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16,914 Hits in 8.1 sec

An Efficient threshold Public Key Cryptosystem Secure Against Adaptive Chosen Ciphertext Attack (Extended Abstract) [chapter]

Ran Canetti, Shafi Goldwasser
1999 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The random-oracle was used both in the proof of security and to eliminate interaction.  ...  Previously, it was shown how to design non-interactive threshold PKC secure under chosen ciphertext attack, in the random-oracle model and under the DDH intractability assumption [25] .  ...  Where Does the Randomness in Decoding Come from?  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-48910-x_7 fatcat:psosdgik2ffchjhkq2b4opp7ai

Byzantine Set-Union Consensus Using Efficient Set Reconciliation

Florian Dold, Christian Grothoff
2016 2016 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES)  
A free software implementation of this construction is available in GNUnet.  ...  This is a revised and extended version of a paper published under the same title at ARES 2016.  ...  Fig. 1 1 CPU system time for the SET service in relation to total set size.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ares.2016.26 dblp:conf/IEEEares/DoldG16 fatcat:srdhvg3rcffzvmyqtgvcdpibz4

Byzantine set-union consensus using efficient set reconciliation

Florian Dold, Christian Grothoff
2017 EURASIP Journal on Information Security  
A free software implementation of this construction is available in GNUnet.  ...  This is a revised and extended version of a paper published under the same title at ARES 2016.  ...  Fig. 1 1 CPU system time for the SET service in relation to total set size.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13635-017-0066-3 fatcat:bbiqcpr76vdbznri3vgft5g35u

A Design of Linear Task Set Model for Multimedia Services in IP Network

Hyoungjin Kim, Jaekon Oh, Gyusu Jung
2014 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering  
To solve the problem that it is too complex and has low expandability, this study suggests a system design structure based on the LTS (Linear Task Set) model.  ...  Based on the simple, basic structure grounded on LTS structure, the study defines a consistent process and allows free structure alteration in the simple system structure according to the service purpose  ...  The following list is for considerations when designing a system of the linear task set.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijmue.2014.9.1.09 fatcat:4mjpg367vranblourirn44cbae

Complex instruction set computing architecture for performing accurate quantum Z rotations with less magic [article]

Andrew J. Landahl, Chris Cesare
2013 arXiv   pre-print
This results in a substantial overall reduction in the number of gates required to achieve a desired gate accuracy for Z rotations.  ...  Reduced instruction set computing (risc) architectures typically restrict the instruction set to stabilizer operations and a single non-stabilizer operation, such as preparation of a "magic" state from  ...  Acknowledgments AJL and CC were supported in part by the Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at Sandia National Laboratories.  ... 
arXiv:1302.3240v2 fatcat:ao2htlamnbcj3ndydkwt3x33ri

More Efficient (Reusable) Private Set Union [article]

S. Dov Gordon, Carmit Hazay, Phi Hung Le, Mingyu Liang
2022 IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive  
In the semi-honest setting, we provide two protocols.  ...  We study the problem of private set union in the two-party setting, providing several new constructions. We consider the case where one party is designated to receive output.  ...  That said, the value of batch encoding and decoding is real, and some reasonable abstraction might provide new insights, just as the OKVS abstraction has done. Extending FNP.  ... 
dblp:journals/iacr/GordonHLL22 fatcat:ser7xuhshjb4fkic6j7tat2lwe

Improving user interaction with spoken dialog systems via shaping

Stefanie Tomko
2005 CHI '05 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI '05  
Results show that shaping can improve efficiency by removing the need for a pre-use tutorial and reducing word-error rates.  ...  One of the most promising applications of speech recognition technology is the spoken dialog system, which offers the promise of simple, direct, hands-free access to information.  ...  See Appendix C for a representative list of tasks used in the study. Participants were given forty minutes to work through the set of tasks.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1056808.1056846 dblp:conf/chi/Tomko05 fatcat:dumficbtfjbmnig7kz3vw7g5um

0 Instruction Set Architecture [chapter]

2003 Digital Design and Computer Organization  
These extrapolations are implemented as linear approximations and have a relatively large error margin.  ...  The fitness model does not need to be a simple linear function as can be seen from this listing.  ...  De, in dit proefschrift voorgestelde methoden, richten zich dan ook vooral op verbeteringen in zowel de ontwerp evaluatie als de verdere automatisering van de ontwerp kandidaat selectie.  ... 
doi:10.1201/b12403-15 fatcat:mygaz2meibgljew5tzvmuw6x5i

