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Algorithm Optimizations: Low Computational Complexity [chapter]

Miroslav Novak
2008 Advances in Pattern Recognition  
The DCD method calculates the inverse matrix in the ERLS algorithm and decreases the resources used in the field-programmable gate array, also the designer can use the cheaper FPGA board to implement the  ...  The proposed algorithm calculates the multiplication result with less than 15ns time and reduces the used FPGA resources to lower than 20% as compared with the classic RLS.  ...  The IVFF-Leading DCD ERLS algorithm calculates the inverse matrix according to the leading DCD algorithm and it does not need multiplier and divider operations.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-84800-143-5_10 fatcat:mz3wwnxi6nguzie7c4bba2uv4i

Low Computational Complexity and High Computational Speed in Leading DCD ERLS Algorithm

F. Abdi, P. Amiri, M.H. Refan
2018 Journal of electrical and computer engineering innovations  
Also, it leads to implementing complex algorithms with simple structures and high technology.  ...  The DCD method calculates the inverse matrix in the ERLS algorithm and decreases the resources used in the field-programmable gate array, also the designer can use the cheaper FPGA board to implement the  ...  Acknowledgment Authors acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their appreciative and constructive comments on the draft of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.22061/jecei.2019.5666.243 doaj:db5eb1608c6a434385d0a528ec455991 fatcat:cytu5y3xingrjfsprbpdx7eplu

Demonstration of a System Identification on Real Step-Down Power Converters

Peter Drgona, Rastislav Stefun, Slavomir Kascak, Jan Morgos
2020 Communications - Scientific letters of the University of Zilina  
Automotive industry has a growing trend of power converters implementation. In addition, intelligence of converters is developing.  ...  Thus, the power electronics and autotronics are application areas where identification can also be applied.  ...  In the case of the second converter, it was possible to find the simpler model of the second order.  ... 
doi:10.26552/com.c.2020.4.128-133 fatcat:zejkkpdgnrbhxlc2gr6g743ba4

GSFAP adaptive filtering using log arithmetic for resource-constrained embedded systems

Milan Tichy, Jan Schier, David Gregg
2010 ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  
This article shows that FPGA devices are a highly suitable platform for more computationally intensive adaptive algorithms. We present an optimized core which implements GSFAP.  ...  For comparison, we implemented a similar NLMS core and found that although it is slightly smaller than the GSFAP core and allows a higher signal sampling rate for the corresponding filter orders, the GSFAP  ...  Since the DCD algorithm is free of multiplication and division, the DCD-FAP algorithm could also be a convenient candidate for FPGA implementation, but we leave it for future work.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1698772.1698787 fatcat:uuu544gq6ngc3nwk6wkexrgeo4

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs Vol. 67

2020 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - II - Express Briefs  
Pan, H., A Novel Approximation Methodology and Its Efficient VLSI Implementation for the Sigmoid Function; 3422-3426 Qiu, Y., see Qin, Z., TCSII Dec. 2020 3422-3426 Qu, L., see Zhao, Z., TCSII May  ...  ., and Smida, A., A Compact Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed Self-Triplexing Antenna; TCSII Nov. 2020 2362-2366 Islam, S., see 1464-1468 Ismail, A., and Sandell, M., A Novel Dynamic Detection  ...  ., +, TCSII May 2020 851-855 Hyperbolic CORDIC-Based Architecture for Computing Logarithm and Its Implementation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcsii.2020.3047305 fatcat:ifjzekeyczfrbp5b7wrzandm7e

The International Symposium on Advances in Software Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization ICN 2017 Committee ICN Steering Committee

Carlos Westphall, Pascal Lorenz, Carlos Westphall, Gary Weckman, Yenumula Reddy, Sherali Zeadally, Pascal Lorenz, Carlos Westphall, Gary Weckman, Yenumula Reddy, Sherali Zeadally, Marc Cheboldaeff (+55 others)
2017 ICN 2017 The Sixteenth International Conference on Networks Forward The Sixteenth International Conference on Networks   unpublished
IPv6, the Next Generation of the Internet Protocol, has seen over the past three years tremendous activity related to its development, implementation and deployment.  ...  levels, as well as implementations that often involve competing and conflicting requirements.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work has been partially funded by the Brazilian agencies: CAPES, CNPq and FAPEMIG and also by PROPP/UFU.  ... 