via impulsive control. Proof.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/581971 fatcat:iy2lbcogobcwdbkv6xj5dfpnby

Nonlinear Analysis of Dynamical Complex Networks 2014

Zidong Wang, Bo Shen, Hongli Dong, Jun Hu, Xiao He, Derui Ding
2014 Abstract and Applied Analysis  
Subsequently, in the paper entitled "Timeand event-driven communication process for networked control systems: a survey" by L.  ...  For networked control systems (NCSs), especially largescale systems such as multiagent systems and systems over sensor networks, the complexities are inevitably enhanced in terms of their degrees or intensities  ...  Acknowledgments This special issue is a timely reflection of the research progress in the area of nonlinear analysis of dynamical complex networks.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/976231 fatcat:4pf2zd4h35gazgo2vyhoawgyka

Complex Projective Synchronization in Drive-Response Stochastic Complex Networks by Impulsive Pinning Control

Xuefei Wu, Zhe Nie
2014 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society  
The impulsive pinning control scheme is adopted to achieve complex projective synchronization and several simple and practical sufficient conditions are obtained in a general drive-response network.  ...  The complex projective synchronization in drive-response stochastic coupled networks with complex-variable systems is considered.  ...  This work was supported by Shenzhen Strategic Emerging Industries Projects (ZDSY20120613125016389) and Shenzhen Basic Research Project (JCYJ20130331152625792).  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/965297 fatcat:m6vheox2ubgq7emuirfg3bokqm

Projective Synchronization of a Class of Uncertain Chaotic Systems via Feedback Impulsive Control

Xiaohua Zhang, Xiang Ye, Qin Liu, Liping Chen
2019 International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control  
are obtained via impulsive control and nonlinear feedback control.  ...  Robust function projective synchronization (FPS) of a class of an uncertain chaotic system with parameters and external disturbances on both master and impulsive slave systems is investigated in this paper  ...  This research is co-supported by Guangdong Science and Technology Plan Project (2017A020208068, 2015A020209176, 2016A020210123, 2015A030402008),  ... 
doi:10.24507/ijicic.15.06.2197 fatcat:gjgzghcutrd7xhxins3dud2oga

Cluster Projective Synchronization of Fractional-Order Complex Network via Pinning Control

Li-xin Yang, Wan-sheng He, Fan-di Zhang, Jin-ping Jia
2014 Abstract and Applied Analysis  
In this paper, the problem of cluster projective synchronization of complex networks with fractional-order nodes based on the fractional-order differential equation stability theory is investigated.  ...  Only the nodes in one community which have direct connections to the nodes in other communities are controlled. Some sufficient synchronization conditions are derived via pinning control.  ...  Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions in helping them improve this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/314742 fatcat:snmkyzalpngkbemzmcmcqnivke

Exponential Synchronization of Two Nonlinearly Coupled Complex Networks with Time-Varying Delayed Dynamical Nodes

Wei Shao
2014 Abstract and Applied Analysis  
This paper investigates the exponential synchronization between two nonlinearly coupled complex networks with time-varying delay dynamical nodes.  ...  of the proposed complex network synchronization scheme.  ...  We refer to model (1) as the drive complex dynamical network, and the response complex network with control can be rewritten in the following form: ẏ 𝑖 (𝑡) = 𝑓 (𝑡, 𝑦 𝑖 (𝑡) , 𝑦 𝑖 (𝑡 − 𝜏 (𝑡))  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/649350 fatcat:rjbhgthspng55opzh6x5doqega

A survey on complex dynamical networks with impulsive effects

Xiu-ping Han, Yong-shun Zhao, Xiao-di Li
2020 Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  
We review the research on complex dynamical networks (CDNs) with impulsive effects.  ...  control and impulsive perturbation.  ...  As an extension, the work by Lu JQ et al. (2015) is the outer synchronization for drive-response partially coupled networks via pinning impulsive controllers.  ... 
doi:10.1631/fitee.1900456 fatcat:w5nyvbujknedzobogfigvtdbpy

Fixed-Time Synchronization for Different Dimensional Complex Network Systems with Unknown Parameters via Adaptive Control

Yude Ji, Yunli Gong, Shan Su, Xiaoxue Bai, Heng Liu
2021 Complexity  
Two suitable adaptive controllers and dynamic parameter estimations are proposed such that the complex network driving and response systems can be synchronized in the settling time.  ...  This article is related to the issue of fixed-time synchronization of different dimensional complex network systems with unknown parameters.  ...  in [46, 47] , respectively. e fixed-time cluster synchronization for CNS via pinning control is considered in [48] .  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/6680287 fatcat:vypzmh5mmngexjgvikaxn56zte

