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Multimodal Correlative Preclinical Whole Body Imaging and Segmentation

Ayelet Akselrod-Ballin, Hagit Dafni, Yoseph Addadi, Inbal Biton, Reut Avni, Yafit Brenner, Michal Neeman
2016 Scientific Reports  
This paper presents a novel approach for whole body segmentation of small animals in a multimodal setting of MR, CT and optical imaging.  ...  Segmentation of anatomical tissues is fundamental for accurate and robust multi-modal correlative imaging and quantitative analysis in preclinical research.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Nava Nevo for her help in tumor injection and advice on tumor delineation.  ... 
doi:10.1038/srep27940 pmid:27325178 pmcid:PMC4914843 fatcat:y3z32ebeonegxaa6fy4mkdaw2a

Tumor Sensitive Matching Flow: An Approach for Ovarian Cancer Metastasis Detection and Segmentation [chapter]

Jianfei Liu, Shijun Wang, Marius G. Linguraru, Ronald M. Summers
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The routine machine learning strategies to locate ovarian tumors work poorly because the tumors spread randomly to the entire abdomen.  ...  The proposed algorithm was validated on contrast-enhanced CT data from 11 patients with 26 metastases. 84.6% of metastases were successfully detected, and false positive per patient was 1.2.  ...  Elise Kohn for helpful comments.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33612-6_20 fatcat:ml7lwlh5lzd6rj7qacvbynrvye

Medical Images Segmentation Based on Unsupervised Algorithms: A Review

Revella E. A. Armya, Adnan Mohsin Abdulazeez
2021 Qubahan Academic Journal  
The medical image is divided into regions based on the specific descriptions, such as tissue/organ division in medical applications for border detection, tumor detection/segmentation, and comprehensive  ...  (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), So segmentation of medical images is considered one of the most important medical imaging processes because it extracts the field of interest from the Return on investment  ...  MRI images & CT-scan K-mean clustering algorithm Relative differences between (0.63-1.75) percent for MRI images and (0.34-1.51 percent) for CT images and measured surface areas for divided tumor areas  ... 
doi:10.48161/qaj.v1n2a51 fatcat:nc63bvlkdjewphs5yb2blk4qeq

Classification and Stage Prediction of Lung Cancer using Convolutional Neural Networks

The CT scanned lung images should be involved in image classification processing for earlier prediction of stages and treatment diagnosis.  ...  The extracted fine-grained training data through deep learning are utilized for the classification using Convolution Neural Network (CNN).  ...  Pseudo code for this proposed model: Step 1: Obtain the input CT lung image from the user Step 2: Preprocess the image to get the appropriate scale 500 x 500 pixels This model can be experimentally verified  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.j9146.0881019 fatcat:ums4iu3vwzfqxlzmugjcq2yvwe

Deep Learning in Breast Cancer Imaging: A Decade of Progress and Future Directions [article]

Luyang Luo, Xi Wang, Yi Lin, Xiaoqi Ma, Andong Tan, Ronald Chan, Varut Vardhanabhuti, Winnie CW Chu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Hao Chen
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Drawn from the findings of this survey, we present a comprehensive discussion of the challenges and potential avenues for future research in deep learning-based breast cancer imaging.  ...  This paper provides an extensive review of deep learning-based breast cancer imaging research, covering studies on mammogram, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and digital pathology images over the  ...  ., 2022) for tumor segmentation + lightweight multi-scale network for classification + iterative feature refinement.Zhai et al., 2022).  ... 
arXiv:2304.06662v4 fatcat:t5nvpybawjhfhiw4h2bekozo74

Front Matter: Volume 9788

2016 Medical Imaging 2016: Biomedical Applications in Molecular, Structural, and Functional Imaging  
The publisher is not responsible for the validity of the information or for any outcomes resulting from reliance thereon.  ...  Please use the following format to cite material from these proceedings: Publication of record for individual papers is online in the SPIE Digital Library.  ...  of the spine from IVDs and vertebra segmentations [9788-65] 9788 1V Three modality image registration of brain SPECT/CT and MR images for quantitative analysis of dopamine transporter imaging [9788  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2240426 dblp:conf/mibam/X16 fatcat:msxwbg54kbegriwgvgcw4dnzu4

A Cascaded Feature Extraction for Diagnosis of Ovarian Cancer in CT Images

Arathi B, Shanthini A
2022 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
To improve the feature extraction and reduce the error, use a cascading technique for the feature extraction. RSO also helps to efficiently optimize the DCNN features from the images.  ...  This paper proposed ovarian cancer detection in the ovarian image using joint feature extraction and an efficient Net model.  ...  To capture the prognostic biomarkers (DL feature) of HGSOC, 8917 CT images from the feature learning cohort were used to train a unique DL network.  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2022.0131235 fatcat:qg777ll345ck5fyantk5eetfhq

ECPC-IDS:A benchmark endometrail cancer PET/CT image dataset for evaluation of semantic segmentation and detection of hypermetabolic regions [article]

Dechao Tang, Tianming Du, Deguo Ma, Zhiyu Ma, Hongzan Sun, Marcin Grzegorzek, Huiyan Jiang, Chen Li
2023 arXiv   pre-print
PET/CT Image Dataset for Evaluation of Semantic Segmentation and Detection of Hypermetabolic Regions (ECPC-IDS) are published.  ...  Specifically, the segmentation section includes PET and CT images, with a total of 7159 images in multiple formats.  ...  Yingying Hou from Foreign Studies College in Northeastern University, China, for her professional English proofreading in this paper.  ... 
arXiv:2308.08313v3 fatcat:awl7fcmlp5fetlnez2zfh3ud2m

