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Don't click: towards an effective anti-phishing training. A comparative literature review

Daniel Jampen, Gürkan Gür, Thomas Sutter, Bernhard Tellenbach
2020 Human-Centric Computing and Information Sciences  
Attackers then use the phished data to execute their schemes further.  ...  Unfortunately, it is also often exploited for phishing attacks. To defend against such threats, many organizations have begun to provide anti-phishing training programs to their employees.  ...  The 2015 Sony Inc. hack is an example of a successful phishing campaign and demonstrates the extent of the damage that such an attack can cause [4] .  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13673-020-00237-7 fatcat:rwswgxy7kfdtnbloyoanbcx4wy

SOK: A Comprehensive Reexamination of Phishing Research from the Security Perspective [article]

Avisha Das, Shahryar Baki, Ayman El Aassal, Rakesh Verma, Arthur Dunbar
2019 arXiv   pre-print
We explain these challenges and then survey the existing phishing/spear phishing solutions in their light.  ...  Phishing and spear-phishing are typical examples of masquerade attacks since trust is built up through impersonation for the attack to succeed.  ...  Previous phishing studies have found that phishing is "far more successful than commonly thought" and it is the main mechanism for manual account hijacking [1] , [6] .  ... 
arXiv:1911.00953v1 fatcat:2bxxhd4qdfcrljinmicjjs2vt4

Outcomes of studying the autonomous hacking system Mechanical Phish [article]

Αλέξανδρος Ζαρκαδούλας, Alexandros Zarkadoulas, University Of Piraeus, Χριστόφορος Νταντογιάν, Christoforos Dadoyan
Επίσης, αυτή η εργασία είχε ως στόχο την επίδειξη των κύριων εργαλείων του Mechanical Phish.  ...  Στην εργασία αυτή, ασχολήθηκα με τις τεχνικές ανάλυσης ευπαθειών, την συμβολική εκτέλεση και το Mechanical Phish.  ...  Existing tools In 2015 Springfield was founded and became the first commercial cloud fuzzing service that Mechanical Phish Mechanical Phish 23 As we can see, the binary takes one argument that must  ... 
doi:10.26267/unipi_dione/88 fatcat:xwvfxyv3snf77ojwjn7izxmwgy

AI In Cyber Warfare

Tatya Verma
2024 Zenodo  
Darktrace's Autonomous Response technology can autonomously neutralise threats by taking actions such as isolating compromised devices and blocking suspicious activities.  ...  resilience to protect sensitive data and thwart cyberattacks.  ...  s so-called Replicative Initiative aims to work with tech companies and defence authorities to incorporate the use of various autonomous weapons systems for war.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10900774 fatcat:um3wyr6hkfhepatgo3zmohadpq

Understanding the Phishing Ecosystem [article]

Sophie Le Page, University, My, University, My
In "phishing attacks", phishing websites mimic trustworthy websites in order to steal sensitive information from end-users.  ...  We find that the efforts against phishing attacks are stronger than those against malware attacks.We also find phishing activity indicating that mitigation strategies are not taking down phishing websites  ...  [41] performed an exploratory study on Bitly's spam URL and account detection mechanism to expose the gaps in security mechanisms.  ... 
doi:10.20381/ruor-23629 fatcat:wqsnxhbeqngnxm367kikhwdx5a

Rampant Smoothing (RTS) Algorithm: an optimized consensus mechanism for private Blockchain enabled technologies

Usman Tariq
2022 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking  
AbstractBlockchain is a distributed database method of storing electronic information in digital form that makes it challenging to transform, hack, or rogue the system.  ...  To prove the validity of submitted data, a consensus mechanism is required, which was attained by implementing a novel 'Rampant Smoothing Algorithm' that was encoded using Solidity (i.e., aimed at developing  ...  This feature is curricular to identify and blacklist any frequent adversarial behavioral (i.e., phishing, bitpoint hack, bugs (associated with 'replication and consensus, validity, agreement, termination  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13638-022-02123-5 fatcat:bmcooqnifjfp7p34bodce4djsi

Cyber Security Architecture for General Election in India

Arun M. Ranvir
2023 International Journal of Software & Hardware Research in Engineering  
NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF) is a useful tool for helping orgs increase their overall resilience and response to cyber threats.  ...  NIST Cyber Security Framework (CSF) is a useful tool for helping orgs increase their overall resilience and response to cyber threats.  ...  Cyber Security Services: Cyber Security Mechanism provides Cyber Security services for maintaining the security and safety of an Election such as Authentication, Access control, Confidentiality, Integrity  ... 
doi:10.26821/ijshre.11.12.2023.111209 fatcat:y52ktk3uejhzrnvh42ltwjeuza

