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Identification of miRNA-Small Molecule Associations by Continuous Feature Representation Using Auto-Encoders

Ibrahim Abdelbaky, Hilal Tayara, Kil To Chong
2021 Pharmaceutics  
Controlling miRNAs with small molecules is studied herein to provide new drug repurposing perspectives for miRNA-related diseases.  ...  Experimental methods are time- and effort-consuming, so computational techniques have been applied, relying mostly on biological feature similarities and a network-based scheme to infer new miRNA–small  ...  ., (2015) [40] to predict SM-miRNA associations by integrating biological information from different sources.  ... 
doi:10.3390/pharmaceutics14010003 pmid:35056899 pmcid:PMC8780428 fatcat:5d7uwicddrhx3d4whjdzzzankq

DeepsmirUD: Precise prediction of regulatory effects on miRNA expression mediated by small molecular compounds using competing deep learning frameworks [article]

Jianfeng Sun, Jinlong Ru, Zihao Chen, Fei Qi, Lorenzo Ramos-Mucci, Suyuan Chen, Adam P Cribbs, Li Deng, Xia Wang
2022 bioRxiv   pre-print
By further integrating miRNA-cancer relations, we established a database of potential drugs associated with cancers to aid in explaining the drug mechanisms of action in diseases and offering novel insight  ...  Taken together, our method shows great promise to assist and accelerate the therapeutic development of potential miRNA targets and small molecule drugs.  ...  FQ is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 32000462) and the Scientific Research Funds of Huaqiao University (Grant No. 22BS114).  ... 
doi:10.1101/2022.06.30.498304 fatcat:tlhhd2kf65ezlowl7copm5hrom

BNEMDI: A Novel MicroRNA–Drug Interaction Prediction Model Based on Multi-Source Information With a Large-Scale Biological Network

Yong-Jian Guan, Chang-Qing Yu, Li-Ping Li, Li-Ping Li, Zhu-Hong You, Zhong-Hao Ren, Jie Pan, Yue-Chao Li
2022 Frontiers in Genetics  
Then, the inherent attributes of drugs and miRNAs are expressed as attribute features by MACCS fingerprints and k-mers.  ...  To date, many researchers leveraged miRNA to reveal drug efficacy and pathogenesis at the molecular level.  ...  For the purpose of mining the information from the chemical structure of biological entities, they regarded the miRNA sequences and drug SMILES sequences as sentences and implemented the word2vec algorithm  ... 
doi:10.3389/fgene.2022.919264 pmid:35910223 pmcid:PMC9334674 doaj:5ff43654bd1444d29593b1c3b1a1dc52 fatcat:kfpnlxkixjenlg4nmmq2l4yh4y

Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery: A Comprehensive Review of Data-driven and Machine Learning Approaches

Hyunho Kim, Eunyoung Kim, Ingoo Lee, Bongsung Bae, Minsu Park, Hojung Nam
2020 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering  
, and drug repositioning.  ...  Generally, AI is applied to fields with sufficient data such as computer vision and natural language processing, but there are many efforts to revolutionize the existing drug discovery process by applying  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (NRF-2020R1A2C2004628), and was supported by the Bio-Synergy Research Project  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12257-020-0049-y pmid:33437151 pmcid:PMC7790479 fatcat:wqdmkkas2nb65gy3pymlgisuwi

Integrative Construction and Analysis of Molecular Association Network in Human Cells by fusing Node Attribute and Behavior Information

Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You, Hai-Cheng Yi
2019 Molecular Therapy: Nucleic Acids  
Specifically, we constructed a large-scale MAN composed of 1,023 miRNAs, 1,649 proteins, 769 long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), 1,025 drugs, and 2,062 diseases.  ...  Then, each biomolecule in MAN can be represented as a vector by its attribute learned by k-mer, etc. and its behavior learned by node2vec.  ...  Cheng et al. 15 infer new targets for known drugs only through drug-target bipartite network topology similarity.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.omtn.2019.10.046 pmid:31923739 pmcid:PMC6951835 fatcat:nmweqhhtkvddnhpluv6hhjnnbe