Liver Tumors Segmentation Using 3D SegNet Deep Learning Approach

G. Nallasivan, V. Ramachandran, Roobaea Alroobaea, Jasem Almotiri
2023 Computer systems science and engineering  
A standard data set was used to test the proposed model for liver CT scans and the tumor accuracy in the training phase.  ...  In this article, a Deep Learning (DL) model is implemented and modified to fit liver CT segmentation, and a semantic pixel classification of road scenes is recommended.  ...  Segmenting 69 CT (2D) images was the first step in the proposed method. All CT images came from the liver imaging Atlas (an online reference for liver imaging).  ... 
doi:10.32604/csse.2023.030697 fatcat:vjmhp2viyvdudc2kb25h2r2oty

A review of deep learning in medical imaging: Image traits, technology trends, case studies with progress highlights, and future promises [article]

S. Kevin Zhou, Hayit Greenspan, Christos Davatzikos, James S. Duncan, Bram van Ginneken, Anant Madabhushi, Jerry L. Prince, Daniel Rueckert, Ronald M. Summers
2020 arXiv   pre-print
However, medical imaging presents unique challenges that confront deep learning approaches.  ...  Since its renaissance, deep learning has been widely used in various medical imaging tasks and has achieved remarkable success in many medical imaging applications, thereby propelling us into the so-called  ...  For multi-organ segmentation, Shi et al.  ... 
arXiv:2008.09104v1 fatcat:z2gic7or4vgnnfcf4joimjha7i

Machine Learning Methods for Histopathological Image Analysis: A Review [article]

Jonathan de Matos and Steve Tsham Mpinda Ataky and Alceu de Souza Britto Jr. and Luiz Eduardo Soares de Oliveira and Alessandro Lameiras Koerich
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Histopathological images (HIs) are the gold standard for evaluating some types of tumors for cancer diagnosis.  ...  In this paper, we present a review on machine learning methods for histopathological image analysis, including shallow and deep learning methods.  ...  Afterwards, ensembles of CNNs were trained to extract multi-context information from multi-scale images. The latter stage extracted both global and local features of breast cancer tumors. George et al  ... 
arXiv:2102.03889v1 fatcat:ylrsildl4nenho22erndvpjcjy

AMIGO: Sparse Multi-Modal Graph Transformer with Shared-Context Processing for Representation Learning of Giga-pixel Images [article]

Ramin Nakhli, Puria Azadi Moghadam, Haoyang Mi, Hossein Farahani, Alexander Baras, Blake Gilks, Ali Bashashati
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Multiple instance learning (MIL) has become the conventional approach to process WSIs, in which these images are split into smaller patches for further processing.  ...  In this paper, by defining the novel concept of shared-context processing, we designed a multi-modal Graph Transformer (AMIGO) that uses the celluar graph within the tissue to provide a single representation  ...  image types (e.g., histopathology images, CT scans, and MRI scans) and numerous tasks (e.g., classification, segmentation, and survival prediction) [6, 11, 27, 29, 35, 37, 43] .  ... 
arXiv:2303.00865v2 fatcat:ldu663pmrvcclaga4zfa3ivhlu

2020 Index IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics Vol. 24

2020 IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics  
., A Globalized Model for Mapping Wearable Seismocardiogram Signals to Whole-Body Ballistocardiogram Signals Based on Deep Learning; JBHI May 2020 1296-1309 Herskovic, V., see Saint-Pierre, C., JBHI Jan  ...  ., +, JBHI Jan. 2020 14-16 M 3 Lung-Sys: A Deep Learning System for Multi-Class Lung Pneumonia Screening From CT Imaging.  ...  ., +, JBHI Dec. 2020 3595-3605 M 3 Lung-Sys: A Deep Learning System for Multi-Class Lung Pneumonia Screening From CT Imaging.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jbhi.2020.3048808 fatcat:iifrkwtzazdmboabdqii7x5ukm

2021 Index IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Vol. 18

2022 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology & Bioinformatics  
The Author Index contains the primary entry for each item, listed under the first author's name.  ...  -that appeared in this periodical during 2021, and items from previous years that were commented upon or corrected in 2021.  ...  ., +, TCBB March-April 2021 562-574 + Check author entry for coauthors Biomedical imaging A Deep Segmentation Network of Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Based on Attention Mechanism for IVOCT Lumen Contour.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcbb.2021.3136340 fatcat:bjvb334webfovh4nsc7oeds3di

Deep Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images: A Systematic Review and Taxonomy [article]

Zdravko Marinov, Paul F. Jäger, Jan Egger, Jens Kleesiek, Rainer Stiefelhagen
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Interactive segmentation is a crucial research area in medical image analysis aiming to boost the efficiency of costly annotations by incorporating human feedback.  ...  In recent years, deep learning-based approaches have propelled results to a new level causing a rapid growth in the field with 121 methods proposed in the medical imaging domain alone.  ...  head-and-neck cancer PET/CT/MRI Link Zhuang et al. 2 [90] Scribbles Exponential Geodesic Maps Train Active Learning brain tumors, liver tumors CT, MRI Link GtG [91] Clicks Gaussian Heatmaps Sim Iter Distance  ... 
arXiv:2311.13964v2 fatcat:bzxla3flzna5ze7nmm5nq33rju
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