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Local Privacy and Statistical Minimax Rates

John C. Duchi, Michael I. Jordan, Martin J. Wainwright
2013 2013 IEEE 54th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science  
When combined with minimax techniques such as Le Cam's and Fano's methods, these inequalities allow for a precise characterization of statistical rates under local privacy constraints.  ...  Working under local differential privacy-a model of privacy in which data remains private even from the statistician or learner-we study the tradeoff between privacy guarantees and the utility of the resulting  ...  Army Research Office under grant number W911NF-11-1-0391, and Office of Naval Research MURI grant N00014-11-1-0688.  ... 
doi:10.1109/focs.2013.53 dblp:conf/focs/DuchiJW13 fatcat:7giskrwqdjc5tpytgf4tdg7oby

Local privacy and statistical minimax rates

John C. Duchi, Michael I. Jordan, Martin J. Wainwright
2013 2013 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton)  
When combined with minimax techniques such as Le Cam's and Fano's methods, these inequalities allow for a precise characterization of statistical rates under local privacy constraints.  ...  Working under local differential privacy-a model of privacy in which data remains private even from the statistician or learner-we study the tradeoff between privacy guarantees and the utility of the resulting  ...  Army Research Office under grant number W911NF-11-1-0391, and Office of Naval Research MURI grant N00014-11-1-0688.  ... 
doi:10.1109/allerton.2013.6736718 dblp:conf/allerton/DuchiJW13 fatcat:eto4hsyebfcmtng4emvtynhrs4

Local Privacy, Data Processing Inequalities, and Statistical Minimax Rates [article]

John C. Duchi and Michael I. Jordan and Martin J. Wainwright
2014 arXiv   pre-print
When combined with standard minimax techniques, including the Le Cam, Fano, and Assouad methods, these inequalities allow for a precise characterization of statistical rates under local privacy constraints  ...  Working under a model of privacy in which data remains private even from the statistician, we study the tradeoff between privacy guarantees and the utility of the resulting statistical estimators.  ...  JCD was partially supported by a Facebook Graduate Fellowship and an NDSEG fellowship. Our work was supported  ... 
arXiv:1302.3203v4 fatcat:tb6nrh3rizcwvhujbwwgbu6dfe

Minimax optimal goodness-of-fit testing for densities and multinomials under a local differential privacy constraint [article]

Joseph Lam-Weil, Béatrice Laurent, Jean-Michel Loubes
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We establish an upper bound on the separation distance associated with this test, and a matching lower bound on the minimax separation rates of testing under non-interactive privacy in the case that f_  ...  To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first minimax optimal test and associated private transformation under a local differential privacy constraint over Besov balls in the continuous setting, quantifying  ...  The main question is whether the minimax rates are affected by the local privacy constraint and to quantify the degradation of the rate in that case.  ... 
arXiv:2002.04254v3 fatcat:ybdbxqgd2zfm3otr5fh4yn5jda

Minimax-Optimal Privacy-Preserving Sparse PCA in Distributed Systems

Jason Ge, Zhaoran Wang, Mengdi Wang, Han Liu
2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics  
DPS-PCA can recover the leading eigenspace of the population covariance at a geometric convergence rate, and simultaneously achieves the optimal minimax statistical error for high-dimensional data.  ...  Our algorithm provides fine-tuned control over the tradeoff between estimation accuracy and privacy preservation.  ...  Other works such as [9, 42, 44] studied the theoretical tradeoff between the minimax statistical rate and the local privacy level imposed on the initial data.  ... 
dblp:conf/aistats/GeWWL18 fatcat:bobp3x5u5vcurol6vsdmp3ukpe

Minimax Optimal Procedures for Locally Private Estimation [article]

John Duchi and Martin Wainwright and Michael Jordan
2017 arXiv   pre-print
These inequalities allow for a precise characterization of statistical rates under local privacy constraints and the development of provably (minimax) optimal estimation procedures.  ...  Working under a model of privacy in which data remains private even from the statistician, we study the tradeoff between privacy guarantees and the risk of the resulting statistical estimators.  ...  Army Research Office under grant number W911NF-11-1-0391, Office of Naval Research MURI grant N00014-11-1-0688, and National Science Foundation (NSF) grants CCF-1553086 and CAREER-1553086.  ... 
arXiv:1604.02390v2 fatcat:ovynqnrecvd5hagbffzvq7jeuu

Local Privacy and Minimax Bounds: Sharp Rates for Probability Estimation [article]

John C. Duchi and Michael I. Jordan and Martin J. Wainwright
2013 arXiv   pre-print
We give sharp minimax rates of convergence for estimation in these locally private settings, exhibiting fundamental tradeoffs between privacy and convergence rate, as well as providing tools to allow movement  ...  along the privacy-statistical efficiency continuum.  ...  Army Research Office under grant number W911NF-11-1-0391, and Office of Naval Research MURI grant N00014-11-1-0688.  ... 
arXiv:1305.6000v1 fatcat:qyija63hunh5vat2aowbsjxvqu

