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Bifurcation of limit cycles in a quintic Hamiltonian system under a sixth-order perturbation

S. Wang, P. Yu
2005 Chaos, Solitons & Fractals  
To obtain the maximum number of limit cycles, a sixth-order polynomial perturbation is added to a quintic Hamiltonian system, and both local and global bifurcations are considered.  ...  This paper intends to explore the bifurcation of limit cycles for planar polynomial systems with even number of degrees.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC No. R2686A02).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2005.03.010 fatcat:sfrmh44suvf35a4zd5ygtjoxnu

Bifurcations of limit cycles in Kukles systems of arbitrary degree with invariant ellipse

Eduardo Sáez, Iván Szántó
2012 Applied Mathematics Letters  
Writing the system as a perturbation of a Hamiltonian system, we show that the first Poincaré-Melnikov integral of the system is a polynomial whose coefficients are the Lyapunov quantities.  ...  In this paper, for a certain class of Kukles polynomial systems of arbitrary degree n with an invariant ellipse, we show that for certain values of the parameters, the system has an upper bound of limit  ...  System (6.1) has an upper bound of two limit cycles, counting the infinitesimal and global limit cycles.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.aml.2012.01.039 fatcat:wxmagyqwbfawzmuqqz4guammme

Page 2613 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2000d [page]

2000 Mathematical Reviews  
Summary: “In this paper, Mel/nikov functions which appear in the study of limit cycles of a perturbed planar Hamiltonian system are studied. There are two main contributions here.  ...  The paper also includes other related results, for example, some estimations of the upper bound for the number of limit cycles in a perturbed Hamiltonian system.”  ... 

Bifurcation set and limit cycles forming compound eyes in a perturbed Hamiltonian system

J. Li, Z. Liu
1991 Publicacions matemàtiques  
In this paper we consider a class of perturbation of a Hamiltonian cubic system with 9 finite critical points .  ...  Using detection functions, we present explicit formulas for the global and local bifurcations of the flow . We exhibit various patterns of compound eyes of limit cycles .  ...  Arnold in 1977 [1] , is to determine the number of limit cycles that can be generated from a polynomial Hamiltonian system of degree n -1 with perturbed terms of a polynomial of degree m + 1 .  ... 
doi:10.5565/publmat_35291_13 fatcat:22mslqfkvfd5jdn66pe4crkqb4

Perturbations of quadratic Hamiltonian two-saddle cycles

Lubomir Gavrilov, Iliya D. Iliev
2015 Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Analyse non linéar  
We prove that the number of limit cycles which bifurcate from a two-saddle loop of a planar quadratic Hamiltonian system, under an arbitrary quadratic deformation, is less than or equal to three.  ...  Part of this work has been done while the second author visited the University of Toulouse. He is very grateful for kind hospitality.  ...  the first non-vanishing Poincaré-Pontryagin-Melnikov function M k associated to an arbitrary polynomial perturbation is an Abelian integral.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.anihpc.2013.12.001 fatcat:hiz2yws5a5dgxpwgkvvzivaacm

Perturbations of quadratic Hamiltonian two-saddle cycles [article]

Lubomir Gavrilov, Iliya D. Iliev
2013 arXiv   pre-print
We prove that the number of limit cycles, which bifurcate from a two-saddle loop of a planar quadratic Hamiltonian system, under an arbitrary quadratic deformation, is less than or equal to three.  ...  Part of this work has been done while the second author visited the University of Toulouse. He is very grateful for kind hospitality.  ...  the first non-vanishing Poincaré-Pontryagin-Melnikov function M k associated to an arbitrary polynomial perturbation is an Abelian integral.  ... 
arXiv:1306.2340v1 fatcat:tge6h6fq3nezre64cu3rd436fm

Page 7211 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2002J [page]

2002 Mathematical Reviews  
The authors study bifurcations of limit cycles in perturbations of a vector field with an invariant normally hyperbolic 2-dimensional manifold, assuming that the restriction of the field on this manifold  ...  In the standard Hamiltonian case this condition is expressed as vanishing of the Poincaré integral, the principal term of the dissipation of energy over a period of the non-perturbed system.  ... 

