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179,298 Hits in 5.9 sec

High quality image construction from multiple low quality copies

Lin Ma, Long Xu, Qian Zhang, King N. Ngan
2013 2013 IEEE 15th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)  
In this paper, the authors proposed to construct a high quality image based on multiple low quality input images.  ...  Better quality images in terms of both objective and subjective measurements can be generated.  ...  In this paper, we also deal with the problem of high quality image reconstruction from multiple low quality copies.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mmsp.2013.6659287 dblp:conf/mmsp/MaXZN13 fatcat:76zerh5c5vho7l4jismxp23ihe

Spatio-Temporal Changes in Habitat Quality and Linkage with Landscape Characteristics Using InVEST-Habitat Quality Model: A Case Study at Changdang Lake National Wetland, Changzhou, China

Nan Wang, Guisheng Wang, Weiling Guo, Man Liu
2022 Polish Journal of Environmental Studies  
The results showed that the mean habitat quality value of the study area increased from 0.7 to 0.73. Meanwhile, the areas with high and low habitat quality values increased by approximately  ...  This study investigated spatio-temporal changes in habitat quality associated with land-use change and landscape characteristics in the Changdang Lake National Wetland from 2010 to 2019.  ...  level Low Moderate High Mean 0.72 from 2010 to 2019.  ... 
doi:10.15244/pjoes/150666 fatcat:zmzpx3zufrai3osrsjvpvsayiy

Collusion-Resilient Fingerprinting by Random Pre-Warping

M.U. Celik, G. Sharma, A.M. Tekalp
2004 IEEE Signal Processing Letters  
As each copy undergoes a distinctive warp, collusion through averaging either yields low-quality results or requires substantial computational resources to undo random warps.  ...  Multiple users may, however, collude and collectively escape identification by creating an average of their individually watermarked copies that appears unwatermarked.  ...  For instance, if the host signal is an image the average appears to have multiple ghost images or is a blurred version. In either case, the colluded copy is a rather low quality version.  ... 
doi:10.1109/lsp.2004.835475 fatcat:s4u34js7ijcflm32or4bt2wyfq

Nonparametric Denoising Methods Based on Contourlet Transform with Sharp Frequency Localization: Application to Low Exposure Time Electron Microscopy Images

Soumia Ahmed, Zoubeida Messali, Abdeldjalil Ouahabi, Sylvain Trepout, Cedric Messaoudi, Sergio Marco
2015 Entropy  
The SNR and the visual quality of the denoised images are considerably enhanced using these denoising structures that combine multiple noisy copies.  ...  We propose denoising structures to combine multiple OPEN ACCESS Entropy 2015, 17 3462 noisy copies of the TEM images.  ...  The authors want to acknowledge the PICT-IBiSA for providing access to chemical imaging equipment.  ... 
doi:10.3390/e17053461 fatcat:vb7xnpj55vfoxoukr7wmm3hsyy

Performance Analysis of Image Fusion Tecniques for Sonar Image Enhancement

J. Alavandan, S. Santhosh Baboo
2012 International Journal of Computer Applications  
To efficiently analyze an image, the quality of the image should be high standard and thus, enhancement of image quality has become imperative in image analysis systems.  ...  In this paper, two techniques, Laplacian Pyramid-based image fusion and Wavelet-based image fusion algorithms are considered and their applicability to fuse sonar images to construct an enhanced image  ...  Thus, the wavelet transform decomposes the image into lowhigh, high-low, high-high spatial frequency bands at different scales and the low-low band at the coarsest scale.  ... 
doi:10.5120/6212-8861 fatcat:6mkm75ptjncgnbbbp4p7g3eq24

Self-Monitoring and Consumer Psychology

Kenneth G. DeBono
2006 Journal of Personality  
First, research on the responsiveness of high and low self-monitors to image-oriented and product-quality-based advertising attempts is addressed.  ...  Findings suggest that when judging product quality, low self-monitors tend to rely on product performance and high self-monitors more likely use the product's image-enhancing capabilities.  ...  For this multiple-function product, high self-monitors generated more image-oriented/social-identity and less quality-based/utilitarian copy than did low self-monitors.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1467-6494.2006.00390.x pmid:16684251 fatcat:nqmswbjsgzh2demkkjc7nehudu

Noise Reduction based on Multiple Copies Color Image Noise Estimation

Napa Sae-Bae, Computer Science Department, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Nonthaburi, Thailand, Somkait Udomhunsakul, Engineering and Architecture Department, Rajamangala University of Technology Suvarnabhumi, Nonthaburi, Thailand
2019 International Journal on Electrical Engineering and Informatics  
In this paper, a novel method to remove additive noise from color digital images, based on multiple copies of color image noise estimation, is proposed.  ...  The proposed method, noise variance in each band: red, green and blue, is estimated separately from noisy color images using the information of an original color image from another copy of noisy color  ...  In this paper, we focus on color image denoising method from multiple copies of noisy images.  ... 
doi:10.15676/ijeei.2019.11.3.5 fatcat:5pvzwgaysrgdzm43eisfym3wky

Evaluating COPY-BLEND Augmentation for Low Level Vision Tasks [article]

