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4,835 Hits in 4.0 sec

A Review of Spatial Robotic Arm Trajectory Planning

Ye Dai, Chaofang Xiang, Yuan Zhang, Yupeng Jiang, Wenyin Qu, Qihao Zhang
2022 Aerospace (Basel)  
Spatial robotic arms can effectively replace humans to complete in-orbit service tasks. The trajectory planning is the basis of robotic arm motion.  ...  This paper introduces the current situation of space obstacle avoidance trajectory planning and motion trajectory planning.  ...  However, in the actual on-orbit trajectory planning process, multi-objective optimal trajectory planning considering the actual working condition is needed to improve the working life of the robotic arm  ... 
doi:10.3390/aerospace9070361 fatcat:ifli2fe7fnhvvochux35h4n55q

A Mobile Robot Path Planning Algorithm Based on Improved A* Algorithm and Dynamic Window Approach

Yonggang Li, Rencai Jin, Xiangrong Xu, Yuandi Qian, Haiyan Wang, Shanshan Xu, Zhixiong Wang
2022 IEEE Access  
Moreover, aiming at the path planning problem of mobile robots facing dynamic obstacle interference in complex environments, an algorithm that integrates the improved A* algorithm with the dynamic window  ...  optimal route.  ...  The trajectory smoothing process can reduce the frequency and amplitude of motor start and stop, and thus increase the service life and safety of the robot.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3179397 fatcat:tjxdggyn4ze4vckxycbmlckhxa

The Application of Internet of Things in Robot Route Planning Based on Multisource Information Fusion

Yunfeng Yao, Na He, Min Zhang, Guobin Chen
2022 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
In this, robots play an extremely important role. It is especially important for the route planning of robots.  ...  , and people's requirements for a happy life are getting higher and higher.  ...  Classification of Planning Algorithms. e path planning of the robot is the problem of optimal path selection.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/1707259 pmid:35755751 pmcid:PMC9232352 fatcat:ya7o2zdpwjcobisbxr4t4nidey

Fast Perception, Planning, and Execution for a Robotic Butler: Wheeled Humanoid M-Hubo [article]

Moonyoung Lee, Yujin Heo, Jinyong Park, Hyun-Dae Yang Ho-Deok Jang, Philipp Benz, Hyunsub Park, In So Kweon, Jun-Ho Oh
2020 arXiv   pre-print
This becomes a challenging and computationally complex problem when the environment is unknown and thus the path planner must sample numerous trajectories that often are sub-optimal, extending the execution  ...  In order to assist with daily tasks such as fetching a beverage, a service robot must be able to perceive its environment and generate corresponding motion trajectories.  ...  We allow a window of 5000 ms for the planner to optimize and evaluate the generated trajectory based on 3 factors: path length, path smoothness, and plan Fig. 7 : Evaluation of the proposed planner against  ... 
arXiv:2001.00356v1 fatcat:xqn4hr4hr5h2rg3oucnv3vo5su

Motion Planning and Control for On-Orbit Assembly using LQR-RRT* and Nonlinear MPC [article]

Bryce Doerr, Richard Linares
2020 arXiv   pre-print
trajectory using a closed-loop nonlinear receding horizon control optimizer for a robotic Astrobee free-flyer.  ...  The contribution of this work is to develop motion planning and control algorithms using the linear quadratic regulator and rapidly-exploring randomized trees (LQR-RRT*), path smoothing, and tracking the  ...  The goal is to plan and control a robotic free-flyer for on-orbit assembly constrained to dynamics and obstacles (parts to be assembled) about a quadratic cost function J(δx 0 , δU 0:N −1 ) = N −1 k=0  ... 
arXiv:2008.02846v1 fatcat:mrtxmaltwfgtrcsffacx5nmhfi

Research Status of Intelligent Electric Vehicle Trajectory Planning and Its Key Technologies: A Review

Aijuan Li, Yuanshuai Jiang, Xinnian Sun, Huajun Chi, Chuanhu Niu, Gang Liu
2022 Electrochem  
trajectory planning methods.  ...  Improved path planning algorithms can obviously shorten the path length and reduce the time of searching and planning a path under the condition of the same starting point and end point, that is, to increase  ...  Special thanks to Chunpeng Gong for his efforts. The authors are indebted to the reviewers for the valuable comments and suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electrochem3040045 fatcat:oad7svjxdzbtpek556phuh6ccu

Orientation-Aware Planning for Parallel Task Execution of Omni-Directional Mobile Robot [article]

Cheng Gong and Zirui Li and Xingyu Zhou and Jiachen Li and Jianwei Gong and Junhui Zhou
2021 arXiv   pre-print
For instance, gimbals or sensors on robots may suffer from a limited field of view or be constrained by the inherent mechanical design, which will require the chassis to be orientation-aware and respond  ...  A modified trajectory optimization method called orientation-aware timed-elastic-band (OATEB) is introduced to generate the trajectory that satisfies the requirements of both tasks.  ...  solution for the local trajectory optimization, where the discrete pose of initial path will be the edge for the local trajectory generation and bound the optimized trajectory to meet the requirement  ... 
arXiv:2108.00716v1 fatcat:lcdy37ukojdutowte5z34v37sy

