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Going viral

Patrick Wendell, Michael J. Freedman
2011 Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement conference - IMC '11  
In this paper, we characterize and quantify the behavior of thousands of flash crowds on CoralCDN, an open content distribution network running at several hundred POPs.  ...  Handling flash crowds poses a difficult task for web services.  ...  To address this limitation, this paper analyzes flash crowds based on four years of data from CoralCDN [4, 5] , an open CDN comprised of globally cooperating proxies.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2068816.2068867 dblp:conf/imc/WendellF11 fatcat:krswjxnffnhyrcrubklchu6pfi


Bo Yan, Shu Shi, Yong Liu, Weizhe Yuan, Haoqin He, Rittwik Jana, Yang Xu, H. Jonathan Chao
2017 Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Multimedia Conference - MM '17  
LiveJack can elastically scale the serving capacity of CDN servers by integrating Virtual Media Functions (VMF) in the edge cloud to accommodate flash crowds for very popular contents.  ...  Evaluations demonstrate that LiveJack can increase CDN server capacity by more than six times, and can effectively accommodate highly dynamic workloads with an improved service quality.  ...  For instance, on Oct. 26, 2016, a fake viral post of "Live NASA Space Walk" in Facebook-live by Viral USA accidentally generated a major flash crowd for the system.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3123266.3123283 dblp:conf/mm/YanSLYHJXC17 fatcat:q5stlndpubgvhha5vnas6msc6q

Peer-assisted content distribution on a budget

Pietro Michiardi, Damiano Carra, Francesco Albanese, Azer Bestavros
2012 Computer Networks  
Our extensive evaluation of Cyclops in a variety of settingsincluding controlled PlanetLab and live Internet experiments involving thousands of users -shows a significant reduction in content distribution  ...  In this paper, we propose a general framework and present a prototype implementation of peer-assisted content delivery application.  ...  Flash Crowd Experiments: To emulate a flash crowd arrival process -representative of a scenario in which a large number of clients exhibit a sudden interest in some specific content -we deployed a set  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2012.02.011 fatcat:kd5hc2z5pnc3xpatgj66znpoo4

Distributing content simplifies ISP traffic engineering

Abhigyan Sharma, Arun Venkataramani, Ramesh K. Sitaraman
2013 Performance Evaluation Review  
In this paper, we investigate the interplay between content distribution strategies and traffic engineering and ask whether or how an NCDN should address these concerns in a joint manner.  ...  The emergence of such "network-CDNs" (NCDNs) is driven both by market forces as well as the cost of carrying ever-increasing volumes of traffic across their backbones.  ...  Any opinions expressed in this work are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of National Science Foundation or Akamai Technologies.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2494232.2465764 fatcat:zuaileesbre6pd5pcdokkdjyxy

Distributing content simplifies ISP traffic engineering

Abhigyan Sharma, Arun Venkataramani, Ramesh K. Sitaraman
2013 Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS/international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems - SIGMETRICS '13  
In this paper, we investigate the interplay between content distribution strategies and traffic engineering and ask whether or how an NCDN should address these concerns in a joint manner.  ...  The emergence of such "network-CDNs" (NCDNs) is driven both by market forces as well as the cost of carrying ever-increasing volumes of traffic across their backbones.  ...  Any opinions expressed in this work are solely those of the authors and not necessarily those of National Science Foundation or Akamai Technologies.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2465529.2465764 dblp:conf/sigmetrics/SharmaVS13 fatcat:vjmsq5v7lrfnlawrvobn4nfz4i


Raymond Cheng, Will Scott, Arvind Krishnamurthy, Thomas Anderson
2012 Proceedings of the 11th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks - HotNets-XI  
In the current client-server access model, the cost of providing a service increases with its popularity.  ...  This paper proposes an alternative architecture for deploying services that allows more web services to be offered for free.  ...  Self-scaling storage systems can be used to mitigate flash crowds, employ smarter caching techniques, improve locality of data, and of course lower operating costs.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2390231.2390252 dblp:conf/hotnets/ChengSKA12 fatcat:f2lykkt5srdp5lljybyylz2hp4

Crowdsourced network measurements: Benefits and best practices

Matthias Hirth, Tobias Hoßfeld, Marco Mellia, Christian Schwartz, Frank Lehrieder
2015 Computer Networks  
Each method falls short in offering only a partial view of the network.  ...  In this study, we compare crowdsourcing with traditional measurement techniques, describe possible pitfalls and limitations, and present best practices to overcome these issues.  ...  it to an undefined, generally large group of people in form of an open call" [21] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2015.07.003 fatcat:vsh5o72ksbdjjiwv7bspzxx6na