Global Mittag-Leffler projective synchronization for fractional-order neural networks: an LMI-based approach

Huaiqin Wu, Lifei Wang, Yu Wang, Peifeng Niu, Bolin Fang
2016 Advances in Difference Equations  
In addition, Wang et al. [] investigated the projective cluster synchronization for the fractional-order coupled-delay complex network via adaptive pinning control.  ...  In [], the complete synchronization of fractional-order chaotic neural networks was considered via nonimpulsive linear controller.  ...  Thus, the drive system () and response system () are globally asymptotically projectively synchronized.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13662-016-0857-8 fatcat:d6gg74nyrzhojjxiteiqcrvfsy

Mixed lag synchronization between two complex dynamical networks via hybrid feedback control

Xiaoyun Tang, Zhanying Yang
2018 ScienceAsia  
This paper is concerned with mixed lag synchronization between two complex networks, which means that different state variables of the corresponding nodes can attain lag synchronization, antilag synchronization  ...  of schemes based on pinning feedback control.  ...  Sheng et al. 18 investigated the mixed outer synchronization between two complex networks with nontime-delayed and time-delayed coupling via pinning control and impulsive control.  ... 
doi:10.2306/scienceasia1513-1874.2018.44.444 fatcat:jd4p3e2aojbgxikm52voaovht4

Cluster linear generalized outer synchronization in community networks via pinning control with two different switch periods

Yuhong Liu, Hui Li, Qishui Zhong, Shouming Zhong
2017 Advances in Difference Equations  
This study investigates the problem of cluster generalized outer synchronization in community networks via pinning control with two different switch periods.  ...  Several pinning controllers have been designed to achieve linear generalized outer synchronization.  ...  Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13662-017-1173-7 fatcat:oh3ci4iuxnepvbh5esf62kjjca

Anti-Synchronization of Fractional-Order Chaotic Circuit with Memristor via Periodic Intermittent Control

Fanqi Meng, Xiaoqin Zeng, Zuolei Wang, Xinjun Wang
2020 Advances in Mathematical Physics  
In this paper, the anti-synchronization of fractional-order chaotic circuit with memristor (FCCM) is investigated via a periodic intermittent control scheme.  ...  Based on the principle of periodic intermittent control and the Lyapunov stability theory, a novel criterion is adopted to realize the anti-synchronization of FCCM.  ...  [37] considered the cluster synchronization for delayed complex networks via periodically intermittent pinning control. e exponential synchronization of complex delayed dynamical networks via pinning  ... 
doi:10.1155/2020/5158489 fatcat:hkxpmw74r5bozhqvxwllu6ngvy

Finite-Time Projective Synchronization and Parameter Identification of Fractional-Order Complex Networks with Unknown External Disturbances

Shuguo Wang, Song Zheng, Linxiang Cui
2022 Fractal and Fractional  
This paper is devoted to exploring the finite-time projective synchronization (FTPS) of fractional-order complex dynamical networks (FOCDNs) with unknown parameters and external disturbances.  ...  Based on the stability theory of fractional-order differential systems, synchronization criteria between drive-response networks were obtained and both the uncertain parameters and external disturbances  ...  Various types of integer-order system synchronizations have been proposed, such as drive-response synchronization, exponential synchronization, lag synchronization, projective synchronization, cluster  ... 
doi:10.3390/fractalfract6060298 fatcat:pnx2catwm5ebnnjkduuobbonke

Pinning synchronization of the drive and response dynamical networks with lag

Bohui Wen, Mo Zhao, Fanyu Meng
2014 Archives of Control Sciences  
This paper investigates the pinning synchronization of two general complex dynamical networks with lag.  ...  The coupling configuration matrices in the two networks are not need to be symmetric or irreducible.  ...  [10] , projective synchronization [11, 12, 13] , impulsive synchronization [14, 15, 16] , and cluster synchronization [17, 18, 19] have deeply caught the eyes of the researchers in the past few decades  ... 
doi:10.2478/acsc-2014-0015 fatcat:3uuelqd6knhhfd4pjlcjwqqe6y

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics Vol. 50

2020 IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics  
., Reference Trajectory Reshaping Optimi-zation and Control of Robotic Exoskeletons for Human-Robot Co-Manipulation; TCYB Aug. 2020 3740-3751 Wu, X., Jiang, B., Yu, K., Miao, c., and Chen, H  ...  ., +, Prespecified-Time Cluster Synchronization of Complex Networks via a Smooth Control Approach.  ...  ., +, TCYB July 2020 2891-2904 Prespecified-Time Cluster Synchronization of Complex Networks via a Smooth Control Approach.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcyb.2020.3047216 fatcat:5giw32c2u5h23fu4drupnh644a
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