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Polarized Communities Search via Co-guided Random Walk in Attributed Signed Networks

Fanyi Yang, Huifang Ma, Cairui Yan, Zhixin Li, Liang Chang
2023 ACM Transactions on Internet Technology  
To address the above challenges, we propose a novel method Co-guided Random Walk in Attributed signed networks (CoRWA) for polarized communities search by equipping with reasonable attribute setting.  ...  Further analysis reveals the significance of node attributes for polarized communities search.  ...  propose a local spectral method to ind polarized communities in signed graphs [33] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/3613449 fatcat:cvyd5u6n3jfnxckaa73dwwu3bq

SHEEP: Signed Hamiltonian Eigenvector Embedding for Proximity [article]

Shazia'Ayn Babul, Renaud Lambiotte
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce a spectral embedding algorithm for finding proximal relationships between nodes in signed graphs, where edges can take either positive or negative weights.  ...  Finally, we show through a series of experiments on synthetic and empirical networks, that the resulting position in the embedding can be used to recover certain continuous node attributes, and that the  ...  We thank the authors of [21] for the access to the Australian Rainfall Correlations data-set.  ... 
arXiv:2302.07129v1 fatcat:65cxxawl5zc5dbkq7ywmxzlp54

Paper Title

2021 2021 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT)  
of High Voltage Insulator using Convolutional Neural Network Wireless Sensor Networks for Optimisation of Search and Rescue Management in Floods Analysis of FMCW-Radar signals to extract vital-sign information  ...  by Control and User Planes Separation in 4G and 5G Recent Technology Trends in Satellite Communication Subsystems ION/IOFF Improvement for No Junction Surrounding Gate TFET with different high-k values  ... 
doi:10.1109/conecct52877.2021.9622649 fatcat:y65u5a3sqrg2jmi74gebh5mjc4

SSSNET: Semi-Supervised Signed Network Clustering [article]

Yixuan He, Gesine Reinert, Songchao Wang, Mihai Cucuringu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Here, we introduce a novel probabilistic balanced normalized cut loss for training nodes in a GNN framework for semi-supervised signed network clustering, called SSSNET.  ...  In particular, most state-of-the-art methods generating node embeddings of signed networks focus on link sign prediction, and those that pertain to node clustering are usually not graph neural network  ...  experiments, we compare SSSNET against nine state-of-the-art spectral clustering methods in signed networks mentioned in Sec. 2.  ... 
arXiv:2110.06623v3 fatcat:5hutrjkranh6tpevptox4bruea

Seismic features and automatic discrimination of deep and shallow induced-microearthquakes using neural network and logistic regression

S. Mostafa Mousavi, Stephen P. Horton, Charles A. Langston, Borhan Samei
2016 Geophysical Journal International  
Forty different seismic attributes of whole seismograms including degree of polarization and spectral attributes were measured.  ...  Spectral centroids and 2-D crosscorrelations in the time-frequency domain are two new seismic features used in this study that showed to be promising measures for seismic event classification.  ...  In general, we can conclude that frequency and polarization attributes, respectively, have the highest sensitivity for determining event source depth.  ... 
doi:10.1093/gji/ggw258 fatcat:bmfodjkjz5hmtchzbu57mcawhi

Table of contents

2014 2014 International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV)  
System Based on Distributed Sensor Network in Bangladesh 286 Motion Analysis for Moving Object Detection from UAV Aerial Images:A Review 288 Design of a Circular Polarization Array Antenna with  ...  240 Effect of sensor number and location in cross-correlation based node estimation technique for underwater communications network 241 Mining Frequent Pattern within a Genetic Sequence Using Unique  ...  for privacy protection and community safety  ... 
doi:10.1109/iciev.2014.6850868 fatcat:y4gdctlg3zgajc3ge3drl6itcy

Spectral Graph Forge: Graph Generation Targeting Modularity [article]

Luca Baldesi and Athina Markopoulou and Carter T. Butts
2018 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we introduce a principled methodology, the Spectral Graph Forge, for generating random graphs that preserves community structure from a real network of interest, in terms of modularity.  ...  Community structure is an important property that captures inhomogeneities common in large networks, and modularity is one of the most widely used metrics for such community structure.  ...  Second, Q can be used to search for community structure, by seeking a partition of nodes into m * communities, c * 1 , . . . , c * n , such that Q * is maximized.  ... 
arXiv:1801.01715v1 fatcat:bd5nq64bobhanmihsaejyvv6ji

Distinct cortical systems reinstate the content and context of episodic memories [article]

James E Kragel, Youssef Ezzyat, Bradley C Lega, Michael R Sperlin, Gregory A Worrell, Robert E Gross, Barbara C Jobst, Sameer A Sheth, Kareem A Zaghloul, Joel M Stein, Michael J Kahana
2020 bioRxiv   pre-print
We identified dissociable cortical networks via functional connectivity that uniquely reinstated semantic content and temporal context of previously studied stimuli during free recall.  ...  Network-specific reinstatement predicted the temporal and semantic organization of recall sequences, demonstrating how specialized cortical systems enable the human brain to target specific memories.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Medtronic and Blackrock Microsystems for providing neural recording equipment. We also thank Drs. Ethan  ... 
doi:10.1101/2020.08.20.248567 fatcat:gtzu5sh2hna5xojewlc7zuqkhm

