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Finding and resolving security misusability with misusability cases

Shamal Faily, Ivan Fléchais
2014 Requirements Engineering  
We describe the related work upon which misusability cases are based before presenting the approach, and illustrating its application using a case study example.  ...  This paper describes how misusability cases, scenarios that describe how design decisions may lead to usability problems subsequently leading to system misuse, address this problem.  ...  The first change involved repurposing the changes made to the IRIS meta-model in [25] for assumption personas to also support misusability cases.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00766-014-0217-8 fatcat:w5xr7o6xcjcepp3ihrqwzqtbee

A Modeling Ontology for Integrating Vulnerabilities into Security Requirements Conceptual Foundations [chapter]

Golnaz Elahi, Eric Yu, Nicola Zannone
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In particular, we identify the basic concepts for modeling and analyzing vulnerabilities and their effects on the system.  ...  We show how the proposed modeling ontology can be adopted in various conceptual modeling frameworks through examples.  ...  We adopted the ontology in the misuse case diagrams, i* models, and CORAS risk models.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-04840-1_10 fatcat:hwgcd2rr7bbcddd247pibgufhi

Eliciting usable security requirements with misusability cases

Shamal Faily, Ivan Flechais
2011 2011 IEEE 19th International Requirements Engineering Conference  
We describe the steps carried out to develop and apply misusability cases to elicit requirements and report preliminary results applying this technique in a recent case study.  ...  We present Mis-usability Cases: scenarios which describe how design decisions may lead to usability problems subsequently leading to system misuse.  ...  We are also grateful to Qinetiq Ltd for their sponsorship of this work.  ... 
doi:10.1109/re.2011.6051665 dblp:conf/re/FailyF11 fatcat:htcu4nfqgfhrleuqbjncgdywsa

Risk and Business Goal Based Security Requirement and Countermeasure Prioritization [chapter]

Andrea Herrmann, Ayse Morali, Sandro Etalle, Roel Wieringa
2012 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
RiskREP extends misuse case-based requirements engineering methods with IT architecture-based risk assessment and countermeasure definition and prioritization.  ...  We illustrate RiskREP and how it prioritizes the countermeasures it elicits by an application to an action case.  ...  To these system models, RiskREP adds the security aspect. Meta model of RiskREP Business perspective: Business goals are desired properties of the business.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29231-6_6 fatcat:turawlfeyfdwlnxvycbkaa6ipi

Towards Security Risk-Oriented Misuse Cases [chapter]

Inam Soomro, Naved Ahmed
2013 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
The contribution helps understand how misuse cases could deal with security risk management and support reasoning for security requirements and their implementation in the software system.  ...  This paper applies a systematic approach to understand how misuse case diagrams could help model organisational assets, potential risks, and security countermeasures to mitigate these risks.  ...  Fig. 1 . 1 ISSRM Domain Model [11] Fig. 5 . 5 Modelling for Availability of Service Fig. 6 . 6 Modelling for Confidentiality of Data Fig. 7 . 7 Meta-model of SROMUC for Availability of Service  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36285-9_68 fatcat:o7ojrdwx6zchxps2ugtjfevcbi

Prescription opioid misuse and its relation to injection drug use and hepatitis C virus infection: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

Ashly E Jordan, Don Des Jarlais, Holly Hagan
2014 Systematic Reviews  
Given the potential for the persistence and escalation of the consequences of prescription opioid misuse in the USA, there is a critical need for synthesis of the current state of the epidemic in order  ...  This systematic review and meta-analysis aims to synthesize the prevalence of prescription opioid misuse in the USA and examine the rate of transition to injection drug use and incident HCV in these new  ...  Support was also received from the New York University Center for Drug Use and HIV Research, an NIH P30 Center (P30 DA011041).  ... 
doi:10.1186/2046-4053-3-95 pmid:25178433 pmcid:PMC4158728 fatcat:ekylns5psffvtdeizwb7tgrtxa

Effectiveness of Guided and Unguided Low-Intensity Internet Interventions for Adult Alcohol Misuse: A Meta-Analysis

Heleen Riper, Matthijs Blankers, Hana Hadiwijaya, John Cunningham, Stella Clarke, Reinout Wiers, David Ebert, Pim Cuijpers, Robert Stewart
2014 PLoS ONE  
Alcohol misuse ranks within the top ten health conditions with the highest global burden of disease. Lowintensity, Internet interventions for curbing adult alcohol misuse have been shown effective.  ...  This effect is small but from a public health point of view this may warrant large scale implementation at low cost of Internet interventions for adult alcohol misuse.  ...  In the case of Internet-based interventions for alcohol misuse, however, female uptake appears equally as high as male uptake [28, 77] and have been seen to have similar impacts on female and on male  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099912 pmid:24937483 pmcid:PMC4061051 fatcat:zjtzzlzpkvenljzr2pgzbgty3i

Diet-ODIN: A Novel Framework for Opioid Misuse Detection with Interpretable Dietary Patterns [article]

Zheyuan Zhang, Zehong Wang, Shifu Hou, Evan Hall, Landon Bachman, Vincent Galassi, Jasmine White, Nitesh V. Chawla, Chuxu Zhang, Yanfang Ye
2024 arXiv   pre-print
., namely Opioid Misuse Detection with Interpretable Dietary Patterns (Diet-ODIN) - to bridge heterogeneous graph (HG) and large language model (LLM) for the identification of users with opioid misuse  ...  To further delve into the intricate correlations between dietary patterns and opioid misuse, we exploit an LLM by utilizing the knowledge obtained from the graph learning model for interpretation.  ...  , where individuals might not recognize their misuse [29] , or in cases where misuse is intentionally concealed.  ... 
arXiv:2403.08820v1 fatcat:bbdgtzkcwzgsjn6q5rnk7zvtfu

