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Study on Various Marking Techniques for IP Traceback

C. Kavitha
2016 International Journal of Web Technology  
To address this issue, various Marking techniques for IP traceback have been presented.  ...  IP Traceback method is a solution for attributing cyber Attacks. It is also useful for accounting user traffic as well as network diagnosis.  ...  opportunities.Fig 1: Direct Piggyback Marking Fig. 1 shows an opportunistic piggyback marking scheme.  ... 
doi:10.20894/ijwt. fatcat:drgyjvpvabbe3m4cvp7wfm3iju


Deepthi, Arun, P Scholar, Asst Professor
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)   unpublished
IP traceback is a solution for identifying the sources and traversed path of these packets. There are a number of techniques employed for determining the IP traceback.  ...  It is not only identifying the source but also for preventing the attackers. The IP traceback methods are classified as reactive and proactive.  ...  From these analyses we can observe that Opportunistic piggyback marking shows better performance than other traceback techniques.  ... 

A Dedicated Setup to Recognize Spoofing in LAN/ Wi-Fi via IP Configuration

Bhuvana Natarajan, Nivetha Kuppusamy, Mrs Nalini
2018 GRD Journals-Global Research and Development Journal for Engineering   unpublished
So the proposed solution ensures that the entity requesting for a service is an actual recipient by trace back the real identification of an attacker.  ...  It is long known that IP spoofing or IP address spoofing is one of the major threats in communication protocol.  ...  [5] improvised a new scheme called opportunistic piggyback marking scheme.  ... 

Living in a PIT-less World: A Case Against Stateful Forwarding in Content-Centric Networking [article]

Cesar Ghali, Gene Tsudik, Ersin Uzun, Christopher A. Wood
2015 arXiv   pre-print
Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a recent paradigm that claims to mitigate some limitations of the current IP-based Internet architecture.  ...  CCN eschews source addresses and creates one-time virtual circuits for every content request (called an interest).  ...  [13] devised a "semi-stateful" solution wherein packets are marked (with Bloom Filters [56] ) to be forwarded correctly.  ... 
arXiv:1512.07755v1 fatcat:ddtjnwepfnaexj26tukjgv6qby

Improving End-to-End Availability Using Overlay Networks

David G. Andersen
DDoS Detection and Traceback ICMP traceback messages were proposed as a first way of tracing the origins of packets [18] .  ...  Several of the RON messages could be bundled together or sent opportunistically with user traffic.  ...  Traceback facilities attempt to permit administrators to identify the source of attacks [149, 38, 141] . 3.  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/6606386 fatcat:rekenzu7pzhhnoed23qqf5kn24

Toward A Highly Available Future Internet

Hsu-Chun Hsiao
, 90% of attack packets would have a low priority marking).  ...  The raincheck token is piggybacked to the standard HTTP request/response.  ...  In the category of DoS-based side-channel attacks, the approach proposed by Burch and Cheswick [26] for IP traceback could also be applied to trace back an e-path to its origin.  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/6723947.v1 fatcat:i5ccpojownd6lekwnm25ug6saa