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Effects of Duration of Immersion in a Virtual Reality Environment on Postural Stability

Atsuo Murata
2004 International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction  
In this study, effects of long-hours immersion in a VR environment on postural stability were examined to approach the underlying mechanism of postural instability and motion sickness using force platform  ...  Two views seem to exist on the relation between immersion in a virtual reality (VR) environment and subjective feelings of motion sickness.  ...  Therefore, the effects of duration of immersion in a VR environment on postural instability should be examined.  ... 
doi:10.1207/s15327590ijhc1704_2 fatcat:ehedbszcr5et5f6m4zaie3qkgy

Effects of Low-Immersive vs. High-Immersive Exercise Environment on Postural Stability and Reaction and Motor Time of Healthy Young Adults

Julia Ciążyńska, Janusz Maciaszek
2023 Journal of Clinical Medicine  
This study aimed to compare the effects of a low vs. high-immersive exercise environment on postural stability, RT and MT in young adults. (2) Methods: Ninety-three participants were randomly divided into  ...  Additionally, after a low-immersive exercise environment, participants have higher center of pressure (COP) path length values with EC and EO-OL tests, which testifies to less postural stability.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jcm12010389 pmid:36615191 pmcid:PMC9821767 fatcat:2i3qg756p5dhfnlomy63nukode

Effect of vestibular adaptation exercises on chronic motion sensitivity: a randomized controlled trial

Danah Alyahya, Eric G Johnson, Noha S Daher, Shilpa B Gaikwad, Sukrut Deshpande, Tim K Cordett, Lisa Zidek
2016 Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation  
The aim of this study was to measure the effect of vestibular adaptation exercises on postural stability in young healthy adults with subjective awareness of chronic motion sensitivity.  ...  Postural stability measurements were taken at baseline and after 6 weeks using computerized dynamic posturography with immersion virtual reality.  ...  Acknowledgement This study was supported by the Loma Linda University, Department of Physical Therapy as part of a Doctor of Science in Physical Therapy degree requirement for the primary author.  ... 
doi:10.7243/2055-2386-3-1 fatcat:4wj4crj4lrag7gzpgl2bikpf4y

The relationship between postural stability and virtual environment adaptation

Rebecca J. Reed-Jones, Lori Ann Vallis, James G. Reed-Jones, Lana M. Trick
2008 Neuroscience Letters  
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between adaptation symptoms and postural stability in a virtual environment (VE) driving simulator.  ...  Application of a secondary sensory stimulation (vestibular or cutaneous) resulted in increased visual dependency for postural control following simulation.  ...  Leah Bent for her expertise and advice on the GVS technique and use of her equipment.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2008.02.047 pmid:18359162 fatcat:2foaxxb5pjhgrpgqhmvkc2me4y

On scaling strategies for the full-body postural control of virtual mannequins

Ronan Boulic, Damien Maupu, Daniel Thalmann
2009 Interacting with computers  
Due to its intrinsic complexity, full-body postural input has been mostly limited to off-line motion capture and to the on-line puppetry of a virtual character with little interactions with its environment  ...  The motion capture technology is now mature enough to envision the on-line full-body postural control of virtual mannequins involved in precise reach tasks.  ...  This research was partially supported by the European network of Excellence ENACTIVE.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.intcom.2008.10.002 fatcat:jqs62cazijb6dlb7vrgyuzytvq

A Systematic Survey on Cybersickness in Virtual Environments

Ananth N. Ramaseri Chandra, Fatima El Jamiy, Hassan Reza
2022 Computers  
Cybersickness is a type of simulation sickness that is experienced in virtual reality. It is a significant challenge for the usability of virtual reality systems.  ...  Even after following some of the guidelines and best practices virtual reality environments do not guarantee a pleasant experience for users.  ...  , in an immersive virtual environment for a ten-minute duration [45] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/computers11040051 fatcat:m4q3crdkj5a4lazk2tuwywegli

Postural stability analysis in virtual reality using the HTC vive

Fabian Soffel, Markus Zank, Andreas Kunz
2016 Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software and Technology - VRST '16  
In the last years, research focused on using inexpensive and portable devices to measure postural stability, while the visual targets were physical objects in the environment.  ...  A variation of a virtual fixation point's distance was analyzed and compared to a reference condition with closed eyes.  ...  The accuracy of the HTC Vive is sufficient to measure postural stability. Summary and Future Work We introduced a system to measure postural stability within a virtual environment.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2993369.2996341 dblp:conf/vrst/SoffelZK16 fatcat:3ctxdtyhwzgt7o5msbopdnis24

The Walls Are Closing in: Postural Responses to a Virtual Reality Claustrophobic Simulation

Harish Chander, Hannah Freeman, Christopher Hill, Christopher Hudson, Sachini Kodithuwakku Arachchige, Alana Turner, J. Adam Jones, Adam Knight
2022 Clinical and Translational Neuroscience  
Center of pressure (COP)-derived postural sway variables were analyzed with a one-way repeated measures analysis of variance at an alpha level of 0.05.  ...  Results: Significant main effect differences existed in all but one dependent COP-derived postural sway variables, at p < 0.05.  ...  and expected moving of a front wall in a virtual room on postural control dynamics [7] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/ctn6020015 fatcat:qgvsnbpncvd73i2uix2pzermey

