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Effects of Regional Anesthesia on Phantom Limb Pain Are Mirrored in Changes in Cortical Reorganization

Niels Birbaumer, Werner Lutzenberger, Pedro Montoya, Wolfgang Larbig, Klaus Unertl, Stephanie Töpfner, Wolfgang Grodd, Edward Taub, Herta Flor
1997 Journal of Neuroscience  
The causes underlying phantom limb pain are still unknown. Recent studies on the consequences of nervous system damage in animals and humans reported substantial reorganization of primary somatosensory cortex subsequent to amputation, and one study showed that cortical reorganization is positively correlated with phantom limb pain. This paper examined the hypothesis of a functional relationship between cortical reorganization and phantom limb pain. Neuroelectric source imaging was used to
more » ... ine changes in cortical reorganization in somatosensory cortex after anesthesia of an amputation stump produced by brachial plexus blockade in six phantom limb pain patients and four pain-free amputees. Three of six phantom limb subjects experienced a virtual elimination of current phantom pain attributable to anesthesia (mean change: 3.8 on an 11-point scale; Z ϭ Ϫ1.83; p Ͻ 0.05) that was mirrored by a very rapid elimination of cortical reorganization in somatosensory cortex (change ϭ 19.8 mm; t (2) ϭ 5.60; p Ͻ 0.05). Cortical reorganization remained unchanged (mean change ϭ 1.6 mm) in three phantom limb pain amputees whose pain was not reduced by brachial plexus blockade and in the phantom painfree amputation controls. These findings suggest that cortical reorganization and phantom limb pain might have a causal relationship. Methods designed to alter cortical reorganization should be examined for their efficacy in the treatment of phantom limb pain.
doi:10.1523/jneurosci.17-14-05503.1997 pmid:9204932 fatcat:yyk3dijsxjhqlhlqxyiwrt6uz4

Page 457 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 89, Issue 1 [page]

2002 Psychological Abstracts  
., 524 Kovac, Damian, 1007 Kovac, Tomas, 87 Kovacs, Maria, 1526 Kowacs, Pedro André, 156 Kowalenko, Nicholas, 1528 Kowalska, Anna, 1971 Koyama, Susumu, 522 Koyama, Takamasa, 411 Koyama, Wataru, 742, 765  ...  Marcos Christiano, 156 Langley, David J., 2833 Lankshear, David W., 2827 Lannutti, Pamela J., 1005 Lanza, Anna Maria, 815 Lanzi, Robin Gaines, 2078 Lapham, Sandra C., 1685 Lapinkski, Maria Knight, 1329 Larbig  ... 

Page 886 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 84, Issue 3 [page]

1997 Psychological Abstracts  
Montoya, Pedro; Larbig, Wolfgang; Pulvermiller, Fried- emann; Flor, Herta et al.  ... 

Page 648 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 84, Issue Author Index [page]

Psychological Abstracts  
.— See Fossey, Mark D. 15980 Laranjeira, Ronaldo Ramos— See Dunn, John 16077 Larbig, Wolfgang— See Birbaumer, Niels 42690 Larbig, Wolfgang— See Montoya, Pedro 6718 Larcharité, Carl; Boutet, Michel & Proulx  ... 

Auithor Index Suppl 2 - 2003 Abstract Book

2003 Diabetologia  
, Pedro 68 Velussi, Mario 1045 Vendrell, Joan 738 Venekamp, Wim J.  ...  Jochen 466 Langefeld, Carl D. 98, 339, 382 Langer, Peter 1021, 1022, 1074, 1076, 1114 Lanska, Vera 889 Lapanowski, Karen 599 Lapinski, Hélène 691 Lapolla, Annunziata 335 LaPorte, Ronald E. 148 Larbig  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00125-003-1191-8 fatcat:xbtfc3horrcvrgbjwg2ten2k2m

More than half of persons with lower limb amputation suffer from chronic back pain or residual limb pain: a systematic review with meta-analysis

Matthijs Oosterhoff, Jan H. B. Geertzen, Pieter U. Dijkstra
2020 Disability and Rehabilitation  
Literature was searched using PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and PEDro. Studies were included if describing pain other than PLP at least three months after amputation.  ...  A systematic literature search was performed in PubMed, EMBASE, PsycINFO, and PEDro from inception to April 2020.  ...  In PEDro, no database specific keywords were available. Therefore, 12 different combinations of free text words were used (Supplemental file 2).  ... 
doi:10.1080/09638288.2020.1783377 pmid:32603198 fatcat:xwvbpjnimncfzcsgpet2njsnwa

Reorganisation des motorischen Kortex bei Amputierten mit und ohne Phantomschmerz [article]

Anke Karl, Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin, Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin
Pedro Montoya sowie Frau cand. psych. Claudia Hruska für ihre unermüdliche Unterstützung und Geduld. Frau Dr. Kersten Villringer und Herrn Dr.  ...  , Ovechkin, Smirnova & Gnezdilow, 1996; Birbaumer, Lutzenberger, Montoya, Larbig, Unertl, Töpfner, Taub & Flor, 1997; Montoya, Ritter, Huse, Larbig, Braun, Töpfner, Lutzenberger, Grodd, Flor & Birbaumer  ... 
doi:10.18452/14443 fatcat:no2nfnvujrhpdd3ny7lcfx6nwe

ID-THINK: facilitador da visualização dos conhecimentos da empresa [chapter]

ANA PAULA PERFETTO DEMARCHI, Cleuza Bittencourt Ribas Fornasier, Elingth Simoné Rosales Marquina
2021 Engenharia de Produção: alicerce da competitividade  
In Katherine Blashki and Pedro Isaias (Ed.) Emerging Research and Trends in Interactivity and the Human-Computer Interface. IGI Global.  ...  de fontes fosseis, já que liberta 4 quantidades consideráveis de CO2 para a atmosfera, contribuindo para o efeito estufa e, consequentemente para as alterações climáticas a que o mundo tem assistido (LARBIG  ... 
doi:10.37423/210403769 fatcat:zjytusmdw5al3i4l2vwvjvukei