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Blockchain for Multi-Robot Collaboration to Combat COVID-19 and Future Pandemics [article]

S. H. Alsamhi, Brian Lee
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Robots are a promising technology for providing many tasks such as spraying, disinfection, cleaning, treating, detecting high body temperature/mask absence, and delivering goods and medical supplies experiencing  ...  For combating COVID-19, many heterogeneous and homogenous robots are required to perform different tasks for supporting different purposes in the quarantine area.  ...  It is used for a few purposed, i.e., data gathered from robots, commands from the control unit, and integrity protection.  ... 
arXiv:2010.02137v1 fatcat:pyvp7e7zlvbqthejxss5cuccyq

Blockchain for Multi-Robot Collaboration to Combat COVID-19 and Future Pandemics

S. H. Alsamhi, Brian Lee, Y Qiao
2020 IEEE Access  
Robots are a promising technology for providing many tasks such as spraying, disinfection, cleaning, treating, detecting high body temperature/mask absence, and delivering goods and medical supplies experiencing  ...  For combating COVID-19, many heterogeneous and homogenous robots are required to perform different tasks for supporting different purposes in the quarantine area.  ...  TABLE 3 . 3 Proposed framework solution summary for combating COVID-19 outbreak.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3032450 pmid:34786312 pmcid:PMC8545252 fatcat:coxaihtphzcl3kmobx7pvn4suy

From Ontology Selection and Semantic Web to an Integrated Information System for Food-borne Diseases and Food Safety [chapter]

Xianghe Yan, Yun Peng, Jianghong Meng, Juliana Ruzante, Pina M. Fratamico, Lihan Huang, Vijay Juneja, David S. Needleman
2011 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology  
to scientists in academia, the food industry, and government agencies; and d) development of a computational model in semantic web for greater adaptability and robustness.  ...  Several factors have hindered effective use of information and resources related to food safety due to inconsistency among semantically heterogeneous data resources, lack of knowledge on profiling of food-borne  ...  Outbreak Trace Data Analysis Module: a database-based tracking system for surveillance.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4419-7046-6_76 pmid:21431616 fatcat:4ujwh2c4ljd53gmyhznlwuoeju

Towards bioinformatics assisted infectious disease control

Vitali Sintchenko, Blanca Gallego, Grace Chung, Enrico Coiera
2009 BMC Bioinformatics  
Half of the outbreaks were detected in the first half of their duration.  ...  This paper proposes a novel framework for bioinformatics assisted biosurveillance and early warning to address the inefficiencies in traditional surveillance as well as the need for more timely and comprehensive  ...  Acknowledgements The authors thank Drs Q Wang, JR Iredell, L Hiley and GL Gilbert for their expert advice and providing genotyping data.  ... 
doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-s2-s10 pmid:19208185 pmcid:PMC2646247 fatcat:x4jds5naerdhdenvsnltgi3chi

Towards Data Driven Spatio-Temporal Threshold Identification Based on Cost Effective Public Health Information Management Framework

Muhammad Nazakat, Fatima Khalique, Shoab Ahmed Khan, Nadeem Ahsan
2022 IEEE Access  
data driven framework called Health Data Driven Framework (HDDF) through which data generated at health care facilities may be used for threshold detection and alarm generation.  ...  and utilisation of data to identify thresholds for disease outbreak in order to improve health status and health system performance.  ...  A challenge is posed by the fact that the baseline calculation requires availability of data over a period of time that requires a framework for data integration, storage and analysis [8] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3149349 fatcat:ilcjcbeg4rfadc43jztho33vnm

A Review on Spatial Technologies for Enhancing Malaria Control: Concepts, Tools, and Challenges

Rayner Alfred, Joe Henry Obit
2021 International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology  
A spatial technologies framework for enhancing malaria monitoring is also proposed where it identifies the role of spatial technologies and applications in monitoring malaria disease outbreaks.  ...  This paper mainly focuses on using statistical or machine learning-based models and geographic information science (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) technology for monitoring malaria disease outbreaks.  ...  Fig. 2 2 Fig. 2 Spatial technologies, tools, and applications framework for monitoring malaria disease outbreak has four main components: (a) Data Capturing phase; (b) Data Storing phases; (c) Data Analysis  ... 
doi:10.18517/ijaseit.11.1.11883 fatcat:p7vkunrl4vglnkitiza3tn5dui

Network inference from multimodal data: A review of approaches from infectious disease transmission

Bisakha Ray, Elodie Ghedin, Rumi Chunara
2016 Journal of Biomedical Informatics  
For infectious diseases in particular, there is a body of knowledge that has been focused on combining multiple pieces of linked information.  ...  Multi-domain data can now be used to improve the robustness and reliability of recovered networks from unimodal data.  ...  [25] developed a Bayesian likelihood-based framework integrating genetic and epidemiological data.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2016.09.004 pmid:27612975 pmcid:PMC7106161 fatcat:tpsn75h7lnf3td6xplygemx3ca

The network epidemiology of an Ebola epidemic [article]

Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Jean-Gabriel Young, Jamie Bedson, Laura A. Skrip, Danielle Pedi, Mohamed F. Jalloh, Bastian Raulier, Olivier Lapointe-Gagné, Amara Jambai, Antoine Allard, Benjamin M. Althouse
2021 arXiv   pre-print
partners to validate a network epidemiology framework connecting the population (incidence), community (local forecasts), and individual (secondary infections) scales of disease transmission.  ...  We leverage the data collected by the surveillance and contact tracing protocols of the Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and Sanitation, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and other responding  ...  for Disease Modeling.  ... 
arXiv:2111.08686v1 fatcat:qlbhcnmmwfeqxouibx6abxemki

New technologies in predicting, preventing and controlling emerging infectious diseases

Eirini Christaki
2015 Virulence  
A wealth of new technologies is becoming increasingly available for the rapid molecular identification of pathogens but also for the more accurate monitoring of infectious disease activity.  ...  Web-based surveillance tools and epidemic intelligence methods, used by all major public health institutions, are intended to facilitate risk assessment and timely outbreak detection.  ...  of the barriers for early outbreak detection.  ... 
doi:10.1080/21505594.2015.1040975 pmid:26068569 pmcid:PMC4720248 fatcat:asab2bcdbnhp5nkuphyb3357my

A decision support framework for prediction of avian influenza

Samira Yousefinaghani, Rozita A. Dara, Zvonimir Poljak, Shayan Sharif
2020 Scientific Reports  
The complicated and global spread of avian influenza calls for surveillance tools for timely and reliable prediction of disease events.  ...  The presented framework here can support health care authorities by providing them with an opportunity for early control of emergency situations.  ...  In another study 24 , a framework was designed to integrate knowledge from different domains for avian influenza outbreak identification.  ... 
doi:10.1038/s41598-020-75889-7 pmid:33149144 pmcid:PMC7642392 fatcat:oyzbq6tffnesbfgzrd3nl7xdne


L. O. Grottenberg, O. Njå, E. Tøssebro, G. S. Braut, R. Tønnessen, G. M. Grøneng
2018 The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences  
Real-time data-streams provide a powerful, yet underutilised tool when it comes to monitoring and detecting changes to the daily behaviour of inhabitants.  ...  This type of more up-to-date and geographically precise information could contribute to earlier detection of flu outbreaks and serve as background for implementing tailor-made emergency response measures  ...  data, heterogeneous surveillance data and epidemiological models.  ... 
doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlii-3-w4-231-2018 fatcat:qzzawdlf7zhgdi37agqjfjzefm

Review of methods for space–time disease surveillance

Colin Robertson, Trisalyn A. Nelson, Ying C. MacNab, Andrew B. Lawson
2010 Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology  
A vast and growing suite of methods exists for detection of outbreaks and trends in surveillance data and the selection of appropriate methods in a given surveillance context is not always clear.  ...  A review of some methods for analysis of space-time disease surveillance data is presented.  ...  Barry Boots for direction and suggestions during the starting phase of this research.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sste.2009.12.001 pmid:22749467 pmcid:PMC7185413 fatcat:wcujb3hxirad7je5trchfapt2a

Environmental Correlates of H5N2 Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Outbreak Heterogeneity in Domestic Poultry in Italy

Lapo Mughini-Gras, Lebana Bonfanti, Paolo Mulatti, Isabella Monne, Vittorio Guberti, Paolo Cordioli, Stefano Marangon, Yi Guan
2014 PLoS ONE  
Outbreaks affecting ornamental, commercial and rural multi-species flocks occurred mainly in lowly infrastructured areas of northern Italy.  ...  Considering outbreak heterogeneity rather than treating all outbreaks of low pathogenicity AI (LPAI) viruses equally is important given their interactions with the environment and potential to spread,  ...  It is therefore increasingly apparent that a disease ecology framework, which posits that disease emergence is the result of multifactorial interactions with the environment as a whole [16] , may well  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086788 pmid:24466241 pmcid:PMC3899360 fatcat:g5nsr63zdbaktirfwglgnnerde

One Health Approach to Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Control in Indonesia: A Systematic Review

Maman Saputra, Husda Oktaviannoor
2018 KnE Life Sciences  
One Health is a global strategy to develop collaboration and communication of interdisciplinary in the health care aspect.  ...  (DPSIR) framework as a basis for integrating social, cultural, and economic aspects of environmental and human health into a single framework.  ...  highly complex, technology-driven automated tool for early detection of outbreaks.  ... 
doi:10.18502/kls.v4i1.1382 fatcat:7vhs6rsedrfrjogumz5hs3emlm

Constructing Rigorous and Broad Biosurveillance Networks for Detecting Emerging Zoonotic Outbreaks

Mac Brown, Leslie Moore, Benjamin McMahon, Dennis Powell, Montiago LaBute, James M. Hyman, Ariel Rivas, Mark Jankowski, Joel Berendzen, Jason Loeppky, Carrie Manore, Jeanne Fair (+1 others)
2015 PLoS ONE  
The model forecasts can help clarify the complexities of potential scenarios, and optimize biosurveillance programs for rapidly detecting infectious diseases.  ...  stations that are effective for different pathogen strains and a range of possible outbreak locations.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank the New Mexico Geo-Epidemiology Network for comments and ideas on analysis and interpretation.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0124037 pmid:25946164 pmcid:PMC4422680 fatcat:h3vpbz73fzfwhh4t3pmc33v5we
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