Walking in fully immersive virtual environments: an evaluation of potential adverse effects in older adults and individuals with Parkinson's disease

Aram Kim, Nora Darakjian, James M. Finley
2017 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation  
Virtual reality (VR) has recently been explored as a tool for neurorehabilitation to enable individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) to practice challenging skills in a safe environment.  ...  There were no significant changes for any of our groups in symptoms of simulator sickness or measures of static and dynamic balance after exposure to the virtual environment.  ...  Availability of data and materials The data collected during this study will be provided upon request made to the corresponding author.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12984-017-0225-2 pmid:28222783 pmcid:PMC5320768 fatcat:tyabqnjxs5dvtmeen3unrhic7a

Visual control of posture in real and virtual environments

2008 Perception & Psychophysics  
In two experiments, we investigated the stabilizing influence of vision on human upright posture in real and virtual environments.  ...  Visual stabilization was assessed by comparing eyes-open with eyes-closed conditions while subjects attempted to maintain balance in the presence of a stable visual scene.  ...  This feeling of immersion in a virtual environment is referred to as presence.  ... 
doi:10.3758/pp.70.1.158 pmid:18306969 fatcat:px4zparlmvaazcrtuxc3zd3zme

Virtual Reality-Induced Symptoms and Effects (VRISE)

Sue V. G. Cobb, Sarah Nichols, Amanda Ramsey, John R. Wilson
1999 Presence - Teleoperators and Virtual Environments  
An experimental program of research was carried out to assess the potential health and safety effects of participating in virtual environments (VEs) via head-mounted displays (HMDs).  ...  The aetiology of the effects is sufficiently different to that for simulators or transport systems to justify us using a new term, virtual reality-induced symptoms and effects (VRISE).  ...  We are grateful to Nick Cope and Rick Barnes of VIRART for their valuable contributions to building the virtual environments and running the experiments, and to Peter Howarth and Pat Costello for their  ... 
doi:10.1162/105474699566152 fatcat:tdi66fvxtvfgzhnfpbbt53pm2u

Page 1451 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 92, Issue 4 [page]

2005 Psychological Abstracts  
(Department of Computer and Media Technol- ogies, Faculty of Information Sciences, Hiroshima City University, Hi- roshima, Japan) Effects of Duration of Immersion in a Virtual Reality Environment on Postural  ...  In this study, effects of long-hours immersion in a VR environment on postural stability were examined to approach the underlying mechanism of postural instability and motion sickness using force platform  ... 

Perceptual assessment of environmental stability modulates postural sway

Natalia Cooper, Iain Cant, Mark D. White, Georg F. Meyer, Simon J. Cropper
2018 PLoS ONE  
In a second experiment we directly test whether cognitive assessment of the likely stability of real perceptual anchors (we contrast a 'teapot on a stand' and a 'helium balloon') affects VEPR.  ...  We show that the perceived positional stability of environmental anchors modulate postural responses.  ...  The funders had no role in study design, data collection or analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0206218 pmid:30412590 pmcid:PMC6226165 fatcat:aqfwvumrprfgbit2vnbnsd4rby

Dynamic Visual Stimulations Produced in a Controlled Virtual Reality Environment Reveals Long-Lasting Postural Deficits in Children With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Thomas Romeas, Selma Greffou, Remy Allard, Robert Forget, Michelle McKerral, Jocelyn Faubert, Isabelle Gagnon
2021 Frontiers in Neurology  
These preliminary findings suggest that using 3D dynamic visual inputs such as optic flow in a controlled VR environment could help detect subtle postural impairments and inspire the development of clinical  ...  Body sway amplitude (BSA) and postural instability (vRMS) were measured in a 3D virtual reality (VR) tunnel (i.e., optic flow) moving in the antero-posterior direction in different conditions.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank the Neurotrauma Program of the Montreal Children's Hospital and specially Lisa Grilli and Helen Kocilowicz for the recruitment of participants, Hélène Audrit,  ... 
doi:10.3389/fneur.2021.596615 pmid:34899549 pmcid:PMC8654728 fatcat:3mdualhvoveg3gfomyzbjawd34

Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Game-Based Training for an Adolescent with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report

Kyeongbong Lee, HyeJin Oh, GyuChang Lee
2022 Children  
Case presentation: We report a case of using a fully immersive VR game-based training in a patient with cerebral palsy.  ...  Recently, virtual reality-based training (VR-based training) is receiving attention as greater emphasis is placed on the importance of interest and motivation in participation.  ...  The fully immersive VR game-based training used in the present study required various movements in a standing position; it seems to have had a positive effect on improving the stability of the trunk.  ... 
doi:10.3390/children9101512 fatcat:mogydbzsbzderku3vr6f5noi24
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