Substance use and misuse in the aftermath of terrorism. A Bayesian meta-analysis

Charles DiMaggio, Sandro Galea, Guohua Li
2009 Addiction  
Methods We reviewed and synthesized evidence from 31 population-based studies using Bayesian meta-analysis and meta-regression.  ...  Aim To conduct a comprehensive analysis of the conflicting evidence on substance use and misuse following mass traumas such as terrorist incidents.  ...  The Bayesian analytic approaches used in the study were based on material presented by Keith Abrams, Tony Ades, Nocola Cooper, Alex Sutton and Nicky Welton as part of 'Evidence Building for Decision Modeling  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02526.x pmid:19392912 fatcat:xmwahxkkpnevbfzkxdrb662mdm

Incidence of iatrogenic opioid dependence or abuse in patients with pain who were exposed to opioid analgesic therapy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

C. Higgins, B.H. Smith, K. Matthews
2018 British Journal of Anaesthesia  
Results: Following eligibility reviews of 6164 articles, 12 studies (involving 310,408 participants) were retained for inclusion in the meta-analyses.  ...  A random effects model (DerSimonian-Laird method) generated a pooled incidence of opioid dependence or abuse of 4.7%.  ...  Meta-regression generated a non-significant model.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.bja.2018.03.009 pmid:29793599 fatcat:zlgx6iefmbam3czchpopwwgrrq

Security testing with Selenium

Vidar Kongsli
2007 Companion to the 22nd ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object oriented programming systems and applications companion - OOPSLA '07  
First, we model security threats as misuse stories, similar to user stories except that we focus on illegal or non-normative use of the application.  ...  Selenium is a tool for creating and running automated web tests and is a good fit for agile projects where it can be used for creating acceptance tests corresponding to the web application's user stories  ...  (For projects utilizing use cases, misuse cases or 'abuse cases' [3] , have been suggested for modeling misuse ( [4] , [5] , [6] and others.)  ... 
doi:10.1145/1297846.1297927 dblp:conf/oopsla/Kongsli07 fatcat:zbfimk3pazarbls3qufgzf2fym

Protocol: Psychosocial, pharmacological and legal interventions for improving the psychosocial outcomes of children with substance misusing parents

Elizabeth Eggins, Sharon Dawe, David B. Wilson, Ned Chandler‐Mather, Joseph Betts
2020 Campbell Systematic Reviews  
Second, the review aims to use network meta-analysis to integrate and examine the comparative impact of these interventions.  ...  of children with substance misusing parents?  ...  to address parental substance misuse and child welfare issues; (b) frequent court hearings and drug testing to monitor treatment adherence and case progress; (c) incentives or rewards for compliance;  ... 
doi:10.1002/cl2.1113 fatcat:tg77dm3wv5cyvgoulsvlpfmi7a

Risk of seizure after naloxone therapy in acute tramadol poisoning: A systematic review with meta-analysis

Maliheh Ghandehari, Nastaran Eizadi-Mood, Marjan Mansourian, AliMohammad Sabzghabaee, Shiva Samasamshariat, Erfan Sadeghi
2019 International Journal of Preventive Medicine  
We suggest considering the risk/benefit when administration naloxone, especially for the seizure risk factors including previous history of seizure, tramadol misuse, and co-ingestion.  ...  The meta-analysis showed I 2, 27%, (P value, 0.23) indicating no significant heterogeneity.  ...  Also the authors would like to thank the staffs of the Khorshid hospital library for their great cooperation.  ... 
doi:10.4103/ijpvm.ijpvm_268_18 pmid:32133101 pmcid:PMC6826754 fatcat:funfql7wnbcqlkjj7t6xycfrta

The prevalence of major mental illness, substance misuse and homelessness in Irish prisoners: systematic review and meta-analyses

G. Gulati, N. Keating, A. O'Neill, I. Delaunois, D. Meagher, C. P. Dunne
2018 Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine  
Proportional meta-analyses were completed for each outcome.ResultsWe found eight, six and five studies quantifying the point prevalence of major mental illness, substance misuse, and homelessness respectively  ...  Considerable heterogeneity was found for each subgroup (except psychosis where substantial heterogeneity was observed) and random effects models were used to calculate pooled percentages.  ...  The authors assert that ethical approval for publication of this paper was not required by their local REC.  ... 
doi:10.1017/ipm.2018.15 pmid:30931873 fatcat:fxamzxuvircjhblaatsfxvbhty

Past-year intimate partner violence perpetration among people with and without depression: an individual participant data (IPD) meta-mediation analysis

Katherine R. K. Saunders, Sabine Landau, Louise M. Howard, Helen L. Fisher, Louise Arseneault, Geraldine F. H. McLeod, Sian Oram
2021 Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology  
; (2) observed associations are mediated by alcohol misuse or past-year IPV victimisation.  ...  Purpose To investigate whether (1) depression is associated with increased risk of past-year intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration, disaggregated by sex, after controlling for potential confounders  ...  For binary data, the parametric model assumed for the mediator and the outcome is a probit model. As a result, total, direct, and indirect effects are expressed as proportion differences.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00127-021-02183-w pmid:34842963 pmcid:PMC10627935 fatcat:bjbewww34zgsjehcy7tguxdj4m
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