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High Utility Interval-Based Sequences [article]

S. Mohammad Mirbagheri, Howard J. Hamilton
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Most prior research on sequential pattern mining has considered point-based data where events occur instantaneously.  ...  To address these issues, we incorporate the concept of utility into interval-based sequences and define a framework to mine high utility patterns in interval-based sequences i.e., patterns whose utility  ...  [16] recently made the first attempt to mine interval-based sequence data for patterns based on utility. They suggested a method to discover the top-K high utility patterns (HUPs).  ... 
arXiv:1912.11165v2 fatcat:5ju7ouh56ne5lhwjne5dqhojbu

Empirical Methodology and Innovative Algorithm for Mining High Utility Itemset on Temporal Data

The proper utilization of data will leads to meaning full results. Here our focus is to expand the concept of "High utility itemset mining" and also introducing the concept of "timestamp" on it.  ...  Ever since the humans found the significance of data we are using different methodologies to extricate data patterns in the most useful way to reach at various conclusions based on our needs.  ...  , to resolve these limitations the problem of "frequent itemset mining on temporal data" is redefined as the problem of "high utility itemset mining on temporal data".  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.e2791.039520 fatcat:x2zv5376uffczmge4sqoxcfvh4

An Efficient Method for Frequent Itemset Mining on Temporal Data

Fathima Sherin T K, Anish Kumar B.
2019 International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology  
In any case, this isn't the situation when information is temporal which contains time-related data that changes data mining results.  ...  Thus, this paper mostly centres around developing up a productive calculation to mine frequent itemsets and their related time interval from a value-based database by expanding from the earlier calculation  ...  Introduction Data mining is utilized to discover patterns that are interesting and knowledge from huge measure of information. Mining frequent patterns on temporal data is tedious task.  ... 
doi:10.32628/cseit1953162 fatcat:zdjdgroeejbhlet5mvq3al6euq

Advance Mining of Temporal High Utility Itemset

Swati Soni, Sini shibu
2012 International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science  
T management characteristic itemsets are t specified thre Discovery of process for m rules from da for temporal This make which can gen  ...  The capabilities of this tool are based on temporal data mining patterns, extracted from stock market data.  ...  Examples of temporal data mining tasks are classification and clustering of time series, discovery of temporal patterns or trends in the data, associations of events over time, similarity-based time series  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijitcs.2012.04.04 fatcat:gomcziyoajbetmwjejcj7ezwzu

Hybrid Temporal Pattern Mining with Time Grain on Stock Index

Sheng Xiang Fan, Jieh-Shan Yeh, Yaw-Ling Lin
2011 2011 Fifth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing  
Both sequential pattern mining and temporal pattern mining have become highly relevant data mining topics in this decade.  ...  Keywords: Hybrid temporal pattern mining, sequential pattern mining, temporal pattern mining, pattern representation. I.  ...  INTRODUCTION Sequential pattern mining of point-based event databases [1] and temporal pattern mining of interval-based event databases [2] have become highly relevant research topics in data mining  ... 
doi:10.1109/icgec.2011.58 dblp:conf/icgec/FanYL11 fatcat:3ffzkaswefeybabxbmcanimn7q

Discovering Weighted Calendar-Based Temporal Relationship Rules using Frequent Pattern Tree

Gupta Pankaj, B. B. Sagar
2016 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Utilizing temporal relationship rule mining one may determine unusual relationship rules regarding different time-intervals.  ...  This manuscript propose a narrative procedure to find relationship rule on time-variant-weighted data utilizing frequent pattern tree-hierarchical structures which give us a consequential benefit in expressions  ...  It can be bringing in temporal-data-mining.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i28/98455 fatcat:p3tnh2ggnvdsvbyumigxluqq4u

Individualized Time-Series Segmentation for Mining Mobile Phone User Behavior

Iqbal H Sarker, Alan Colman, Muhammad Ashad Kabir, Jun Han
2017 Computer journal  
Currently, researchers use either equal or unequal interval-based segmentation of time for mining mobile phone users' behavior.  ...  of high confidence temporal rules in order to mine individual mobile phone users' behavior.  ...  In this paper, we focus on mining mobile user behavior based on time by extracting similar behavioral time segments for various days-of-the-week enabling the generation of high confidence temporal rules  ... 
doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxx082 fatcat:jxxe62cuvvd57nmidizgrckevq