Randomized instruction set emulation

Elena Gabriela Barrantes, David H. Ackley, Stephanie Forrest, Darko Stefanović
2005 ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security  
The paper discusses possible extensions and applications of the RISE technique in other contexts.  ...  Randomized instruction set emulation (RISE) is a complementary method of defense, one that performs a hidden randomization of an application's machine code.  ...  Partition of symbols into disjoint sets based on the possible outcome paths of interest in the decoding and execution of a symbol. Each path defines a set.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1053283.1053286 fatcat:swetal6wszcftkrbfbmduvz3ei

The neurobiology of syntax: beyond string sets

K. M. Petersson, P. Hagoort
2012 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Biological Sciences  
To set the stage, we begin with a summary of what is known about the neural organization of language and what our artificial grammar learning (AGL) studies have revealed.  ...  progress can be made in understanding the neurobiology of the language faculty.  ...  Some important types of grammars generate classes of sequence (or string) sets that can be placed in a class hierarchy, the (extended) Chomsky hierarchy.  ... 
doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0101 pmid:22688633 pmcid:PMC3367693 fatcat:r4k6wgdkcjf7bj5abldvcrd2ra

Parameter setting and input reduction [chapter]

Arnold Ernest Evers, Jacqueline van Kampen
2008 Linguistics Today  
Nevertheless, the standard phrase "remaining errors are due to the authors" certainly applies in the present case.  ...  The very explanatory and abstract nature of the parameter implies that its presence cannot be noticed as a simple property in the primary data. This is the epistemological problem.  ...  linear order of steps.  ... 
doi:10.1075/la.132.22eve fatcat:dbkn5vwowfdgpok4jbmwtlvygy

Detecting Holes in Point Set Surfaces

Gerhard H. Bendels, Ruwen Schnabel, Reinhard Klein
2006 Journal of WSCG  
modeling, global illumination, computer vision, image processing and pattern recognition, computational geometry, human interaction and virtual reality, animation, multimedia systems and applications in  ...  Peter Filzmoser from Vienna University of Technology for his kind help with the data sets. ISBN 1213-6972 ISBN 80-86943-09-7 by fitting the values to a generic shape.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research is a part of the basic research on visualization conducted in cooperation between the Comenius University, Bratislava and the VRVis Research Center in Vienna (http://www.vrvis.at  ... 
dblp:journals/jwscg/BendelsSK06 fatcat:w5s6pqx5sreffjnrxg7dz43nda

Masked Accelerators and Instruction Set Extensions for Post-Quantum Cryptography

Tim Fritzmann, Michiel Van Beirendonck, Debapriya Basu Roy, Patrick Karl, Thomas Schamberger, Ingrid Verbauwhede, Georg Sigl
2021 Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems  
For the critical non-linear operations, masked HW accelerators were developed, allowing a secure execution using RISC-V instruction set extensions.  ...  To accelerate linear performance bottlenecks, we developed a generic Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) multiplier, which, in contrast to previously published accelerators, is also efficient and suitable  ...  Acknowledgements This work was partly funded by the German Ministry of Education, Research and Technology in the context of the project Aquorypt (reference number 16KIS1017K).  ... 
doi:10.46586/tches.v2022.i1.414-460 fatcat:enicskdhinharkoqthnojvk7di

BEACON: an adaptive set-membership filtering technique with sparse updates

S. Nagaraj, S. Gollamudi, S. Kapoor, Yih-Fang Huang
1999 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing  
Further, it is shown that the algorithm can accurately track fast time variations in a nonstationary environment.  ...  This algorithm features sparse updating, wherein it uses about 5-10% of the data to update the parameter estimates without any loss in mean-squared error performance, in comparison with the conventional  ...  Abstract-This paper deals with adaptive solutions to the socalled set-membership filtering (SMF) problem.  ... 
doi:10.1109/78.796429 fatcat:rzz2ztn4ubawlh5nw56o2uwmce

Reflective HCI

Paul Dourish, Janet Finlay, Phoebe Sengers, Peter Wright
2004 Extended abstracts of the 2004 conference on Human factors and computing systems - CHI '04  
Learning to master this responsive space is to be skilled in extending one's own body field.  ...  We focus on gesture and the body in sense-making and propose a discussion drawing on a nondualist and agent-free account of embodied, material experience.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is sponsored in part by NSF Award #0238132.  ... 
doi:10.1145/985921.986203 dblp:conf/chi/DourishFSW04 fatcat:2riaoweryzhnza25n4hwbghwha
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