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Enhanced "ULTRA GRIDSEC": Enhancing High Performance Symmetric Key Cryptography Schema Using Pure Peer To Peer Computational Grid Middleware (HIMAN)

Hisham. A. Kholidy, Abdulrahman. A. Azab, Safia. H. Deif
2008 2008 Third International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications  
In this paper we enhancing the performance of a "ULTRA GRIDSEC" by using a pure Peer-to-Peer Computational Grid Middleware called "HIMAN" that we developed before.  ...  ULTRA GRIDSEC" is a high Performance Symmetric Key Cryptography Schema used to increase the performance of symmetric key encryption algorithms like DES and TDES by decreasing their execution time and increasing  ...  In this paper we enhancing the performance of "ULTRA GRIDSEC" schema [1] by using a pure Peer-to-Peer Computational Grid Middleware called "HIMAN" that we developed [2] before.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpca.2008.4783588 fatcat:ig3r6joi7rbclhfj5dbyhciq3i

Symmetric Key Cryptography: Technological Developments in the Field

Md. SarfarazIqbal, Shivendra Singh, Arunima Jaiswal
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
This paper presents the various developments and emerging trends in the symmetric key cryptography technique.  ...  It provides an overview of latest inventions and approaches that are implemented in the recent scenario for the betterment of private key cryptography technique with respect to its efficiency, effectiveness  ...  Performance Symmetric Key Cryptography Schema [11] An Integrated Symmetric key Cryptography Algorithm Using Pure Peer To Peer Computational Grid using Generalised modified Vernam Cipher method and Middleware  ... 
doi:10.5120/20631-3248 fatcat:2e32rj4kvvb4jhgwsxcwwmrhp4