An RDF Based Semantic Approach to Model Temporal Relations in Health Records

Oya Deniz Beyan, Stefan Decker
2016 Workshop on Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences  
We propose an RDF based approach for modelling the temporal relations in health records.  ...  The proposed approach will help to improve the efficiency of data mining by including a more relevant set of patient attributes.  ...  Normal and abnormal values for physiological and laboratory measurements are based on reference intervals.  ... 
dblp:conf/swat4ls/BeyanD16 fatcat:ncvwtr264jh5niwpg23m7uzhim

Prognosis of Chronic Renal Syndrome by Classification and Progression Using Temporal Abstraction

High Utility Sequential Rule Miner (HUSRM) is used here to address the discovery of CKD sequential rules based on sequence patterns.  ...  Data mining algorithm along with Temporal Abstraction (TA) are confederated to reinforce CKD evolvement of prognostication models.  ...  High Utility Sequential Rule Miner (HUSRM) discovers pattern based on calculation of utility values.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.j9927.0981119 fatcat:ab4t5ven55bilcrmp6uhqgv2oe

Mining High Utility Regular Patterns in Transactional Database

Dr G. Vijay Kumar, S Vishnu Sravya, G Satish
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
Presently pattern temporal regularity consider as crucial criterion in various online and real time applications such as analysis of the market basket, monitoring of network, analysis of gene data, sequence  ...  In Transactional databases, interesting patterns discovering is a primary challenge in the field of data mining as well as research of the knowledge discovery.  ...  time intervals known as regular pattern.  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i2.7.11091 fatcat:h7llujtww5aurk5verkhyfq7l4

FIBS: A Generic Framework for Classifying Interval-based Temporal Sequences [article]

S. Mohammad Mirbagheri, Howard J. Hamilton
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Most prior work utilizes frequent pattern mining to define a feature set based on discovered patterns.  ...  We study the problem of classification of interval-based temporal sequences (IBTSs).  ...  TA may be based on knowledgebased abstraction performed by a domain expert. An alternative is data-driven abstraction utilizing temporal discretization.  ... 
arXiv:1912.09445v1 fatcat:4bau47ycvbeyzo4ami5nn7um2m

An Algorithm for Mining High Utility Sequential Patterns with Time Interval

Tran Huy Duong, Demetrovics Janos, Vu Duc Thi, Nguyen Truong Thang, Tran The Anh
2019 Cybernetics and Information Technologies  
Mining High Utility Sequential Patterns (HUSP) is an emerging topic in data mining which attracts many researchers.  ...  Thus, in this paper, we propose an algorithm for mining high utility sequential patterns with the time interval problem.  ...  Hence, in this paper, we integrate utility into time intervals sequential pattern mining and propose a new problem -high utility sequential pattern with time interval mining.  ... 
doi:10.2478/cait-2019-0032 fatcat:kruto3tmufgitbfb754rp27mxe

Mining high on-shelf utility itemsets with negative values from dynamic updated database [article]

Anjali N. Radkar, S.S. Pawar
2015 arXiv   pre-print
On-shelf utility mining considers on-shelf time period of item and gets the accurate utility values of itemsets in temporal database.  ...  Utility mining emerged to overcome the limitations of frequent itemset mining by considering the utility of an item. Utility of an item is based on user's interest or preference.  ...  Temporal data mining is proposed to find temporal patterns from a set of data with time. Ale et al.  ... 
arXiv:1507.01759v1 fatcat:bbaifv5zvzd4rgtblqnargtk24

Incorporating repeating temporal association rules in Naïve Bayes classifiers for coronary heart disease diagnosis

Kalia Orphanou, Arianna Dagliati, Lucia Sacchi, Athena Stassopoulou, Elpida Keravnou, Riccardo Bellazzi
2018 Journal of Biomedical Informatics  
Temporal abstraction (TA) is useful for abstracting time point data into interval-based sequences of events [1].  ...  Related works [12, 13] introduced symbolic time-interval events that extract knowledge-based  ...  Time Intervals Related Patterns Based Classification The use of the discovered temporal patterns as features for classification is becoming increasingly popular in data mining literature.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2018.03.002 pmid:29555443 fatcat:tfmzmxsmlbfk7ixq5uky2tjjha

Effect of Temporal Relationships in Associative Rule Mining for Web Log Data

Nazli Mohd Khairudin, Aida Mustapha, Mohd Hanif Ahmad
2014 The Scientific World Journal  
This paper attempts to investigate the effect of temporal attribute in relational rule mining for web log data.  ...  We incorporated the characteristics of time in the rule mining process and analysed the effect of various temporal parameters.  ...  Temporal rule mining focuses in time-series datasets that utilize the timestamps in the data.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/813983 pmid:24587757 pmcid:PMC3920648 fatcat:kf3rp3qhvva2znzactbvzynbei
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