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473 Hits in 8.4 sec

An Anchor-Free Siamese Network with Multi-Template Update for Object Tracking

Tongtong Yuan, Wenzhu Yang, Qian Li, Yuxia Wang
2021 Electronics  
Inspired by the Siamese network and anchor-free idea, an anchor-free Siamese network (AFSN) with multi-template updates for object tracking is proposed.  ...  We use the anchor-free network to implement object tracking in a per-pixel manner, which computes the object category and bounding boxes directly.  ...  AFSN: Anchor-Free Siamese Network; SiamRPN++: Evolution of Siamese VisualTracking with Very Deep Networks; MDNet: Multi-Domain convolutional neural Networks; VITAL: Visual Tracking via Adversarial Learning  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics10091067 fatcat:s7glzec5kjbjtlsockynm3a7ci

Siamese Cascaded Region Proposal Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking [article]

Heng Fan, Haibin Ling
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Region proposal networks (RPN) have been recently combined with the Siamese network for tracking, and shown excellent accuracy with high efficiency.  ...  Addressing these issues, we propose a multi-stage tracking framework, Siamese Cascaded RPN (C-RPN), which consists of a sequence of RPNs cascaded from deep high-level to shallow low-level layers in a Siamese  ...  Among these methods, the work of [22] proposes a one-stage Siamese-RPN for tracking by introducing the regional proposal network (RPN), originally used for object detection [37, 28] , into Siamese network  ... 
arXiv:1812.06148v1 fatcat:dav64yrgmbcnpllrtdie7oswxq

Siamese Cascaded Region Proposal Networks for Real-Time Visual Tracking

Heng Fan, Haibin Ling
2019 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
Recently, the region proposal networks (RPN) have been combined with the Siamese network for tracking, and shown excellent accuracy with high efficiency.  ...  Addressing these issues, we propose a multi-stage tracking framework, Siamese Cascaded RPN (C-RPN), which consists of a sequence of RPNs cascaded from deep high-level to shallow low-level layers in a Siamese  ...  [23] combine Siamese network with RPN and propose a one-stage Siamese-RPN tracker, achieving excellent performance. Zhu et al.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2019.00814 dblp:conf/cvpr/FanL19 fatcat:33vahhdfgjhhxf43dxbnvf35si

Siamese Anchor Proposal Network for High-Speed Aerial Tracking [article]

Changhong Fu, Ziang Cao, Yiming Li, Junjie Ye, Chen Feng
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, a novel two-stage Siamese network-based method is proposed for aerial tracking, i.e., stage-1 for high-quality anchor proposal generation, stage-2 for refining the anchor proposal.  ...  In addition, compared to anchor-free methods, our framework has better performance owing to refinement at stage-2.  ...  object perception of SiamAPN. • The proposed method, Siamese anchor proposal network (SiamAPN), has shown competitive performance on three challenging aerial tracking benchmarks with a promising speed  ... 
arXiv:2012.10706v4 fatcat:aliyqyqtsba4ngq6adm5srvwjq

CAT: Centerness-Aware Anchor-Free Tracker

Haoyi Ma, Scott T. Acton, Zongli Lin
2022 Sensors  
The experiments show that our centerness-aware anchor-free tracker, with its appealing features, achieves salient performance in a wide variety of tracking scenarios.  ...  Accurate and robust scale estimation in visual object tracking is a challenging task.  ...  Acknowledgments: We gratefully acknowledge the support of the NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the Titan V GPU used for this research.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22010354 pmid:35009905 pmcid:PMC8749605 fatcat:qbz6sxf3f5anbkphpjrjot6m7a

Anchor-free Siamese Network Based on Visual Tracking

Shaozhe Guo, Yong Li, Xuyang Chen, Youshan Zhang
2022 Computers Materials & Continua  
In recent years, Siameses network in visual tracking problem has always been a frontier research hotspot.  ...  According to the characteristics of two branch shared networks in Siamese network, we also propos a new fully convolutional Siamese network to solve the visual tracking problem.  ...  MethodThis part will introduce our Siamese network, which is an anchor-free tracking method.  ... 
doi:10.32604/cmc.2022.026784 fatcat:xbrocdvyizaoxazhhltiaqbmpm

Siamese Object Tracking for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle: A Review and Comprehensive Analysis [article]

Changhong Fu, Kunhan Lu, Guangze Zheng, Junjie Ye, Ziang Cao, Bowen Li, Geng Lu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
To further explore the deployment of Siamese networks in UAV-based tracking, this work presents a comprehensive review of leading-edge Siamese trackers, along with an exhaustive UAV-specific analysis based  ...  As an emerging force in the revolutionary trend of deep learning, Siamese networks shine in UAV-based object tracking with their promising balance of accuracy, robustness, and speed.  ...  [131] propose an anchor-free Siamese corner network (SiamCorners).  ... 
arXiv:2205.04281v2 fatcat:kaujdfb7ivdtxeiz44lu36oqum

SiamMFC: Visual Object Tracking Based on Mainfold Full Convolution Siamese Network

