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Keys Distributing Optimization of CP-ABE Based Access Control in Cryptographic Cloud Storage

Yong CHENG, Jiangchun REN, Zhiying WANG, Songzhu MEI, Jie ZHOU
2012 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
In this letter, we introduce a novel keys distribution optimization scheme for CP-ABE based access control.  ...  This scheme integrates roles, role hierarchies and objects grouping to accelerate keys distribution, meanwhile the CP-ABE encrypting overhead is reduced by adopting deterministic cryptographic function  ...  The details of CP-ABE based access control in cryptographic cloud storage is illustrated in Fig. 1: 1) The system starts up via running the Setup algorithm and generating the public parameters PK and  ... 
doi:10.1587/transinf.e95.d.3088 fatcat:htcnp6hvwvf3llwyntcwz4or7u

Survey on Encryption Techniques used to Secure Cloud Storage System

R. Kirubakaramoorthi, D. Arivazhagan, D. Helen
2015 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
This paper concisely covers some of the existing cryptographic approaches that can be used to improve the security in cloud environment  ...  system stores large number of data in its storage server.  ...  Key-Policy Attribute-based Encryption KP-ABE is introduced by VipulGoyal and Omkant Pandey 23 to achieve fine-grained access control 24 in oneto-many communications.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i36/87861 fatcat:o63a3ew24faatmp6pxfi5osfji


Shirinov Laziz Toxirovich
2023 Zenodo  
This paper presents a holistic security framework for securing data storage in the public cloud, with a focus on lightweight wireless data storage and retrieval devices without exposing the data content  ...  to cloud service providers.  ...  security keys used. 2) Attribute Based Data Storage (ABDS) system as a cryptographic access control mechanism.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.8373985 fatcat:tc7fo2hwt5ez5b7avayojwq7ra

A Fine-Grained and Lightweight Data Access Control Model for Mobile Cloud Computing

Somchart Fugkeaw
2020 IEEE Access  
INDEX TERMS Access control, CP-ABE, role-based, mobile cloud, proxy re-encryption, write privilege.  ...  In this article, we propose a lightweight collaborative ciphertext policy attribute role-based encryption (LW-C-CP-ARBE) scheme to support a fine-grained and lightweight access control for mobile cloud  ...  In [13] , the authors applied CP-ABE to encrypt outsourced data and proposed an Attribute Based Data Storage (ABDS) system as a cryptographic group-based access control scheme in mobile cloud environment  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3046869 fatcat:4bkbqamcp5bddgr3gyir27unby

Securing Fog Storage Nodes using an Attribute-based Encryption Scheme and Multi-Factor Authentication

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
To enable authentication and confidentiality among a group of gathered fog nodes, in this paper, a novel CP-ABE based scheme along with multi-factor user authentication (CP-ABE-MA) is proposed.  ...  CP-ABE can be connected to letters in order and alphanumeric sort of information and jumbling can be connected to a numeric kind of information.  ...  The CP-ABE-based cryptographic access control is also enforced in the manager's program. For key management, we use the CA and allocate the space to keep keys for each owner.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.f8413.109119 fatcat:m4mlblp775dnjm4vxt4me6yz2i

Attribute based Access Control Scheme in Cloud Storage System

Banoth SeethaRamulu, H. Balaji, Bashetty Suman
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
Here we noticed secure access controlling is the prime objective for sensitive data management.in this regards we have been used ABE (Attribute based encryption) for the above objective.  ...  Cloud Computing is an emerging technology now a days , where cloud is most preferable when there is data backup, storage and data distribution service with low cost.  ...  This article presents a model based on a cryptography conspiracy based on cryptographic control (CP-ABE), a constant amount of meaning that you understand versatile control, cloud outsourcing, and data  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i4.6.20228 fatcat:y3xs327bxndcvmehx6eu2ipzra


M. Amsaveni
2018 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science  
To provide Confidentiality on the shared sensitive data, many cryptographic technique are usually applied in large numbers though it has lead to serious challenges in the cloud storage against data sharing.In  ...  Fine grained access control is employed against encrypted data. In addition to more advantage, the access control mechanism also faces several issues in terms of automatic revocation.  ...  k-times attribute-based anonymous access control for cloud computing In this literature, k-times attributebased anonymous access control is analysed for outsourced data in cloud.  ... 
doi:10.26483/ijarcs.v9i3.6118 fatcat:5cg7ewgzbjemtdaojlsr7mm75e

Optimal Integrity Policy for Encrypted Data in Secure Storage using Cloud Computing