Page 5944 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2003h [page]

2003 Mathematical Reviews  
The paper under review studies the limit cycles of a nonlinear system on the plane.  ...  In this expository paper the author reviews some methods for investigating the bifurcation of limit cycles in planar quadratic differential systems.  ... 

Perturbations of a Hamiltonian family of cubic vector fields

A.M. Urbina, M. Cañas, G. León de la Barra, M. León de la Barra
1991 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society  
This paper is related with the configurations of limit cycles for cubic polynomial vector fields in two variables (xa)- It is an open question to decide whether every limit cycle configuration in X3 can  ...  Finally, we analyse the rupture of saddle connection of the Hamiltonian field under perturbation, via Melnikov's integral, in order to complete the study of the global phase portrait and to consider the  ...  In 1987, Li Ji-bin and Quiming [8] gave several new configurations obtained by perturbing of Hamiltonian systems, including one with 11 limit cycles.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0004972700029531 fatcat:vrtxx7ane5bwlofjmknpmmxgli

Page 5361 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 99h [page]

1999 Mathematical Reviews  
) Limit cycles of polynomial Liénard systems.  ...  Summary: “In this work we study the integrability of a two- dimensional autonomous system in the plane with linear part of center type and non-linear part given by cubic polynomials with degenerate infinity  ... 


2003 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering  
It has not been proved, even for polynomial perturbations of a polynomial Hamiltonian system, that there are only finitely many generating limit cycles.  ...  Bifurcations of limit cycles of Z 5 -equivariant perturbed Hamiltonian systems In this subsection we consider the perturbed Z 5equivariant vector field: dr dt = βr 4 sin 5θ − εr(pr 4 + qr 2 − λ) , dθ dt  ...  There are two sequences of n = 2 k − 1 and n = 3 × 2 k−1 − 1, k = 2, 3, . . . , and a constant µ = (4 × ln 2) −1 such that the number H(n) of limit cycles of the systems (P H k ) grows at least as rapidly  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0218127403006352 fatcat:64mfgqneijgbvc4xlatt3yikfi

Dynamics of homogeneous magnetizations in strong transverse driving fields

Thomas Träxler, Wolfram Just, Herwig Sauermann
1995 Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter  
For the linearly polarized driven Hamiltonian system we apply canonical perturbation theory to uncover the main resonances as well as the global phase space structure.  ...  In the case of circularly polarized driven dissipative motion we present the complete bifurcation diagram including bifurcations up to codimension three.  ...  This work was performed within a program of the Sonderforschungsbereich 185 Darmstadt-Frankfurt, Germany.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf02769944 fatcat:beigf5gpx5hvji625ex6i2vj74

Page 5112 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2003g [page]

2003 Mathematical Reviews  
Limit periodic sets play an important role in the study of appearance of limit cycles, and are, roughly speaking, defined as limits (in terms of the parameter 4) of limit cycles for the Hausdorff metric  ...  Patrick Bonckaert (B-LMBG; Diepenbeek) 2003g:34056 34C05 Tang, Minying (PRC-YUN-AM; Kunming); Hong, Xiaochun Fourteen limit cycles in a cubic Hamiltonian system with nine-order perturbed term.  ... 

Simultaneity of centres in ℤ q -equivariant systems

Jaume Giné, Jaume Llibre, Claudia Valls
2018 Proceedings of the Royal Society A  
We study the simultaneous existence of centres for two families of planar Z q -equivariant systems. First, we give a short review about Z q -equivariant systems.  ...  Next, we present the necessary and sufficient conditions for the simultaneous existence of centres for a Z 2 -equivariant cubic system and for a Z 2equivariant quintic system.  ...  First, we give a survey on the existing results related to the local and global bifurcations of limit cycles for such systems perturbing their centres.  ... 
doi:10.1098/rspa.2017.0811 pmid:29888736 fatcat:enfq5o443bgaxe4nqh6nf2m6ki

Page 7772 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 99k [page]

1999 Mathematical Reviews  
The structure of such sets can be to some extent (though not completely) described: roughly, they can be limit cycles or separatrix polygons, eventually containing arcs of non-isolated singularities.  ...  the global prob- lem to a semilocal one (local with respect to parameters and an unspecified neighborhood of the limit periodic set), and is there- fore easier to verify.  ... 
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