Pranjay Shyam, Sandeep Singh Sengar, Kuk-Jin Yoon, Kyung-Soo Kim
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we examine the efficacy of a simple copy-blend data augmentation technique that copies patches from noisy images and blends onto a clean image and vice versa to ensure that an underlying  ...  algorithm localizes and recovers affected regions resulting in increased perceptual quality of a recovered image.  ...  Aiming to achieve such a mechanism for super resolution, Cut Blur [7] proposed to cut patches from high resolution images, scale and paste onto a low/high resolution input image.  ... 
arXiv:2103.05889v1 fatcat:msyracva35dgnd2fsn426viqbi

Global Consistent Shape Correspondence for Efficient and Effective Active Shape Models

Meng Wang, Yi Fang
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference - MM '16  
High quality ASMs can then be constructed based on the identified corresponded points.  ...  Specifically, in this paper, we developed techniques to perform a fast multiple shape matching to identify global consistent shape correspondence from a set of training shape instances via efficient low-rank  ...  High quality ASMs can then be constructed based on the identified corresponded points.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2964284.2967283 dblp:conf/mm/WangF16a fatcat:4czd42kfcvdaljrwjooi6mrxnq

Are parameterised biorthogonal wavelet filters suited (better) for selective encryption?

Andreas Uhl, Andreas Pommer
2004 Proceedings of the 2004 multimedia and security workshop on Multimedia and security - MM&Sec '04  
Selective encryption is used to encrypt parts of a bitstream, in our case images which are compressed by a wavelet based method.  ...  and in particular worse quality as compared to the standard biorthogonal filters usually used for compression.  ...  Generation of Even-Length Filters Even length filters require that the difference between high-and low-pass filter is a multiple of 4, i.e. 4K.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1022431.1022450 dblp:conf/mmsec/UhlP04 fatcat:t2aiee25o5anlguyywjqoqis7q

Improved face recognition at a distance using light field camera & super resolution schemes

R. Raghavendra, Kiran B. Raja, Bian Yang, Christoph Busch
2013 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks - SIN '13  
Since LFC can render multiple focus images in single exposure, one can combine these multiple images to obtain single all-in-focus image.  ...  At the same time one can also construct the super resolution image to further improve the face recognition at a distance.  ...  Projection Onto Convex Sets (POCS): In Projection Onto Convex Sets (POCS) method [13] , high-resolution image is constructed from a set of low resolution images using the coarse detector data through  ... 
doi:10.1145/2523514.2523572 dblp:conf/sin/RaghavendraRYB13 fatcat:ft2enqhhcvftfl4ffby4u3yj5i

Biologically Inspired Media Quality Modeling

Luming Zhang, Meng Wang, Liqiang Nie, Richang Hong, Yingjie Xia, Roger Zimmermann
2015 Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '15  
They are projected onto the perceptual space, which is built upon a set of low-level and high-level visual features.  ...  Particularly, we first extract local descriptors (graphlets in this work) from an image/frame.  ...  CONCLUSIONS This paper presents a perceptually aware quality model by mimicking how humans perceive low-level and high-level visual features from media.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2733373.2806255 dblp:conf/mm/ZhangWNHXZ15 fatcat:sifho5j2jbd77oxc7mdqnsynzi

An Image Forensic Technique Based on JPEG Ghosts [article]

Divakar Singh
2021 arXiv   pre-print
, e.g. high-quality ghost image embedded in low quality of cover image,low-quality ghost image embedded in high-quality of cover image,and ghost image and cover image both at the same quality.The proposed  ...  It can detect any forgery in the image if the forged portion called a ghost image is having a compression quality different from that of the cover image.  ...  To be specific, combinations of high quality ghost-low quality cover, low quality ghost-high quality cover, equal JPEG quality for ghost and cover for copy-move forgeries.  ... 
arXiv:2106.06439v2 fatcat:mmpcd74sa5fttoba3ojnpghz2u

Multiple-description image coding with distributed source coding and side information

Min Wu, Anthony Vetro, Chang Wen Chen, Chang Wen Chen, C.-C. Jay Kuo, Anthony Vetro
2004 Multimedia Systems and Applications VII  
High quality reconstruciton can still be obtained by combining the decoded descriptions from Wyner Ziv decoder.  ...  High quality reconstruction can still be obtained by combining the decoded descriptions from Wyner Ziv decoder.  ...  High quality reconstruction can still be obtained by combining the decoded descriptions from Wyner Ziv decoder.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.577069 fatcat:td7yxca645hnzk6gtg3bv63lb4

Graphics hardware accelerated panorama builder for mobile phones

Miguel Bordallo López, Jari Hannuksela, Olli Silvén, Markku Vehviläinen, Reiner Creutzburg, David Akopian
2009 Multimedia on Mobile Devices 2009  
High interactivity is achieved by providing real-time feedback on the quality, while simultaneously guiding the user actions.  ...  In this context we analyze building mosaic images of printed documents from frames selected from VGA resolution (640x480 pixel) video.  ...  In addition to interactivity benefits, the use of low resolution video imaging can be defended from purely technical aspects.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.816511 fatcat:mr5ufjwsqjb2nbzm7txojvnymq
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