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Snow particles physiochemistry: feedback on air quality, climate change, and human health

Rodrigo Rangel-Alvarado, Houjie Li, Parisa A. Ariya
2022 Environmental Science Atmospheres  
During the last several decades, numerous researchers have provided evidence that physical and biogeochemical processes at air-snow/ice-water interfaces are very complex, and, in many cases, interlinked  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada for nancial support, and PRIMA Quebec. We thank Mr Ryan Hall for proofreading.  ...  Knopf et al. summarized both experimental research and eld study on ice nucleation of organic carbon, which covers the components of BrC such as HULIS and PAHs. 91 rC was not discussed specically in  ... 
doi:10.1039/d2ea00067a fatcat:7tgmt2wcibcahgljcfanhawble

Journal of EcoAgriTourism

2020 Zenodo  
EcoAgriTourism, in the light of its multidisciplinary character, is a wide-open journal which brings together the opinions of specialists from both academic and economic environment, fostering fruitful  ...  The journal's structure covers all aspects of the fields approached, the focus being on original and current researches with applications in agriculture, food industry and rural tourism.  ...  in ROS transformations.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4089913 fatcat:2mv7bwqv7nb2ba4crbstybihi4

Deepened snow alters soil microbial nutrient limitations in arctic birch hummock tundra

Kate M. Buckeridge, Paul Grogan
2008 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. Applied Soil Ecology  
We appreciate Steve Matthews' and Karin Clark's logistical assistance and the support of the Division of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of N.W.T.  ...  Jefferies supplied helpful comments on an earlier version of this manuscript, and the comments from Haiyan Chu and four anonymous reviewers lead to substantial improvements.  ...  The double-sided tape was then removed and the dried soil covered with a drop of immersion oil (Type B, Cargill) and a cover slip.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2007.12.010 fatcat:cxy5vhh2xbfhrkljtlxlrwbl64

Res Integration Concept Paper D5.1 – Final Version

University Of Szeged
2012 Zenodo  
As projects in renewable energy use differ greatly from one-another we did not intend to formulate general conclusions regarding economic or environmental factors of RES integration.  ...  has been be studied.  ...  He discovered that when one of two electrodes immersed in an electrolyte is illuminated, a potential difference arises between the electrodes.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1291341 fatcat:7bsdauqolneo5mblzwl4t6rp2e

The dying dreamer: architecture of parallel realities

Malin Zimm
2003 Technoetic Arts  
This type of architecture is studied through a selection of highly individual projects, each driven by their creator´s subjective desire verging on obsession, towards particular levels of architectural  ...  The second article, "The Operative Fields of the Artificial", focuses on the negotiation of artificiality through the layers of fiction in des Esseintes´ projects and the transitional character of his  ...  Katja Grillner for generously supporting this work with ideas and criticism, and for being such a brilliant source of both knowledge and energy.  ... 
doi:10.1386/tear.1.1.61/0 fatcat:xugesaswbndnppnyd6m332d3ne

Long-term photometric investigation of FZ Ori

Debasish Hazarika, Parvej Reja Saleh, Eeshankur Saikia
2020 Zenodo  
The FZ Ori light curve shows a small asymmetry around the primary and secondary maxima, which indicates the presence of cool or hot spots on the primary component.  ...  The V-band light curve of a WUMa contact binary system FZ Ori is taken from the publicly available photometric time series observations of All Sky Automated Survey (ASAS) between 2000 to 2009, in order  ...  The reliability of power system affected by the flashover voltage of insulator which is depends on environmental different condition.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7425947 fatcat:2jpzdo76szdgzpbdydlm2hrfwm

Evaluation of 4-nonylphenol toxicity in the clam Tapes philippinarum

Valerio Matozzo, Martina Deppieri, Vanessa Moschino, Maria Gabriella Marin
2003 Environmental Research  
Cruz-Guzmán gratefully acknowledges the Ministry of Education and Culture for her F.P.U. fellowship.  ...  Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the EU Environment and Climate program through the Waste Water Cluster project SANDRINE (ENV4-CT98-0801) and by CICYT (AMB99-1705-CE).  ...  The frequency of micronucleated erythrocytes was manually scored through an oil immersion objective. For each individual, 3000 erythrocytes were scored.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0013-9351(02)00052-x pmid:12648481 fatcat:a3ybrkt3gzctdnktwdy5y4ihru

Droplet condensation on polymer surfaces: A review

2013 Turkish journal of chemistry  
We also reviewed the experimental, theoretical, and simulation studies on the growth of breath figures.  ...  On practical surfaces, one or both of these can occur depending upon the wetting characteristics of the condensing surface.  ... 
doi:10.3906/kim-1303-26 fatcat:cpgs4se4ingrtolf2skswvroqe

