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Multi-agent systems for protecting critical infrastructures: A survey

Zubair A. Baig
2012 Journal of Network and Computer Applications  
In this paper, a state-of-the-art on the use of multi-agent based systems for protecting five most common critical infrastructures, is presented.  ...  Critical infrastructures have longed for a distributed system in place for their uninterrupted and accurate operations.  ...  Acknowledgement The author wishes to acknowledge the continued support for research provided by King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2012.01.006 fatcat:4xibur2z6bbw5ohz2mnhyg66cm

A survey on communication infrastructure for micro-grids

Salman Safdar, Bechir Hamdaoui, Eduardo Cotilla-Sanchez, Mohsen Guizani
2013 2013 9th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC)  
Due to distributed generation variability, security and load sharing issues, an efficient communication infrastructure is necessary between its agents (load, generation and storage units).  ...  A micro-grid is a small scale power supply network that is designed to provide electricity to a small community with its own renewable energy sources.  ...  They are battery based so they have a limited energy supply. For these reasons, they may not be suitable for critical locations. This technology can perform well in residential automation systems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iwcmc.2013.6583616 dblp:conf/iwcmc/SafdarHSG13 fatcat:ymctizuzyfajje2nhsj3r2cyn4

Monitoring and resource management taxonomy in interconnected cloud infrastructures: a survey

Vingi Patrick Nzanzu, Emmanuel Adetiba, Joke Atinuke Badejo, Mbasa Joaquim Molo, Claude Takenga, Etinosa Noma-Osaghae, Victoria Oguntosin, Sadeeq Suraju
2022 TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control)  
For instance, ICCEs include the cloud hybrid, intercloud, multi-cloud, and federated clouds.  ...  A taxonomy is presented and analyzed for cloud resource management.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge the sponsorship of the Covenant University Centre for Research, Innovation and Discovery (CUCRID), Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.  ... 
doi:10.12928/telkomnika.v20i2.20503 fatcat:fcl5fgntobgi3gobnwwhbobolu

A Survey on Smart Grid Communication Infrastructures: Motivations, Requirements and Challenges

Ye Yan, Yi Qian, Hamid Sharif, David Tipper
2013 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials  
We further explore the challenges for a communication infrastructure as the part of a complex smart grid system.  ...  Since a smart grid system might have over millions of consumers and devices, the demand of its reliability and security is extremely critical.  ...  A multi-level common and integrated communication infrastructure to enable grid modernization is planned as illustrated in Figure 4 .  ... 
doi:10.1109/surv.2012.021312.00034 fatcat:4y45pigynvc6pd23c4rrcpfzcm

Secure Cloud Infrastructure: A Survey on Issues, Current Solutions, and Open Challenges

Yara Alghofaili, Albatul Albattah, Noura Alrajeh, Murad A. Rassam, Bander Ali Saleh Al-rimy
2021 Applied Sciences  
Security is the biggest concern for cloud computing and is a major obstacle to users adopting cloud computing systems.  ...  cloud computing systems to their users in a cost-effective manner.  ...  Acknowledgments: The researcher(s) would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research, Qassim University for funding the publication of this project.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app11199005 fatcat:zxxcwgbscffnzakdrqrqicegq4

A Comparative Taxonomy and Survey of Public Cloud Infrastructure Vendors [article]

Dimitrios Sikeridis, Ioannis Papapanagiotou, Bhaskar Prasad Rimal, Michael Devetsikiotis
2018 arXiv   pre-print
The outcomes are essential both for individual researchers, and bigger enterprises in their attempt to identify the set of cloud services that will utterly meet their needs without compromises.  ...  However, in the process of selecting a provider's cloud service over the competition, we observe a lack of universal common ground in terms of terminology, functionality of services and billing models.  ...  They are used for applications where messaging order is critical.  ... 
arXiv:1710.01476v2 fatcat:qra5ebnvejcsle5mpfbossxhtm

Deep Learning for Video Application in Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure System: A Comprehensive Survey

Beipo Su, Yongfeng Ju, Liang Dai
2022 Applied Sciences  
Video application is a research hotspot in cooperative vehicle-infrastructure systems (CVIS) which is greatly related to traffic safety and the quality of user experience.  ...  Then, we summarized the main methods of deep learning and deep reinforcement learning algorithms for video applications over CVIS, and made a comparative study of their performances.  ...  [60] proposed a unified driver behavior modeling system for multi-scale behavior recognition.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12126283 fatcat:icxi4by3mrhypai7xflbwqvisq

A Survey of Anomaly Detection in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks with Critical Water System Infrastructure as a Case Study

Daniel Ramotsoela, Adnan Abu-Mahfouz, Gerhard Hancke
2018 Sensors  
The increased use of Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks (IWSN) in a variety of different applications, including those that involve critical infrastructure, has meant that adequately protecting these  ...  Major research gaps regarding the practical feasibility of these schemes are also identified from surveyed work and critical water infrastructure is discussed as a use case.  ...  This is particularly problematic in these critical infrastructure applications because compromised systems can lead to disastrous consequences for the underlying infrastructure.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s18082491 pmid:30071595 fatcat:bpperb7vbfb7dhkl2fy2d3xqxe