Learning representations of molecules to predict intermolecular interactions by constructing a large-scale heterogeneous molecular association network

Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhu-Hong You, De-Shuang Huang, Zhen-Hao Guo, Keith C.C. Chan, Yangming Li
2020 iScience  
To this end, a heterogeneous molecular association network is formed by systematically integrating comprehensive associations between miRNAs, lncRNAs, circRNAs, mRNAs, proteins, drugs, microbes, and complex  ...  This work provides systematic landscape and machine learning method to model and infer complex associations between various biological components.  ...  First, the molecular association network is constructed by integrating 18 types of associations, 14,315 nodes, 114,150 molecular associations between mRNA, lncRNA, protein, miRNA, circRNA, drug, disease  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.isci.2020.101261 pmid:32580123 pmcid:PMC7317230 fatcat:4vpw2ykwyvdrjknq7w5zjuzyhq

MeSHHeading2vec: A new method for representing MeSH headings as feature vectors based on graph embedding algorithm [article]

Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You, Hai-Cheng Yi, Kai Zheng, Wang Yanbin
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
Thus, it can act as input and continue to play a significant role in any disease-, drug-, microbe- and etc.-related computational models.  ...  information to enhance the distinguishable ability of vectors.  ...  Funding This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, grant number 61772333, 61902342. Conflict of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.1101/835637 fatcat:w6wgdb4brjaspme3gv6vmfkhta

MeSHHeading2vec: a new method for representing MeSH headings as vectors based on graph embedding algorithm

Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You, De-Shuang Huang, Hai-Cheng Yi, Kai Zheng, Zhan-Heng Chen, Yan-Bin Wang
2020 Briefings in Bioinformatics  
The results show that the MeSH headings characterized by graph embedding algorithms can not only be treated as an independent carrier for representation, but also can be utilized as additional information  ...  Thus, it can serve as an input and continue to play a significant role in any computational models related to disease, drug, microbe, etc.  ...  The drug SMILES was downloaded from DrugBank and transformed into fingerprints by python package called RDKit [30] .  ... 
doi:10.1093/bib/bbaa037 pmid:32232320 pmcid:PMC7986599 fatcat:ni5bdg6hmbfohj6nzsgvm2vsie

Biomolecule and Bioentity Interaction Databases in Systems Biology: A Comprehensive Review

Fotis A. Baltoumas, Sofia Zafeiropoulou, Evangelos Karatzas, Mikaela Koutrouli, Foteini Thanati, Kleanthi Voutsadaki, Maria Gkonta, Joana Hotova, Ioannis Kasionis, Pantelis Hatzis, Georgios A. Pavlopoulos
2021 Biomolecules  
Nevertheless, as the number of such sets increases, it is becoming more and more difficult for an end user to know what the scope and focus of each repository is and how redundant the information between  ...  To cope with this data flood, computational approaches, web services, and databases have been implemented to deal with issues such as data integration, visualization, exploration, organization, scalability  ...  MiRNA sequences were collected from miRBase and disease-associated miRNAs from the Human microRNA Disease Database (HMDD) [138] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/biom11081245 pmid:34439912 pmcid:PMC8391349 fatcat:32aums2jtbc5vdcdknzfczajsy

A review of computational drug repositioning: strategies, approaches, opportunities, challenges, and directions

Tamer N. Jarada, Jon G. Rokne, Reda Alhajj
2020 Journal of Cheminformatics  
Drug repositioning, therefore, plays an important role in optimizing the pre-clinical process of developing novel drugs by saving time and cost compared to the traditional de novo drug discovery processes  ...  Drug repositioning is the process of identifying novel therapeutic potentials for existing drugs and discovering therapies for untreated diseases.  ...  [19] established a database (Pharmaco-miR) to identify miRNA-gene-drug triplet set associations by combining data on miRNA targeting and protein-drug interactions.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13321-020-00450-7 pmid:33431024 pmcid:PMC7374666 fatcat:yymhfsis4vgibo4surxzcrvp5m