Semi-supervised Gated Spectral Convolution on a Directed Signed Network

Jiancong Cui, Hui Zhuang, Taoran Liu, Hong Wang
2020 IEEE Access  
In this paper, we therefore propose a method for semi-supervised gated spectral convolution in directed signed networks.  ...  INDEX TERMS Directed signed networks, spectral graph convolutional networks, balance theory, gating mechanism, network embedding, link sign prediction.  ...  This eliminates wrong polarity relationships in signed networks and adds self-connections to pave the way for subsequent sign propagation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2979865 fatcat:fb75iqgwabcmbndqsweuteaqpm

A Comprehensive Review of Community Detection in Graphs [article]

Jiakang Li, Songning Lai, Zhihao Shuai, Yuan Tan, Yifan Jia, Mianyang Yu, Zichen Song, Xiaokang Peng, Ziyang Xu, Yongxin Ni, Haifeng Qiu, Jiayu Yang (+2 others)
2024 arXiv   pre-print
This review article delves into the topic of community detection in graphs, which serves as a thorough exposition of various community detection methods from perspectives of modularity-based method, spectral  ...  The study of complex networks has significantly advanced our understanding of community structures which serves as a crucial feature of real-world graphs.  ...  for community detection in attributed networks.  ... 
arXiv:2309.11798v4 fatcat:vu3skmbwuncixlufd3jmfmc4xa

PyTorch Geometric Signed Directed: A Software Package on Graph Neural Networks for Signed and Directed Graphs [article]

Yixuan He, Xitong Zhang, Junjie Huang, Benedek Rozemberczki, Mihai Cucuringu, Gesine Reinert
2023 arXiv   pre-print
While many networks are signed or directed, or both, there is a lack of unified software packages on graph neural networks (GNNs) specially designed for signed and directed networks.  ...  In this paper, we present PyTorch Geometric Signed Directed (PyGSD), a software package which fills this gap.  ...  spectral analysis methods on signed networks; CDLIB [66] allows to extract, compare and evaluate communities from complex networks; EvalNE [54] is designed for assessing and comparing the performance  ... 
arXiv:2202.10793v6 fatcat:craty275zfb65pvbaek4xvwane

Laser-Induced Fluorescence Emission (L.I.F.E.): In Situ Nondestructive Detection of Microbial Life in the Ice Covers of Antarctic Lakes

Michael C. Storrie-Lombardi, Birgit Sattler
2009 Astrobiology  
The findings open up the possibility of searching from either a rover or from orbit for signs of life in the polar regions of Mars and the frozen regions of exoplanets in neighboring star systems.  ...  L.I.F.E. survey strategies described may be of interest for orbital monitoring of photosynthetic primary productivity in polar and alpine glaciers, ice sheets, snow, and lake ice of Earth's cryosphere.  ...  Mortvedt, the expedition leader, for repeated assistance in acquiring difficult samples.  ... 
doi:10.1089/ast.2009.0351 pmid:19778277 fatcat:mvjvg2nkjnhpbfetslhgz2tidq

Electioneering the Network: Dynamic Multi-Step Adversarial Attacks for Community Canvassing [article]

Saurabh Sharma, Ambuj SIngh
2024 arXiv   pre-print
The problem of online social network manipulation for community canvassing is of real concern in today's world.  ...  In particular, we explore minimum budget attacks for community canvassing (MBACC).  ...  Post label-converting, the model perturbs the voter attributes in order to maximize influence of the attacking community in that voter's local neighborhood.  ... 
arXiv:2403.12399v1 fatcat:vvkiltvrubeexnex7kynel4spm

A protocol for high-throughput, untargeted forest community metabolomics using mass spectrometry molecular networks

Brian E. Sedio, Cristopher A. Boya P., Juan Camilo Rojas Echeverri
2018 Applications in Plant Sciences  
A protocol for high-throughput, untargeted forest community metabolomics using mass spectrometry molecular networks.  ...  untargeted metabolomics of plant tissue and suitable for molecular networking applications.  ...  Molecular network assembly 1. Sign in on GNPS (http://gnps.ucsd.edu). Then navigate to → Data Analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1002/aps3.1033 pmid:29732263 pmcid:PMC5895185 fatcat:ouymbfbbkfbtnnnfvl2gly7znq

Micro-scale modeling of contaminant effects on surface optical properties

M. G. Gartley, J. R. Schott, S. D. Brown, Sylvia S. Shen, Paul E. Lewis
2008 Imaging Spectrometry XIII  
The optical properties of a surface may change significantly in response to contaminants from the environment and/or human activity.  ...  We utilize a first principles, physics-based radiometric ray tracing software package to evaluate the spectral polarimetric bi-directional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) of the virgin and contaminated  ...  The authors wish to thank the Intelligence Community Post-Doctoral Fellowship Research program and Lockheed Martin Information Systems & Global Services Enterprise Integration Group for supporting this  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.796428 fatcat:6eu3iqycpvhorfqoym7pb57pum
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