State-of-the-art and annual progress of bridge engineering in 2021

Renda Zhao, Kaifeng Zheng, Xing Wei, Hongyu Jia, Xiaozhen Li, Qinghua Zhang, Guoji Xu, Yulin Zhan, Ruili Shen, Fang Zhang, Qianhui Pu, Hongye Gou (+1 others)
2022 Advances in Bridge Engineering  
AbstractBridge construction is one of the cores of traffic infrastructure construction.  ...  , hydrodynamics of coastal bridges, and durability of the concrete bridge under the complex environmental conditions.  ...  loading based on experimental data.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s43251-022-00070-1 fatcat:x6gipabflvf3jamum2jijuv4w4

Effects of errorless learning on the acquisition of velopharyngeal movement control

Andus Wing-Kuen Wong, Tara Whitehill, Estella Ma, Rich Masters
2012 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
A method for an optimal selection of frequencies in the smoothing process for the case of one reflection is presented, followed by formulations for smoothing in the more general case.  ...  The SIR provides a local description of the reverberant field of that environment as a function of both time and space.  ...  or both in the study of tonal characteristics.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.4708235 fatcat:7wzupz5u2nd6nc7ttvbpxwvunm

Detecting cells with low RNA content colonizing artworks non-invasively: RNA-FISH [chapter]

R. Vieira, M. Pazian, M. González-Pérez, A. Pereira, A. Candeias, A.T. Caldeira
2018 Conserving Cultural Heritage  
Programme and abstracts of Technoheritage 2017 Cover design Pedro Braza Lloret, pedrobraza@arquired.es Publishers:  ...  Acknowledgements: This paper has been supported and based on the Methodology developed by two Projects: RIVUPH, an Excellence Project of Junta de Andalucia (code HUM-6775), and Art-Risk, a RETOS project  ...  Acknowledgements: This work is part of the BIA Project 2013-49103-C2-1-R: "Design and characterization of special concrete" of the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of the Government of  ... 
doi:10.1201/9781315158648-76 fatcat:molmrh7hp5ajrk6dh72tsro4ca

Modern Applied Science, Vol. 3, No. 2, February 2009, all in one file

Editor MAS
2009 Modern Applied Science  
In the first part of study, the effects of UV and TiO 2 on two antibiotics using the UV-water flow system (UVWFS) were examined.  ...  transformation process.  ...  This is related to the lower chemical potential of the surfactant monomers in solution.  ... 
doi:10.5539/mas.v3n2p0 fatcat:4bjvcqfu5jg7bbzxcjoq477gcy

10th Applied Isotope Geochemistry Conference

2013 Central European Geology  
Sediment and rock samples taken from a research site in New South Wales, Australia were first equilibrated in a fixed volume of dehumidified air and then directly sampled by the LGR mass spectrometer.  ...  Results provide clear evidence that the technique is repeatable and can be conducted on geologic media that contain volumetric water content as low as 5%, with H 2 O (liquid) -H 2 O (vapour) equilibrium  ...  AIG10 -2013 Estimates of apparent recoveries were different from the real ones and therefore inadequate for cotton and cowpea.  ... 
doi:10.1556/ceugeol.56.2013.2-3.1 fatcat:kgsdeqp5mjglpbgr6eju5j2rii

STARTS Prize'20. Excerpt CyberArts 2020: International Compendium Prix Ars Electronica [chapter]

Hannes Leopoldseder, Christine Schöpf, Gerfried Stocker
2020 Zenodo  
STARTS Prize 2020 On behalf of the European Commission, Ars Electronica, in collaboration with BOZAR and Waag Society, issued an open call for entries to the prestigious STARTS (= Science + Technology  ...  In this catalog you will find the winners of the European Commission's two Grand Prizes, which honor Innovation in Technology, Industry and Society stimulated by the Arts, and more of the STARTS 2020 highlights  ...  - ment to play based on pollution in the environment?  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4080902 fatcat:52xjq5a4dfcdloc2r3g7u2vwyq

Viability and stability of Escherichia coli and enterococci populations in fecal samples upon freezing

N. Masters, M. Christie, H. Stratton, M. Katouli
2015 Canadian Journal of Microbiology (print)  
The "exposure" in the key studies was a minimum of 10 min of swimming involving three head immersions.  ...  b LD 50 = lethal dose 50 (the dose of a chemical that will, on average, kill 50% of a group of experimental animals); i.p. = intraperitoneal.  ...  Programme or study design should take account of information derived from the inventory of recreational water use areas and catalogue of basic characteristics, which may require refinement of programme  ... 
doi:10.1139/cjm-2015-0020 pmid:26053765 fatcat:hfw5vgihtrb2fjtzywmefxq66i
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