Blockchain-Based Authentication and Registration Mechanism for SIP-Based VoIP Systems

Mwrwan Abubakar, Zakwan Jaroucheh, Ahmed Al Dubai, Bill Buchanan
2021 2021 5th Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet)  
Our mechanism uses a smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain to ensure trust, accountability and preserves user privacy. We provided a proofof-concept implementation to demonstrate our work.  ...  In trying to rectify this issue, we propose in this paper a blockchain-based lightweight authentication mechanism, which involves a decentralised identity model to authenticate the SIP client to the SIP  ...  They also offer resilience by executing smart contract code across all blockchain nodes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/csnet52717.2021.9614646 fatcat:raey3rc7ojadtn4f3racce5e34

Next Generation Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems [article]

Michel Barbeau, Georg Carle, Joaquin Garcia-Alfaro, Vicenç Torra
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Two key challenges are understanding and reinforcing the resilience of CPS.  ...  Hacking and failures of such systems have impact on critical services with potentially significant and lasting consequences.  ...  Remote control of navigation systems, including successful hacking of autonomous cars and avionic systems.  ... 
arXiv:1907.08849v3 fatcat:ncjycpzrnnfz7hjd74g2quwvx4


2023 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science  
These learning algorithms are usually used as a classification mechanism or regression mechanism.  ...  Phishing Emails: Phishing Emails are mainly used to steal the user's personal information.  ... 
doi:10.56726/irjmets32643 fatcat:c2h3stldh5d3ratxfelkah7nke


Pranav Choudhary
2024 Zenodo  
It has the potential to play a role in criminal acts known as AI-crimes (AIC), which pose threats to cybersecurity, such as stealing sensitive data, hacking and weaponizing autonomous weaponry, social  ...  However, applying existing AI concepts to assess the harm that autonomous AI may pose in the future is insufficient.  ...  Additionally, raising awareness and promoting cybersecurity education are crucial components in building a resilient digital society.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10644601 fatcat:nqtsdxqfsjamnol4nlsssx2a4m

Avoiding the internet of insecure industrial things

Lachlan Urquhart, Derek McAuley
2018 Computer Law and Security Review  
Security incidents such as targeted distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks on power grids and hacking of factory industrial control systems (ICS) are on the increase.  ...  Addressing ICS hacks.  ...  Autonomous systems in logistics -smart oil tankers Use of autonomous systems in logistics is a clear application area for the industrial IoT.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.clsr.2017.12.004 fatcat:aay53nzg2za4lluc6oynuiylna

The (In)Security of Smart Cities: Vulnerabilities, Risks, Mitigation, and Prevention

Rob Kitchin, Martin Dodge
2017 The Journal of urban technology  
Update sent without encryption Updates not signed Update location writable Update verification Malicious update Missing update mechanism No manual update mechanism Device Firmware Hardcoded  ...  IoT refers to the connecting together of machine-readable, uniquely identifiable objects through the Internet such that they can communicate largely autonomously and automatically.  ... 
doi:10.1080/10630732.2017.1408002 fatcat:wergb3uscbechmo4bszpnrxtgm

Quantum Deep Neural Network Based Classification of Attack Vectors on the Ethereum Blockchain

Anand Singh Rajawat, S B Goyal, Manoj Kumar, Saurabh Kumar
2024 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Scalable Information Systems  
According to our research, quantum computing has the potential to be an essential tool in creating Ethereum-style blockchain security systems that are more advanced, efficient, and resilient.  ...  Phishing Attacks Phishing is the practise of deceiving users into divulging sensitive information, such as private keys or wallet passwords.  ...  Because it led to the theft of around fifty million dollars' worth of ether (ETH), the hack that occurred in the DAO in 2016 is a well-known example of this type of attack.  ... 
doi:10.4108/eetsis.5572 fatcat:akzjjrr4nrhgjlkyrlrlbpc2wu

Cyber Insurance for Cyber Resilience [article]

Shutian Liu, Quanyan Zhu
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Cyber insurance is a complementary mechanism to further reduce the financial impact on the systems after their effort in defending against cyber attacks and implementing resilience mechanism to maintain  ...  The design framework builds on the correlation between state-of-the-art attacker vectors and defense mechanisms.  ...  Bibliography Figure 1 . 1 : 11 Figure 1.1: Insurance is a complementary mechanism to provide a socio-economic layer of resilience to the system protected under a technical security and resilience mechanism  ... 
arXiv:2312.02921v1 fatcat:jwg6hbjjt5evpfo7uqr4qtwaxa
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