Jia Chen, Fan Wang, Yingjie Zhang, Yibo Ai, Weidong Zhang
2021 Sensors  
In this paper, we propose a novel Siamese network framework with ResNet50 as the backbone, which is an anchor-free tracker based on manifold features.  ...  Visual tracking task is divided into classification and regression tasks, and manifold features are introduced to improve the performance of the tracker.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declared no potential conflict of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21196388 pmid:34640706 pmcid:PMC8512198 fatcat:2smd36ummje4hhq5yujvxi3fjm

Siamese Visual Tracking with Residual Fusion Learning

Xinglong Sun, Guangliang Han, Lihong Guo
2021 IEEE Access  
Multi-stage feature fusion is pretty effective for deep Siamese trackers to promote tracking performance.  ...  In this paper, we propose a novel feature fusion network for Siamese tracker by exploiting the expression capacity of residual learning (SiamRFL).  ...  ., Region Proposal Networks (RPN) [11] , [12] and Anchor-free networks [13] , [14] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3134066 fatcat:b3xdu2bumjakdd7m6tglsiripu

SiamCPN: Visual tracking with the Siamese center-prediction network

Dong Chen, Fan Tang, Weiming Dong, Hanxing Yao, Changsheng Xu
2021 Computational Visual Media  
In this study, we propose a new anchor-free network, the Siamese center-prediction network (SiamCPN).  ...  Unlike other anchor-free tracking approaches that are based on semantic segmentation and achieve anchor-free tracking by pixel-level prediction, SiamCPN directly obtains all information required for tracking  ...  Our research provides a new approach for Siamese networks when combined with the anchor-free detection method. In future, we will continue to explore the potential of Siamese networks in tracking.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s41095-021-0212-1 fatcat:cflc4jvp6bdbliq3yhi6wvfgkq

SiamMan: Siamese Motion-aware Network for Visual Tracking [article]

Wenzhang Zhou, Longyin Wen, Libo Zhang, Dawei Du, Tiejian Luo, Yanjun Wu
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we present a novel siamese motion-aware network (SiamMan) for visual tracking, which consists of the siamese feature extraction subnetwork, followed by the classification, regression, and  ...  The whole network is trained offline in an end-to-end fashion with large-scale image pairs using the standard SGD algorithm with back-propagation.  ...  [15] introduce the anchor-free detection network into visual tracking directly.  ... 
arXiv:1912.05515v2 fatcat:sc3y2eo37bdpdaw5uvq3f353ki

Learning Localization-aware Target Confidence for Siamese Visual Tracking [article]

Jiahao Nie, Han Wu, Zhiwei He, Yuxiang Yang, Mingyu Gao, Zhekang Dong
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Siamese tracking paradigm has achieved great success, providing effective appearance discrimination and size estimation by the classification and regression.  ...  In this paper, to alleviate this misalignment, we propose a novel tracking paradigm, called SiamLA.  ...  Siamese network based framework in visual tracking SiamFC [9] is a seminal Siamese tracking algorithm proposed by Bertinetto et al.  ... 
arXiv:2204.14093v1 fatcat:l54nn2izmfdhxlfa6pkv6ac3jy

Proposal-Based Visual Tracking Using Spatial Cascaded Transformed Region Proposal Network

Ximing Zhang, Shujuan Luo, Xuewu Fan
2020 Sensors  
We extensively prove the effectiveness of our proposed method on the ablation studies of the tracking datasets, which include OTB-2015 (Object Tracking Benchmark 2015), VOT-2018 (Visual Object Tracking  ...  Moreover, we perform the multi-cue proposals re-ranking to guarantee the accuracy of the proposed tracker.  ...  [7] first interpolated the region proposal network to the Siamese network, and obtained the one-stage Siamese-RPN tracker to gain tracking performance. Zhu et al.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20174810 pmid:32858907 pmcid:PMC7506765 fatcat:2kuuqlhvmzdozfddxq7ox6vql4

Semantic and context features integration for robust object tracking

Jinzhen Yao, Jianlin Zhang, Zhixing Wang, Linsong Shao
2022 IET Image Processing  
Owing to their efficiency and high accuracy, Siamese networks have attracted much attention recently.  ...  However, tracking accuracy decreases significantly when there are scale changes, occlusion, and pose variations due to the way that Siamese networks estimate feature similarity.  ...  Anchor-free Siamese network Since the anchor-free Siamese network [22] [23] [24] can simultaneously predict the object position and regress the object bounding box with fewer parameters, it is chosen  ... 
doi:10.1049/ipr2.12407 fatcat:v5yahhpy6rglfapj7sva6q6ipa

Ocean: Object-aware Anchor-free Tracking [article]

Zhipeng Zhang, Houwen Peng, Jianlong Fu, Bing Li, Weiming Hu
2020 arXiv   pre-print
This mechanism makes it difficult to refine the anchors whose overlap with the target objects are small. In this paper, we propose a novel object-aware anchor-free network to address this issue.  ...  Moreover, we present a novel tracking framework based on the anchor-free model.  ...  Object-aware Anchor-Free Networks This section proposes the Object-aware anchor-free networks (Ocean) for visual tracking.  ... 
arXiv:2006.10721v2 fatcat:u3hucjg2hveahpncqinoju2gqm
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