P. Senthil Kumari, A. R. Nadira Banu Kamal
2016 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
An Optimal Integrity Policy confirmed the effectiveness of encryption time over existing CP-ABE methodologies based on the performance measures.  ...  Hence, in order to overcome these limitations, this paper proposes an Optimal Integrity Policy for enhanced data security and integrity in the cloud.  ...  The CP-ABE technique is extended to Hierarchical Attribute Set Based Encryption (HASBE) in order to design the scalable, flexible, fine grained access control.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i8/87923 fatcat:futbbq5eqvgy7psuu7fe3nn4te

Optimal Integrity Policy for Encrypted Data in Secure Storage using Cloud Computing

P. Senthil Kumari, A. R. Nadira Banu Kamal
2016 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
An Optimal Integrity Policy confirmed the effectiveness of encryption time over existing CP-ABE methodologies based on the performance measures.  ...  Hence, in order to overcome these limitations, this paper proposes an Optimal Integrity Policy for enhanced data security and integrity in the cloud.  ...  The CP-ABE technique is extended to Hierarchical Attribute Set Based Encryption (HASBE) in order to design the scalable, flexible, fine grained access control.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i11/88453 fatcat:b2urey7ykrc5rgb3ukkgiu22iq

Authorized Client-Side Deduplication Using CP-ABE in Cloud Storage

Taek-Young Youn, Nam-Su Jho, Kyung Hyune Rhee, Sang Uk Shin
2019 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Therefore, in terms of flexibility, data deduplication should be combined with data access control techniques.  ...  Since deduplication inevitably implies data sharing, control over access permissions in an encrypted deduplication storage is more important than a traditional encrypted storage.  ...  However, is distributed to the user in encrypted form using CP-ABE with the access structure by the AS.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2019/7840917 fatcat:vjlidcpfyzccpb5jfdx2uzyete

Fine-Grained Access Control Aware Multi-User Data Sharing with Secure Keyword Search

Fangming ZHAO, Takashi NISHIDE, Kouichi SAKURAI
2014 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
We consider the problems of access control and encrypted keyword search for cryptographic cloud storage in such a way that they can be implemented for a multiple users setting.  ...  Our fine-grained access control aware multi-user secure keyword search approach interdependently harmonizes these two security notions, access control and encrypted keyword search.  ...  This work is partially supported by Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) (23700021), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).  ... 
doi:10.1587/transinf.e97.d.1790 fatcat:w5ry2njozncm7bwc7uv7sowy7a

A Study of Security Impacts and Cryptographic Techniques in Cloud-based e-Learning Technologies

Lavanya-Nehan Degambur, Sheeba Armoogum, Sameerchand Pudaruth
2022 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
In such a context, data authenticity, privacy, access rights and digital footprints are vulnerable in the cloud.  ...  Research in this domain focuses on specific components of cloud and elearning without covering a holistic view of applied cryptographic techniques and practical implementation.  ...  for cloud-based e-learning technologies. For future work, a theoretical framework will be implemented via a holistic approach using different cryptographic techniques.  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2022.0130108 fatcat:cl4ozumjzvh5pecsqsgoqdvrui

OAuth and ABE based authorization in semi-trusted cloud computing

Anuchart Tassanaviboon, Guang Gong
2011 Proceedings of the second international workshop on Data intensive computing in the clouds - DataCloud-SC '11  
With our user-centric approach, owners can take control of their data when it rests in semi-untrusted cloud storage.  ...  Currently, web-based access control standards are applicable only when data owners and cloud service providers are in the same trusted domain.  ...  Many researcher are exploring this research area, starting from cryptographic storage, access control, to cloud storage. In 2003, Kallahalla et al. proposed Plutus, a cryptographic storage system.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2087522.2087531 fatcat:i6hgbjp5urd2hfromiqujdjon4


Dr. P. Vijaya Bharati, R. Ravi, N. Sowjanya Kumari
2021 Information Technology in Industry  
This paper presents a novel solution to secure the vast data with Attribute-based encryption (ABE), providing access control that prevents unauthorized user's access.  ...  Moreover, query optimization is provided in this paper to retrieve the required encrypted data from the big data quickly.  ...  Table 1 : 1 Comparison of different ABE Schemes Criteria ABE KP-ABE CP-ABE ABE with non monotonic Criteria ABE KP-ABE CP-ABE ABE with non Criteria ABE KP -ABE CP-ABE ABE with Query Optimization  ... 
doi:10.17762/itii.v9i1.132 fatcat:efbgvoxzurbybenlo5q5vjp7eq

Optimization of System Framework for Secure Communication and Data Virtualization on Cloud Computing

The proposed method serves for efficient data storage, access control solutions and computation in cloud environment  ...  On account of data storage security necessities and distinctiveness of cloud computing environment, a method for secured data & storage based on dynamic allocation and access control mechanism is presented  ...  Attribute-based access control schemes guarantees the data confidentiality in cloud.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.k7840.0991120 fatcat:bh6gh247wjewtlrz7cxa463hza
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