Bioentity2vec: Attribute- and behavior-driven representation for predicting multi-type relationships between bioentities

Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You, Yan-Bin Wang, De-Shuang Huang, Hai-Cheng Yi, Zhan-Heng Chen
2020 GigaScience  
Based on this, we propose Bioentity2vec, a new method for representing bioentities, which integrates information about the attributes and behaviors of a bioentity.  ...  Results We constructed a molecular association network, which contains 18 edges (relationships) between 8 nodes (bioentities).  ...  Wang et al. adopted the logistic model tree methodology to integrate information from multiple sources to discover unknown associations between diseases and microRNA (miRNA) [12] .  ... 
doi:10.1093/gigascience/giaa032 pmid:32533701 pmcid:PMC7293023 fatcat:cmo2fvzoujg6ffsvyzth4eghw4

Graph Neural Networks and Their Current Applications in Bioinformatics

Xiao-Meng Zhang, Li Liang, Lin Liu, Ming-Jing Tang
2021 Frontiers in Genetics  
Then, three representative tasks are proposed based on the three levels of structural information that can be learned by GNNs: node classification, link prediction, and graph generation.  ...  Meanwhile, according to the specific applications for various omics data, we categorize and discuss the related studies in three aspects: disease prediction, drug discovery, and biomedical imaging.  ...  FUNDING This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61862067) and the Doctor Science Foundation of Yunnan Normal University (No. 01000205020503090).  ... 
doi:10.3389/fgene.2021.690049 pmid:34394185 pmcid:PMC8360394 fatcat:4p55ap6sivcy7h6dpne5fut6lu

Biomarker2vec: Attribute- and Behavior-driven Representation for Multi-type Relationship Prediction between Various Biomarkers [article]

Zhen-Hao Guo, Zhu-Hong You, Yan-Bin Wang, Hai-Cheng Yi
2019 bioRxiv   pre-print
Biomarker2vec is an algorithm that represents the nodes as vectors by integrating biomarker attribute and behavior.  ...  In addition, a drug-disease association prediction case study was performed to validate our method's ability on a specific object.  ...  Wang et al. carry out the Logistic Model Tree to discover unknown miRNA-disease associations by integrating multi-source information [9] .  ... 
doi:10.1101/849760 fatcat:7fqvdz7y3zbqzcttml2fpjck4e

Drug-Disease Association Prediction Based on Neighborhood Information Aggregation in Neural Networks

Yingdong Wang, Gaoshan Deng, Nianyin Zeng, Xiao Song, Yuanying Zhuang
2019 IEEE Access  
It is based on neighborhood information aggregation in neural networks which combines the similarity of diseases and drugs, the associations between the drugs and diseases.  ...  To better evaluate our approach, we also performed data analysis based on one-to-one association's prediction and robust analysis by testing on different datasets.  ...  By integrating information about drug or disease features with known drug-disease associations, the comprehensive similarity measures are initially developed to calculate the similarity between drugs and  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2907522 fatcat:3i5mo3gjkrbzvflcedsqkov7le

Therapeutics Data Commons: Machine Learning Datasets and Tasks for Drug Discovery and Development [article]

Kexin Huang, Tianfan Fu, Wenhao Gao, Yue Zhao, Yusuf Roohani, Jure Leskovec, Connor W. Coley, Cao Xiao, Jimeng Sun, Marinka Zitnik
2021 arXiv   pre-print
All resources are integrated and accessible via an open Python library.  ...  To date, TDC includes 66 AI-ready datasets spread across 22 learning tasks and spanning the discovery and development of safe and effective medicines.  ...  It contains , MTI pairs with , miRNAs and , targets. We use miRBase (Kozomara et al. ) to obtain miRNA mature sequence as the feature representation for miRNAs.  ... 
arXiv:2102.09548v2 fatcat:i5f5vrbaxnehhmhqiuwkkx2s6y
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