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Online Semi-supervised Multi-label Classification with Label Compression and Local Smooth Regression

Peiyan Li, Honglian Wang, Christian Böhm, Junming Shao
2020 Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
In this paper, we present a novel Online Semi-supervised Multi-Label learning algorithm (OnSeML) based on label compression and local smooth regression, which allows real-time multi-label predictions in  ...  Online semi-supervised multi-label classification serves a practical yet challenging task since only a small number of labeled instances are available in real streaming environments.  ...  Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (ZYGX2019Z014), Fok Ying-Tong Education Foundation for Young Teachers in the Higher Education Institutions of China (161062), National key research and  ... 
doi:10.24963/ijcai.2020/189 dblp:conf/ijcai/LiWBS20 fatcat:56nnzcspwrh4xefatldpzhdoti

Some new directions in graph-based semi-supervised learning

Xiaojin Zhu, Andrew B. Goldberg, Tushar Khot
2009 2009 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo  
(ii) online semi-supervised learning that learns incrementally with low computation and memory needs; and (iii) learning spectrally sparse but non-smooth labels with compressive sensing.  ...  is restricted to live on a single manifold; (2) learning must happen in batch mode; and (3) the target label is assumed smooth on the manifold.  ...  And training must be cheap and quick. What we need is semi-supervised learning that operates in online mode. (3) Current methods assume label smoothness on the graph.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icme.2009.5202789 dblp:conf/icmcs/ZhuGK09 fatcat:2v5ss5iowfewhbb7w4a5ysiqti

The Emerging Trends of Multi-Label Learning [article]

Weiwei Liu, Xiaobo Shen, Haobo Wang, Ivor W. Tsang
2020 arXiv   pre-print
data with limited supervision to build a multi-label classification model becomes valuable for practical applications, etc.  ...  For example, extreme multi-label classification is an active and rapidly growing research area that deals with classification tasks with an extremely large number of classes or labels; utilizing massive  ...  Semi-Supervised Multi-Label Classification In semi-supervised MLC (SS-MLC) [117] , the dataset is comprised of two sets: fully labeled data and unlabeled data.  ... 
arXiv:2011.11197v2 fatcat:hu6w4vgnwbcqrinrdfytmmjbjm

A Regularized Approach for Geodesic-Based Semisupervised Multimanifold Learning

Mingyu Fan, Xiaoqin Zhang, Zhouchen Lin, Zhongfei Zhang, Hujun Bao
2014 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  
The method consists of three techniques: a semisupervised graph construction method, replacement of original data points with feature vectors which are built by geodesic distances, and a new semisupervised  ...  However, most geodesic distance-based manifold learning algorithms have two limitations when applied to classification: 1) class information is rarely used in computing the geodesic distances between data  ...  In order to better use the label information and manifold structure of data for semi-supervised learning, we replace the Semi-Supervised Discriminant Analysis method [17] to a more robust semi-supervised  ... 
doi:10.1109/tip.2014.2312643 pmid:24723575 fatcat:pzblshuvifetrdg5cerfldv6lm

Author Index

2010 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
Workshop: Tracking of Cell Population from Time Lapse and End Point Confocal Microscopy Images with Multiple Hypothesis Kalman Smoothing Filters Orabona, Francesco Online-Batch Strongly Convex Multi  ...  Workshop: Automated Pose Estimation in 3D Point Clouds Applying Annealing Particle Filters and Inverse Kinematics on a GPU Leistner, Christian Online Multi-Class LPBoost On-line Semi-supervised Multiple-Instance  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2010.5539913 fatcat:y6m5knstrzfyfin6jzusc42p54

2020 Index IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing Vol. 28

2020 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing  
., +, TASLP 2020 813-824 Semi-Supervised Neural Chord Estimation Based on a Variational Autoencoder With Latent Chord Labels and Features.  ...  ., +, TASLP 2020 592-604 Semi-Supervised Neural Chord Estimation Based on a Variational Auto- encoder With Latent Chord Labels and Features.  ...  T Target tracking Multi-Hypothesis Square-Root Cubature Kalman Particle Filter for Speaker Tracking in Noisy and Reverberant Environments. Zhang, Q., +, TASLP 2020 1183 -1197  ... 
doi:10.1109/taslp.2021.3055391 fatcat:7vmstynfqvaprgz6qy3ekinkt4

Semi-supervised low-rank mapping learning for multi-label classification

Liping Jing, Liu Yang, Jian Yu, Michael K. Ng
2015 2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
In this paper, we proposed a semi-supervised low-rank mapping (SLRM) model to handle these two challenges.  ...  Multi-label problems arise in various domains including automatic multimedia data categorization, and have generated significant interest in computer vision and machine learning community.  ...  Therefore, it is very important to develop semi-supervised multi-label learning methods that can use both multi-labeled data and unlabeled data together to deal with this important problem.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2015.7298755 dblp:conf/cvpr/JingYYN15 fatcat:inf2fasqyjgqbd5pv2yozis4qm