Economic Regulation and Cost Effective Infrastructure Delivery in South Africa: A Literature Survey

Courage Mlambo
2014 Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences  
These include involving private sector in infrastructure provision, increasing competition, and setting up a multi-sectoral infrastructural regulator among other things.  ...  It was also realized that for economic regulators to deliver costs effective infrastructure a number of measures should be implemented.  ...  Setting up a multi-sectoral infrastructural regulator The establishment of a multi-sectoral regulatory agency is needed for South Africa to provide cost effective infrastructure.  ... 
doi:10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n1p195 fatcat:wwmqbwds2nebbo4fevcwipq5my

Decision Making Issues Related to Critical Infrastructures Interdependencies Management

Safa Attia, Abdelhak Boubetra, Manel Saad Saoud
2014 Journal of Advances in Computer Networks  
The main reason for this trend among world countries is the phenomenon of how to keep in safety critical infrastructures that can cause complex and difficult situations in the case of a failure problem  ...  This paper aims to present a modeling approach to solve problems related to the cause of failures of critical infrastructures.  ...  As shown in the propositional scheme presented in Fig. 4 , we suggest creating for each infrastructure, a multi-agent system to ensure its protection.  ... 
doi:10.7763/jacn.2014.v2.70 fatcat:tbnjyctxmfh37oyebwswhcftem

Survey on Aerial Radio Access Networks: Toward a Comprehensive 6G Access Infrastructure [article]

Nhu-Ngoc Dao, Quoc-Viet Pham, Ngo Hoang Tu, Tran Thien Thanh, Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao, Demeke Shumeye Lakew, Sungrae Cho
2021 arXiv   pre-print
ARANs are expected to support the development of seamless mobile communication systems toward a comprehensive sixth-generation (6G) global access infrastructure.  ...  In this context, the use of aerial radio access networks (ARANs) is a promising strategy to complement existing terrestrial communication systems.  ...  Furthermore, the authors in [208] provided a comprehensive survey of multi-UAV systems, where ML is applied for fine-grained cyberphysical applications, highlighting key aspects such as coverage spanning  ... 
arXiv:2102.07087v2 fatcat:wbur5jckk5b43lo75dmzlxiiy4

A Survey and Annotated Bibliography of Workflow Scheduling in Computing Infrastructures: Community, Keyword, and Article Reviews – Extended Technical Report [article]

Laurens Versluis, Alexandru Iosup
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Each part features one or more taxonomies, a view of the community, important and emerging keywords, and directions for future work.  ...  Surveys are an excellent way to cover these questions, yet surveys rarely publish their tools and data on which it is based.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Erwin van Eyk, Oana Inel, Benno Kruit, and Alexandru Uta for their helpful comments. This work is sponsored by COMMIT and Vidi MagnaData.  ... 
arXiv:2004.10077v1 fatcat:zv7kkegzkvebnjo64efzzlsb34

Hardware-Accelerated Platforms and Infrastructures for Network Functions: A Survey of Enabling Technologies and Research Studies

Prateek Shantharama, Akhilesh S. Thyagaturu, Martin Reisslein
2020 IEEE Access  
Latencies in multi-core systems affect the overall system performance, especially for latency-critical packet processing functions.  ...  III we have surveyed enabling technologies for platform and infrastructure components for the deployment of NFs on GPC infrastructures.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3008250 fatcat:kv4znpypqbatfk2m3lpzvzb2nu

Interdependencies Between Industrial Infrastructures: Territorial Vulnerability Assessment

B. Rey, J. Tixier, A. Bony-Dandrieux, G. Dusserre, L. Munier, E. Lapebie
2013 Chemical Engineering Transactions  
The vulnerability infrastructure level is assessed with a multi-criteria analysis.  ...  The risk scenarios are developed in order to estimate the consequences in a territory of a threat on one or several infrastructures.  ...  Multi-agent and system dynamic are attractive because they can predict the behavior of critical infrastructure under emergencies situations. Network theory (e.g.  ... 
doi:10.3303/cet1331011 doaj:9b4b401cb0ad4d0dac1297045b227471 fatcat:qrmf5mipwfhhbe4orj3kmu4374

Situation awareness in critical infrastructures

Vincenza Abate, Ludovica Adacher, Federica Pascucci
2014 International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling  
The present paper provides a comprehensive review about the main concepts on situation awareness for critical infrastructure.  ...  The issues related to models and architectures for data fusion and situation awareness are reported in the framework of Critical Infrastructure Protection.  ...  Agent-based Modeling A new emerging modeling paradigms is Multi Agent Systems (Dianne, Barton and Stamber 2000) .  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijspm.2014.061451 fatcat:pjad4loxy5cv7jrcxu3o7jpgmi
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