A snake-based scheme for path planning and control with constraints by distributed visual sensors

Y. Cheng, P. Jiang, Y. F. Hu
2013 Robotica (Cambridge. Print)  
A predictive control algorithm is developed to have an optimal velocity profile under robot dynamic constraints for the snake tracking.  ...  A three-state snake mechanism is developed for coordinating a series of sensors to form a reference path.  ...  The approach was efficient because it separated constrained planning from collision-free path planning.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0263574713000805 fatcat:6zzrbvx7kfbxbitxnltoixde6i

Lightweight Neural Path Planning [article]

Jinsong Li, Shaochen Wang, Ziyang Chen, Zhen Kan, Jun Yu
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Motivated by this practical challenge, we develop a lightweight neural path planning architecture with a dual input network and a hybrid sampler for resource-constrained robotic systems.  ...  Learning-based path planning is becoming a promising robot navigation methodology due to its adaptability to various environments.  ...  In this work, we develop a lightweight learning-based path planning algorithm for resource-constrained robotic systems with limited computation and storage capabilities.  ... 
arXiv:2307.10555v1 fatcat:t453au7jd5fbvhz2zl4z3sa4ta

Deep learning can accelerate grasp-optimized motion planning

Jeffrey Ichnowski, Yahav Avigal, Vishal Satish, Ken Goldberg
2020 Science Robotics  
Robots for picking in e-commerce warehouses require rapid computing of efficient and smooth robot arm motions between varying configurations.  ...  When applied to grasp-optimized motion planning, the results suggest that deep learning can reduce the computation time by two orders of magnitude (300×), from 29 s to 80 ms, making it practical for e-commerce  ...  In practice, we surmise that an operator would define jerk limits by taking into account the desired service life of the robot.  ... 
doi:10.1126/scirobotics.abd7710 pmid:33208523 fatcat:53c3t3vyqbfzxjvofabupby4fe

Multirobot Rendezvous Planning for Recharging in Persistent Tasks

Neil Mathew, Stephen L. Smith, Steven L. Waslander
2015 IEEE Transactions on robotics  
The goal is to schedule and plan minimum cost paths for charging robots such that they rendezvous with and replenish the UAVs, as needed, during the mission.  ...  Index Terms-Path planning, Multiple mobile robot systems, Scheduling and coordination.  ...  Optimal Periodic Recharging The fixed horizon approach to path planning involves computing an optimal path over the entire planning horizon.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tro.2014.2380593 fatcat:5ldbdc4qkracdmegls5lu5xkau

Motion Planning of an Inchworm Robot Based on Improved Adaptive PSO

Binrui Wang, Jianxin Wang, Zhenhai Huang, Weiyi Zhou, Xiaofei Zheng, Shunan Qi
2022 Processes  
Secondly, we describe the mathematical models of the robot trajectory and path that were established in terms of their dynamics and kinematics.  ...  The results show that the motion path obtained by using the planning method proposed in this paper is the one with the least energy consumption by the robot among all the comparison paths.  ...  the points for the path of the robot movement.  ... 
doi:10.3390/pr10091675 fatcat:zmd7vplma5ekhjj5caf634nybm

Adversarial Attacks on Optimization based Planners [article]

Sai Vemprala, Ashish Kapoor
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Trajectory planning is a key piece in the algorithmic architecture of a robot.  ...  Trajectory planners typically use iterative optimization schemes for generating smooth trajectories that avoid collisions and are optimal for tracking given the robot's physical specifications.  ...  We consider a simple 2-dimensional trajectory planning problem with gradient based optimization, with a robot attempting to plan a path from the green circle to the blue circle (left).  ... 
arXiv:2011.00095v2 fatcat:zta54ougr5gbblluzmmfxtfrde

Human-robot co-navigation using anticipatory indicators of human walking motion

Vaibhav V. Unhelkar, Claudia Perez-D'Arpino, Leia Stirling, Julie A. Shah
2015 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
for human-robot conavigation.  ...  The anticipatory indicators of human walking motion can be used with different prediction and/or planning algorithms for robotics; the chosen planning and prediction algorithm demonstrates one such implementation  ...  We begin with a brief discussion of the existing methods for robot path planning in proximity to humans.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2015.7140067 dblp:conf/icra/UnhelkarPSS15 fatcat:2mkgdgk4f5ff5np3gkrit6cvku

Unmanned Autonomous Intelligent System in 6G Non-Terrestrial Network

Xiaonan Wang, Yang Guo, Yuan Gao
2024 Information  
systems for applications such as localization, navigation, perception, decision-making, and motion planning.  ...  These systems have various applications in autonomous driving, logistics, area surveillance, and medical services.  ...  Efficient trajectory optimization or path planning is conducive to maneuvering according to UAV communication performance and ground user requirements.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info15010038 fatcat:o5ypvqwh5bfx3ihe6d3zorfgfy
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