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9,773 Hits in 5.1 sec

Human Pose Regression by Combining Indirect Part Detection and Contextual Information [article]

Diogo C. Luvizon, Hedi Tabia, David Picard
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Consequently, contextual information can be included to the pose predictions in a seamless way.  ...  We evaluated our method on two very challenging datasets, the Leeds Sports Poses (LSP) and the MPII Human Pose datasets, reaching the best performance among all the existing regression methods and comparable  ...  Acknowledgment This work was partially supported by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) -Grant 233342/2014-1.  ... 
arXiv:1710.02322v1 fatcat:xmztmfnyv5d7ji4xrswpuyvp4e

Out of the Box: A combined approach for handling occlusion in Human Pose Estimation [article]

Rohit Jena
2019 arXiv   pre-print
in general crowds. 2D multi-person human pose estimation in the wild also suffers from the same problems - occlusion, ambiguities, and disentanglement of people's body parts.  ...  in human pose estimation in the wild.  ...  The structural information of the people's joints and their relationships are predicted by 2D vectors at each pixel, which defines the "affinity of the parts being part of a limb" and aptly named Part  ... 
arXiv:1904.11157v1 fatcat:sxws6xaunfghzci7m3i5jdpn4i

Recent Advances in Monocular 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Deep Learning Perspective [article]

Wu Liu, Qian Bao, Yu Sun, Tao Mei
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We believe this survey will provide the readers with a deep and insightful understanding of monocular human pose estimation.  ...  Recently, benefited from the deep learning technologies, a significant amount of research efforts have greatly advanced the monocular human pose estimation both in 2D and 3D areas.  ...  They design a superior way of leveraging the pivotal contextual cues provided by edges and poses for human parsing. IV.  ... 
arXiv:2104.11536v1 fatcat:tdag2jq2vjdrjekwukm5nu7l6a

Dilated Skip Convolution for Facial Landmark Detection

Seyha Chim, Jin-Gu Lee, Ho-Hyun Park
2019 Sensors  
Studies have differed in the way they use the facial appearances and shape information of input images. In our work, we consider facial information within both global and local contexts.  ...  convolution filters and (2) a dilated skip convolution subnet—a combination of dilated convolutions and skip-connections networks—that are in charge of robustly refining the local appearance heatmaps.  ...  Heatmap regression has also been used to estimate human pose, [29, 30] and detect facial landmarks, [8] [9] [10] . Ref. [29] employed multiple regressors to predict human poses.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19245350 pmid:31817213 pmcid:PMC6960628 fatcat:gxpwzfeblvgylnazw3ra6vu5iu

Recent Advances of Monocular 2D and 3D Human Pose Estimation: A Deep Learning Perspective

Wu Liu, Tao Mei
2022 ACM Computing Surveys  
Recently, benefiting from the deep learning technologies, a significant amount of research efforts have advanced the monocular human pose estimation both in 2D and 3D areas.  ...  We believe this survey will provide the readers (researchers, engineers, developers, etc.) with a deep and insightful understanding of monocular human pose estimation.  ...  The method in [147] uses a human part parsing learner to exploit the part segmentation information and provide complementary features to assist pose estimation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3524497 fatcat:4pbvntngrnfp7lqhcpjmy7p2fq

Reasoning Grasping via Multimodal Large Language Model [article]

Shiyu Jin, Jinxuan Xu, Yutian Lei, Liangjun Zhang
2024 arXiv   pre-print
In this study, we introduce a novel task: reasoning grasping, where robots need to generate grasp poses based on indirect verbal instructions or intentions.  ...  In addition, we present the first reasoning grasping benchmark dataset generated from the GraspNet-1 billion, incorporating implicit instructions for object-level and part-level grasping, and this dataset  ...  The segmentation process was guided by an understanding of how humans typically interact with and use various parts of an object.  ... 
arXiv:2402.06798v2 fatcat:624uyzxcp5e5rjji2ptwtsvnum

Page 2475 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 82, Issue 6 [page]

1995 Psychological Abstracts  
When measures of both indirect and direct effects have rational zero points, a statistically significant intercept in the indirect-on-direct-measure regression shows that (a) the indirect effect occurred  ...  —In a large proportion of the complex kanji characters resulting from the combination of two radicals, the left radical gives information about the meaning of the whole character, and the right one gives  ... 