D2.1 Definition of Use Cases, Service Requirements and KPIs

Marco Quagliotti, Albert Rafel, Oscar Gonzales De Dios, Víctor López, Rafael López Da Silva, José Alberto Hernández, Manuel Urueña, David Larrabeiti, Ignacio Martín, Neelakandan Manihatty Bojan, Ftoeini Ntavou, Emilio Hugues Salas (+21 others)
2018 Zenodo  
Their analysis has resulted in the derivation of the main KPIs that the Metro-Haul architecture needs to satisfy.  ...  This deliverable describes the work done in T2.1 and is based on selected Service Use Cases, which are representative of the three service types as defined by 3GPP.  ...  Shared with Peak-hours/Flash crowd task. 4 Shared with Peak-hours/Flash crowd task.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1194063 fatcat:p7pu7rcpnndjlb6urdbzh6w4mi

ActiveCDN: Cloud Computing Meets Content Delivery Networks

Suman Ramkumar Srinivasan, Jae Woo Lee, Dhruva L. Batni, Henning G. Schulzrinne, Columbia University. Computer Science
Content delivery networks play a crucial role in today's Internet.  ...  We present ActiveCDN, a novel CDN architecture that allows a content publisher to dynamically scale their content delivery services using network virtualization and cloud computing techniques.  ...  An example of such a flash crowd event was the inauguration of President Barack Obama in January 2009, which "generated massive Web traffic", leading to site slowdowns.  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8902bs1 fatcat:srvb5l52vfb6tpobepsciwmw74

DiffHub: An Efficient Cloud Sync Technology based on Binary Diffs

Marat Zhanikeev
2015 Journal of Information Processing  
Among several distinct kinds of syncing technology implemented in clouds today, none implement binary diffs for efficiency.  ...  Binary diffs are well established in literature and can be used to drastically reduce the bulk transferred over the network.  ...  The simplified version is static and produces 4 sets of normal, popular (pop), hot and Flash Crowd (flash) items.  ... 
doi:10.2197/ipsjjip.23.683 fatcat:jiatkbyznzc2np7thm476rtpke


Wen Gao, Yonghong Tian, Tiejun Huang, Qiang Yang
2010 ACM Computing Surveys  
In recent years, blogging has become an exploding passion among Internet communities.  ...  We also make an in-depth investigation of various vlog mining topics from a research perspective and present several incentive applications such as user-targeted video advertising and collective intelligence  ...  We also wish to thank our colleagues in JDL lab for providing the related materials.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1749603.1749606 fatcat:qeopjzg4j5bwparwtbmvwdesd4

Improving Content Delivery and Service Discovery in Networks

Suman Ramkumar Srinivasan
The popularity of these new class of devices has, in turn, increased demand for multimedia content by mobile users.  ...  In my thesis, I aim to provide clarity and insight into the usage of core networking protocols and multimedia consumption on both mobile and wireless networks, as well as the network core.  ...  Regional networks and the Internet dynamically adjust to high loads of unanticipated traffic, e.g., such as in the case of "flash crowds" or highly viral content. 3.  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8z89ccc fatcat:k4ingsyn7na2rl7scdbk4l4oe4

Social network support for data delivery infrastructures

Nishanth Ramakrishna Sastry, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository
The standard solution, deploying the content on a centralised server, can be inadequate in several situations.  ...  Our traces show that a preference for the unpopular tail items often spreads virally and is localised to some part of the social network.  ...  due to flash crowds.  ... 
doi:10.17863/cam.16368 fatcat:ts43dryogjdelhsowehmxi66dy

Myanmar's Coup d'état and the Struggle for Federal Democracy and Inclusive Government

Anna S. King
2022 Religions  
It examines the implications for Myanmar when the crisis reached a more complex phase after the military's open use of force and terror on the broader civilian population prompted the NUG to declare war  ...  Since the coup, Myanmar has been in turmoil, paralysed by instability which escalated after the military's deadly crackdown on pro-democracy activists.  ...  As the violence and arrests increased, the crowds on the streets disappeared. In Yangon, groups of mostly young people appeared briefly, shouting slogans and flashing the three-finger salute.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rel13070594 fatcat:jq4zagi5jbh7phpa5rrpwslb5y

Mapping Digital Media: Canada

Jonathan A. Obar, Gregory Taylor, Derek Antoine, Rena Bivens, Nadia Caidi, Arndis Johnson, Catherine A. Middleton, David Skinner
2013 Social Science Research Network  
While the CBC will retain the rights to Hockey Night in Canada for four years, its editorial control will go also go to Rogers.  ...  of open government.  ...  and creating an enabling legal environment for good, brave and enterprising journalism to fl ourish.  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2455895 fatcat:4t2kacnhbnbyzpsn27entyf5na
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