Towards Large-Scale Histopathological Image Analysis: Hashing-Based Image Retrieval

Xiaofan Zhang, Wei Liu, Murat Dundar, Sunil Badve, Shaoting Zhang
2015 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging  
Specifically, we present a supervised kernel hashing technique which leverages a small amount of supervised information in learning to compress a 10 000-dimensional image feature vector into only tens  ...  Extensive evaluations are carried out in terms of image classification (i.e., benign versus actionable categorization) and retrieval tests.  ...  In other words, hash bits can simultaneously encode local textural features with semantic labels. V.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmi.2014.2361481 pmid:25314696 fatcat:frt22wzviraffm7zjex5wgzlau

Comprehensive Attention Self-Distillation for Weakly-Supervised Object Detection [article]

Zeyi Huang, Yang Zou, Vijayakumar Bhagavatula, Dong Huang
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Weakly Supervised Object Detection (WSOD) has emerged as an effective tool to train object detectors using only the image-level category labels.  ...  However, without object-level labels, WSOD detectors are prone to detect bounding boxes on salient objects, clustered objects and discriminative object parts.  ...  Acknowledgments and Disclosure of Funding  ... 
arXiv:2010.12023v1 fatcat:yg25zw3bjrb5ze4h4brbod7r7u

Domain Adaptation for Visual Applications: A Comprehensive Survey [article]

Gabriela Csurka
2017 arXiv   pre-print
The aim of this paper is to give an overview of domain adaptation and transfer learning with a specific view on visual applications.  ...  Finally, we conclude the paper with a section where we relate domain adaptation to other machine learning solutions.  ...  DA related to traditional ML methods Semi-supervised learning.  ... 
arXiv:1702.05374v2 fatcat:5va4oz4evjfhxgxddflpbb6pxi

Machine Learning for Reliability Engineering and Safety Applications: Review of Current Status and Future Opportunities [article]

Zhaoyi Xu, Joseph Homer Saleh
2020 arXiv   pre-print
It is also capable of teasing out more accurate insights from accident datasets than with traditional analysis tools, and this in turn can lead to better informed decision-making and more effective accident  ...  We then look back and review the use of ML in reliability and safety applications.  ...  Semi-supervised regression is a smaller area of research that its classification counterpart.  ... 
arXiv:2008.08221v1 fatcat:qhbkiepabfaz7afhctqutncheq

2020 Index IEEE Signal Processing Letters Vol. 27

2020 IEEE Signal Processing Letters  
Lin, Y., +, LSP 2020 1095-1099 Cost-Sensitive Canonical Correlation Analysis for Semi-Supervised Multi- View Learning.  ...  ., +, LSP 2020 1460-1464 Semi-Supervised Seq2seq Joint-Stochastic-Approximation Autoencoders With Applications to Semantic Parsing.  ... 
doi:10.1109/lsp.2021.3055468 fatcat:wfdtkv6fmngihjdqultujzv4by

2021 Index IEEE Transactions on Multimedia Vol. 23

2021 IEEE transactions on multimedia  
The primary entry includes the coauthors' names, the title of the paper or other item, and its location, specified by the publication abbreviation, year, month, and inclusive pagination.  ...  The Subject Index contains entries describing the item under all appropriate subject headings, plus the first author's name, the publication abbreviation, month, and year, and inclusive pages.  ...  Li, Y., +, TMM 2021 810-822 Joint Input and Output Space Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmm.2022.3141947 fatcat:lil2nf3vd5ehbfgtslulu7y3lq

Semi-Autonomous Learning Algorithm for Remote Image Object Detection Based on Aggregation Area Instance Refinement

Bei Cheng, Zhengzhou Li, Hui Li, Zhiquan Ding, Tianqi Qin
2021 Remote Sensing  
Finally, a regression-locating branch is further developed to refine the location of the object, which can be optimized jointly with regional classification.  ...  Semi-autonomous learning for object detection has attracted more and more attention in recent years, which usually tends to find only one object instance with the highest score in each image.  ...  Multi-Task Classification and Regression Branch After executing the above process, the pseudo GT can be obtained, and the subsequent classification task can be carried out in a fully supervised way.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs13245065 fatcat:jehiwe2325c4hlglc3z37jocu4

CogDL: A Toolkit for Deep Learning on Graphs [article]

Yukuo Cen, Zhenyu Hou, Yan Wang, Qibin Chen, Yizhen Luo, Zhongming Yu, Hengrui Zhang, Xingcheng Yao, Aohan Zeng, Shiguang Guo, Yuxiao Dong, Yang Yang (+6 others)
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We leverage CogDL to report and maintain benchmark results on the fundamental graph tasks such as node classification and graph classification, which can be reproduced and directly used by the community  ...  Additionally, another important CogDL feature is its focus on ease of use with the goal of facilitating open, robust, and reproducible graph learning research.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work is supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFB1402600), NSFC for Distinguished Young Scholar (61825602), and NSFC (61836013).  ... 
arXiv:2103.00959v3 fatcat:34lxb53rxjb2hnx5ramu5nomdq
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