Evaluating user vulnerabilities vs phisher skills in spear phishing

Mathew Nicho, Hussein Fakhry, Uche Egbue
2018 IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information System  
sender by the user, and a lack of awareness on the part of the computer user.  ...  While user vulnerabilities pose major risk, the effect of the spear phisher's ability in skillfully crafting convincing emails (using fear appeals, urgency of action, and email contextualization) to trap  ...  of detection and mitigation (Thomas, 2018) .  ... 
doi:10.33965/ijcsis_2018130207 fatcat:bi5iombue5dbrpd6tc55ugj2ay

Deep neural networks for bot detection

Sneha Kudugunta, Emilio Ferrara
2018 Information Sciences  
Most techniques proposed to date detect bots at the account level, by processing large amount of social media posts, and leveraging information from network structure, temporal dynamics, sentiment analysis  ...  The problem of detecting bots, automated social media accounts governed by software but disguising as human users, has strong implications.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge support by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR #FA9550-17-1-0327), and by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA #W911NF-  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ins.2018.08.019 fatcat:ks4ede2ha5bkli2bvmdxhotlge

A Critical Analysis of Image-based Camera Pose Estimation Techniques [article]

Meng Xu, Youchen Wang, Bin Xu, Jun Zhang, Jian Ren, Stefan Poslad, Pengfei Xu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Then, we review common methods for structure-based camera pose estimation approaches, absolute pose regression and relative pose regression approaches by critically modelling the methods to inspire further  ...  In this survey, we first introduce specific application areas and the evaluation metrics for camera localization pose according to different sub-tasks (learning-based 2D-2D task, feature-based 2D-3D task  ...  parts to filter away information and add temporal information to better localize the camera pose.  ... 
arXiv:2201.05816v1 fatcat:5wskhyskivh5bh67icaj3pc5i4

A scale‐sensitive heatmap representation for multi‐person pose estimation

Congju Du, Han Yu, Li Yu
2022 IET Image Processing  
Multi-person pose estimation is a challenging vision task that can be seriously affected by keypoint scale variation.  ...  A scale-sensitive heatmap algorithm is presented to generate reasonable spatial and contextual features for the network to predict more precise coordinates, by systematically considering the standard deviation  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61871437 and in part by the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province  ... 
doi:10.1049/ipr2.12404 fatcat:7emdag7hprbqra7yy7aedhjl5i

Context modeling in computer vision: techniques, implications, and applications

Oge Marques, Elan Barenholtz, Vincent Charvillat
2010 Multimedia tools and applications  
The basic motivation behind these diverse efforts is generally the same-attempting to enhance current image analysis technologies by incorporating information from outside the target object, including  ...  of specific applications in which contextual modeling has been incorporated.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Geraldine Morin, Pierre Gurdjos, Viorica Patraucean, and Jerôme Guenard, for the insightful discussions and constructive suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11042-010-0631-y fatcat:cspmqzbtinexrghz2zxjklkyva

Survey on Video Analysis of Human Walking Motion

S. Nissi Paul, Y. Jayanta Singh
2014 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition  
Typically, the analysis of the human walking starts with the extraction of motion information, detection of the presence of humans in the sequences of frames and then followed by analysis of events related  ...  and pose analysis.  ...  [19 ] Combine two methodologies by integrating information of appearance with motion information and detection algorithm along with trained sequences.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijsip.2014.7.3.10 fatcat:fr7h75fowraffnbo4v3gt7v45e

A survey on Visual-Based Localization: On the benefit of heterogeneous data

Nathan Piasco, Désiré Sidibé, Cédric Demonceaux, Valérie Gouet-Brunet
2018 Pattern Recognition  
We start by categorizing VBL methods into two distinct families: indirect and direct localization systems.  ...  We are surrounded by plenty of information about our environment. From these multiple sources, numerous data could be extracted: set of images, 3D model, coloured points cloud...  ...  Direct pose regression The last class of reviewed direct methods cast VBL as a pose regression problem. Two different kinds of regressors are employed in the literature: regression forest and CNN.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2017.09.013 fatcat:adelbfkxgfd3xik6f7fubv32mu

Deep Learning for 3D Human Pose Estimation and Mesh Recovery: A Survey [article]

Yang Liu, Changzhen Qiu, Zhiyong Zhang
2024 arXiv   pre-print
3D human pose estimation and mesh recovery have attracted widespread research interest in many areas, such as computer vision, autonomous driving, and robotics.  ...  Deep learning on 3D human pose estimation and mesh recovery has recently thrived, with numerous methods proposed to address different problems in this area.  ...  At the same time, the continuous motion information provided by video has led researchers to combine videos with human kinematics.  ... 
arXiv:2402.18844v1 fatcat:hqfywkjouzbe3ifj36sdiidi2e
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