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Functional and esthetic reconstruction of microtia and congenital aural atresia: a case report

Sung Il Cho, Ji Yun Choi
2021 The Journal of Cosmetic Medicine  
There are several options for reconstruction of the external ear. Here, we present a case of microtia and congenital aural atresia in an 18-year-old woman.  ...  Autologous microtia reconstruction with atresiaplasty is a good option to achieve improving the cosmetic appearance and acoustic function in patients with microtia and congenital aural atresia.  ...  Congenital aural atresia (CAA) is the abnormal development of the external auditory canal, commonly associated with microtia.  ... 
doi:10.25056/jcm.2021.5.1.45 fatcat:gbenbm376zdfzlyesev3cgi2xy

Diagnosis of osteopetrosis in bilateral congenital aural atresia: Turning point in treatment strategy

Ritu Verma, Manisha Jana, Ashu Seith Bhalla, Arvind Kumar, Rakesh Kumar
2016 World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics  
of the patient will be maintained.  ...  Author contributions: Verma R, Jana M and Bhalla AS con tributed to image analysis and diagnosis making; Kumar A and Kumar R helped in clinical evaluation and reatment planning; all contributing authors  ...  Abstract Aural atresia is a rare congenital malformation of the external and middle ear.  ... 
doi:10.5409/wjcp.v5.i2.228 pmid:27170934 pmcid:PMC4857237 fatcat:zxvnefcqzjetbgmehaap2nqxne

A New Flap Technique for Reconstruction of Microtia and Congenital Aural Atresia

Kun Chen, Chenyan Jiang, Qingwei Wu, Yiyuan Sun, Runjie Shi
2015 Indian Journal of Surgery  
as the atresiaplasty for patients with microtia and congenital aural atresia.  ...  We performed a prospective study of the medical records of 18 consecutive patients with congenital aural atresia.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank all the patients and their families for taking part in our new flap technique study. Dr.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12262-015-1263-2 pmid:27011544 pmcid:PMC4775662 fatcat:5gmabiwmffbf3hfrlj4byzaz5y

Anatomic Variants on Computed Tomography in Congenital Aural Atresia and Stenosis

Feng-hua Qin, Tian-yu Zhang, Peidong Dai, Lin Yang
2015 Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology  
To quantitatively analyzing the anatomic variants on temporal computed tomography (CT) in congenital external auditory canal stenosis (EACS), congenital aural atresia (CAA), and normal ear structure.  ...  Measurement data also showed that the potential medial canal diameter of the atresia group was obviously shorter than that of the stenosis group.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the patients who participated in this study and all the colleges of Fudan University, Shanghai, who helped with this research.  ... 
doi:10.3342/ceo.2015.8.4.320 pmid:26622948 pmcid:PMC4661245 fatcat:bnbi7wpwjngmhdlhbs4pgtuzpa

Long-term results of atresiaplasty in patients with congenital aural atresia

Juuso Pellinen, Juha-Pekka Vasama, Ilkka Kivekäs
2018 Acta Oto-Laryngologica  
Conclusion: Surgery for congenital aural atresia (CAA) is a demanding operation with variable anatomical and hearing outcomes.  ...  Objectives: To evaluate long-term benefits of atresiaplasty on hearing and the impact of surgery on quality of life in congenital aural atresia (CAA) patients.  ...  Introduction Congenital aural atresia (CAA) comprises a variety of external auditory canal and middle ear malformations.  ... 
doi:10.1080/00016489.2018.1431402 pmid:29426271 fatcat:owjksdmovfckbnkcrgkw5qzk5i

Developmental Disorders of the Ear in Children and Adolescents

Thomas Braun, John Martin Hempel, Alexander Berghaus
2014 Deutsches Ärzteblatt International  
Developmental disorders of the ear can impair hearing and cause cosmetic deformities. In recent years, new surgical treatments have become established, above all in audiological rehabilitation.  ...  Minor middle ear malformations affect only the middle ear per se (usually defects in the auditory ossicles); major defects feature atresia or stenosis of the external auditory canal (congenital aural atresia  ...  Hempel) Figure 3 : 3 Functional correction of congenital aural atresia. Major middle ear malformations with low Jahrsdoerfer scores often do poorly with reconstructive surgery.  ... 
doi:10.3238/arztebl.2014.0092 pmid:24622605 pmcid:PMC3953996 fatcat:d32abow6yzbbpejkw323kwy2qa

Otologic and Audiology Concerns of Microtia Repair

Kausar Ali, Kriti Mohan, Yi-Chun Liu
2017 Seminars in Plastic Surgery  
Microtia is a congenital auricular deformity that commonly presents with associated congenital aural atresia. The most acute concern in these patients is concomitant hearing loss at birth.  ...  Here, the authors propose a framework to evaluate and manage patients with microtia and atresia with the goal of optimizing functional and cosmetic outcomes.  ...  Congenital aural atresia is the most commonly associated condition that involves an underdeveloped auditory canal and malformed middle ear ossicles.  ... 
doi:10.1055/s-0037-1603957 pmid:28798546 pmcid:PMC5550312 fatcat:txngbkrilne5rcwoooavty7vr4

Accelerating virtual surgery simulation for congenital aural atresia

Bin Li, Zigang Wang, Eric Smouha, Dongqing Chen, Zhengrong Liang, Robert L. Galloway, Jr.
2004 Medical Imaging 2004: Visualization, Image-Guided Procedures, and Display  
In this paper, we proposed a new efficient implementation for simulation of surgery planning for congenital aural atresia.  ...  atretic ears.  ...  We applied this advanced graphics technique to the virtual surgery planning for congenital aural atresia.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.535689 dblp:conf/miigp/LiWSCL04 fatcat:kdsehac7mzcbli4ldgci4iixsm