Instance-Optimal Differentially Private Estimation [article]

Audra McMillan, Adam Smith, Jon Ullman
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we study local minimax convergence estimation rates subject to ϵ-differential privacy.  ...  We construct locally minimax differentially private estimators for one-parameter exponential families and estimating the tail rate of a distribution.  ...  and Privacy Institute.  ... 
arXiv:2210.15819v1 fatcat:r2rnqlv4lrdmlm2xq5v2garxce

Blind Attacks on Machine Learners

Alex Beatson, Zhaoran Wang, Han Liu
2016 Neural Information Processing Systems  
For each attack, we analyze minimax rates of convergence and establish lower bounds on the learner's minimax risk, exhibiting limits on a learner's ability to learn under data injection attack even when  ...  proportion of malicious data and some family to which the malicious distribution chosen by the attacker belongs.  ...  Our work has strong connections to the analysis of minimax lower bounds in local differential privacy.  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/BeatsonWL16 fatcat:sl6a3l55tfeifcd56gvxyurhjy

Lower Bound of Locally Differentially Private Sparse Covariance Matrix Estimation

Di Wang, Jinhui Xu
2019 Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
In this paper, we study the sparse covariance matrix estimation problem in the local differential privacy model, and give a non-trivial lower bound on the non-interactive private minimax risk in the metric  ...  as a general method for bounding the private minimax risk of matrix-related estimation problems.  ...  Classical Minimax Risk Since all of our lower bounds are in the form of private minimax risk, we first introduce the classical statistical minimax risk before discussing its locally differentially private  ... 
doi:10.24963/ijcai.2019/665 dblp:conf/ijcai/Wang019 fatcat:tg3ejmshd5bkhfjrvzw4i4napm

Minimax density estimation in the adversarial framework under local differential privacy [article]

Mélisande Albert
2024 arXiv   pre-print
To this end, we study minimax rates under local differential privacy over Sobolev spaces.  ...  Next, we introduce a new Coordinate block privacy mechanism that guarantees local differential privacy, which, coupled with a projection estimator, achieves the minimax optimal rates.  ...  We focus on non interactive local privacy mechanisms satisfying Equation (1). In statistical inference under privacy constraints, we do not have access to the original data.  ... 
arXiv:2403.18357v1 fatcat:blh6dwcpu5e6jozvtujc35gg2a

On robustness and local differential privacy [article]

Mengchu Li, Thomas B. Berrett, Yi Yu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
the local differential privacy (LDP) constraints.  ...  Overall, our work showcases a promising prospect of joint study for robustness and local differential privacy.  ...  Acknowledgements We are thankful to the anonymous referees for detailed comments and suggestions, which greatly improved the paper.  ... 
arXiv:2201.00751v2 fatcat:dok2brzijjdtdog76yigcgbhf4

Preserving Privacy of Continuous High-dimensional Data with Minimax Filters

Jihun Hamm
2015 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics  
Preserving privacy of high-dimensional and continuous data such as images or biometric data is a challenging problem.  ...  similar or better target task accuracy and lower privacy risk, often significantly lower than previous methods.  ...  Related work Utility-privacy trade-offs using the notion of differential privacy have been studied analytically, in particular in the context of the statistical estimation [20, 1, 3] and learnability  ... 
dblp:conf/aistats/Hamm15 fatcat:jxf6rrladzel3gtmovxaj3icky

The Right Complexity Measure in Locally Private Estimation: It is not the Fisher Information [article]

John C. Duchi, Feng Ruan
2020 arXiv   pre-print
private estimation and learning problems by developing the local minimax risk.  ...  We identify fundamental tradeoffs between statistical utility and privacy under local models of privacy in which data is kept private even from the statistician, providing instance-specific bounds for  ...  In work independent of and contemporaneous to our own, Rohde and Steinberger [47] build off of [25] to show that (non-local) minimax rates of convergence under ε-local differential privacy are frequently  ... 
arXiv:1806.05756v3 fatcat:5myltsf4xvdwzktqwsejrj4kku

Random Differential Privacy

Robert Hall, Larry Wasserman, Alessandro Rinaldo
2013 Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality  
We show how to release an RDP histogram and we show that RDP histograms are much more accurate than histograms obtained using ordinary differential privacy.  ...  We propose a relaxed privacy definition called {\em random differential privacy} (RDP).  ...  We introduce a concept which parallels minimaxity in statistics, and identify the minimax risk for a differentially private histogram.  ... 
doi:10.29012/jpc.v4i2.621 fatcat:e4snhnf6inhqthcvfqtw5gmr5q
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