Integrated microtia and aural atresia management

Mai Thy Truong, Yi-Chun Carol Liu, Jocelyn Kohn, Sivakumar Chinnadurai, David A. Zopf, Melissa Tribble, Paul B. Tanner, Kathleen Sie, Kay W. Chang
2022 Frontiers in Surgery  
microtia and ear canal atresia.  ...  ObjectivesTo present recommendations for the coordinated evaluation and management of the hearing and reconstructive needs of patients with microtia and aural atresia.MethodsA national working group of  ...  TABLE 3 Weerda 3 Classification of Congenital Aural Atresia.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fsurg.2022.944223 pmid:36636584 pmcid:PMC9831057 fatcat:kdbvdmtcfje5zeirq3tto25xci

Congenital aural stenosis with first branchial cleft fistula, presenting with recurrent facial nerve palsy, in an elderly patient

Shraddha Jain, Sunil Kumar, P.T. Deshmukh, Dennis Yohannan, Kavita Sudarshan
2012 Journal of Clinical Gerontology and Geriatrics  
The patient was managed surgically by excision of fistulous tract, canalplasty, auricular reconstruction and middle ear and mastoid exploration for cholesteatoma.  ...  This may probably be the oldest person to be managed surgically for cholesteatoma due to congenital ear anomalies and first such reported case.  ...  canal or the loop of the facial nerve around the tract). 7 In conclusion, while evaluating patients with congenital ears, otologists should always rule out the presence of cholesteatoma by high resolution  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jcgg.2011.11.010 fatcat:w6yrggzlwvcepnl6biidnk6wve

Surgical management of 2 different presentations of ear canal atresia in dogs

Romain Béraud
2012 Canadian veterinary journal  
A 6-year-old French spaniel and a 14-month-old German shepherd dog were diagnosed with ear canal atresia.  ...  Based on presentation, computed tomography, and auditory function evaluation, the first dog underwent excision of the horizontal ear canal and bulla curettage, and the second underwent re-anastomosis of  ...  Mylene-Kim Leclerc, Josianne Arbour, Kyle Clark, Eric Norman Carmel, and Frédéric Sauvé for their valuable help in case management and manuscript revision. CVJ  ... 
pmid:23024390 pmcid:PMC3299514 fatcat:7oaxzvbgrbbdxkkaqhg5gn443e

Bone-Anchored Hearing Aid vs. Reconstruction of the External Auditory Canal in Children and Adolescents with Congenital Aural Atresia: A Comparison Study of Outcomes

Soroush Farnoosh, F. Tania Mitsinikos, Dennis Maceri, Debra M. Don
2014 Frontiers in Pediatrics  
aid (BAHA) in a pediatric population with congenital aural atresia.  ...  Study design: Subjects were children who had a diagnosis of congenital aural atresia or stenosis and who received either BAHA or EACR.  ...  Therefore, this study compared children and adolescents with congenital aural atresia either receiving external auditory canal reconstruction (EACR) or bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA).  ... 
doi:10.3389/fped.2014.00005 pmid:24479110 pmcid:PMC3897875 fatcat:jxdv5raz6rendoywt4zzumncqy

Hearing Loss in Congenital Microtia [chapter]

Kenichi Takano
2018 An Excursus into Hearing Loss  
Microtia and aural atresia are known to be associated with conductive or mixed hearing loss caused by the developmental failure of the auricle, the external auditory canal (EAC), and middle ear structures  ...  Cholesteatoma and mandibular dysplasia are also known to occur in microtia and atresia, as well as rare conditions, such as facial nerve paralysis, chorda tympani dysfunction, and inner ear deformity.  ...  Cartilage conduction hearing aids have a potential as a useful amplification device for patients with congenital microtia and aural atresia.  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.72429 fatcat:xhpxuqsz3nfbbpid24mpc4kjha

Congenital aural atresia surgery: anterior mastoid and transmastoid approaches

Essam Fathy Mohammed
2021 The Egyptian Journal of Otolaryngology  
Background Aural atresia (CAA) is a congenital abnormality with hypoplasia or aplasia of the external auditory canal.  ...  Proper alignment and soft-tissue strategies are keys to the effective correction of the congenitally atretic ear canal.  ...  Congenital aural atresia may be isolated, a part of syndrome, or chromosomal aberration.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s43163-021-00137-2 doaj:232425c1948b45c2a43ea5ec19d1d1c5 fatcat:gggqht6w6nam3ayko7gvlfovv4

Otologic and Audiology Aspects of Microtia Repair

Michael Lipan, Adrien Eshraghi
2011 Seminars in Plastic Surgery  
Congenital abnormalities of the outer ear pose a reconstructive challenge for plastic surgeons and otologists.  ...  The hearing loss associated with canal atresia can have long-lasting effects if not treated promptly and appropriately. The diagnosis and workup for canal atresia requires an otologic evaluation.  ...  CONGENITAL CANAL ATRESIA Canal atresia is a broad term referring to a lack of the external ear canal. It describes a spectrum that also includes a stenotic ear canal.  ... 
doi:10.1055/s-0031-1288919 pmid:23115533 pmcid:PMC3312153 fatcat:ehouizcxdvff7obsymcbe62fcy
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