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Modelling and simulation of a multi-fingered robotic hand for grasping tasks

J. A. Corrales, C. A. Jara, F. Torres
2010 2010 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision  
This paper develops the kinematic, dynamic and contact models of a three-fingered robotic hand (BarrettHand) in order to obtain a complete description of the system which is required for manipulation tasks  ...  These models do not only take into account the mechanical coupling and the breakaway mechanism of the under-actuated robotic hand but they also obtain the force transmission from the hand to objects, which  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work is supported by the Spanish Ministries of Education, Science and Innovation through the research project DPI2008-02647 ('Intelligent Manipulation through Haptic Perception and  ... 
doi:10.1109/icarcv.2010.5707292 dblp:conf/icarcv/CorralesJT10 fatcat:4l47y2a44fat5e2uc3rqzd5ol4

DefGraspNets: Grasp Planning on 3D Fields with Graph Neural Nets [article]

Isabella Huang, Yashraj Narang, Ruzena Bajcsy, Fabio Ramos, Tucker Hermans, Dieter Fox
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Unlike rigid and articulated objects, 3D deformable objects have infinite degrees of freedom.  ...  Robotic grasping of 3D deformable objects is critical for real-world applications such as food handling and robotic surgery.  ...  We thank Miles Macklin and Eric Heiden for simulation expertise; Ankur Handa for network design advice; and Balakumar Sundaralingam and Clemens Eppner for insightful discussions.  ... 
arXiv:2303.16138v1 fatcat:skzvnmwh4rgaro6pfmcfhw3igi

Model-based strategy for grasping3Ddeformable objects using a multi-fingered robotic hand

Lazher Zaidi, Juan Antonio Corrales, Belhassen Chedli Bouzgarrou, Youcef Mezouar, Laurent Sabourin
2017 Robotics and Autonomous Systems  
After the contact forces computed by the simulation of the contact model guarantee the equilibrium of the grasp, they will be used as set-points for forcecontrolling the closing of the real fingers, and  ...  The object-finger interaction is simulated in order to compute the required contact forces and deformations to robustly grasp objects with large deformations.  ...  Regional Competitiveness and Employment Program 2007-2013 (ERDF -Auvergne region), by the SIGMA Clermont Engineering School and by the Auvergne regional council.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.robot.2017.06.011 fatcat:h7ib4zxs2vgujjyttbu2rr7tfe

Data-driven grasping with partial sensor data

Corey Goldfeder, Matei Ciocarlie, Jaime Peretzman, Hao Dang, Peter K. Allen
2009 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
To grasp a novel object, we can index it into a database of known 3D models and use precomputed grasp data for those models to suggest a new grasp.  ...  In this paper we demonstrate a data-driven grasp planner that requires only partial 3D data of an object in order to grasp it.  ...  We then simulated the highest ranked grasps on the full 3D geometry of the object. We evaluated the candidate grasps in two ways.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2009.5354078 dblp:conf/iros/GoldfederCPDA09 fatcat:b6m3ftceizc2digsrfzvfhmyk4

Dynamic Potential Fields for Dexterous Tactile Exploration [chapter]

Alexander Bierbaum, Tamim Asfour, Rüdiger Dillmann
2009 Cognitive Systems Monographs  
In addition we give first results on how to extract grasp affordances of unknown objects and how to perform object recognition based on the acquired 3D point sets.  ...  Haptic exploration of unknown objects is of great importance for acquiring multimodal object representations, which enable a humanoid robot to autonomously execute grasping and manipulation tasks.  ...  In this work we will present the current state and components of our system for acquiring a 3D shape model of an unknown object using multi-fingered tactile exploration based on dynamic potential fields  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-10403-9_3 fatcat:np5lelzu7febfjbky4cvt6klfu

Grasp Planning Pipeline for Robust Manipulation of 3D Deformable Objects with Industrial Robotic Hand + Arm Systems

Lazher Zaidi, Juan Antonio Corrales Ramon, Laurent Sabourin, Belhassen Chedli Bouzgarrou, Youcef Mezouar
2020 Applied Sciences  
By combining both models (the contact interaction and the object deformation) in a simulation process, a new grasp planning method is proposed in order to guarantee the stability of the 3D grasped deformable  ...  In the grasping and manipulation of 3D deformable objects by robotic hands, the physical contact constraints between the fingers and the object have to be considered in order to validate the robustness  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app10238736 fatcat:lwrj2amtsnedliujj2tzvyh5hy

Robot Grasp Synthesis Under Object Pose Uncertainty

Wojciech Szynkiewicz
2015 Journal of Automation, Mobile Robotics & Intelligent Systems  
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author acknowledges the support of National Centre for Research and Development grant no. PBS1/A3/8/2012.  ...  Object geometric and dynamics models are employed in the simulations. There are at least two reasons for employing a simulator for grasp synthesis and evaluation.  ...  Full 3D rigid body dynamics of the object is considered to compute its motion interacting with the robotic hand and the supporting plane during the grasping process.  ... 
doi:10.14313/jamris_1-2015/7 fatcat:jijvbtgegjef5n72woigvl3qvy

A Desktop Virtual Reality System with Physical Animation and Glove Interaction [article]

Jacopo Aleotti, Stefano Caselli
2008 Workshop on Virtual Reality Interactions and Physical Simulations  
The system supports ballistic motion of falling objects and models grasped objects with a spring-damper scheme. Moreover, vibratory output is generated as feedback to the user.  ...  Full hand pose estimation is achieved through a dataglove and motion tracker. Motion of the user's hand is coupled to a 3D model of the human hand.  ...  Acknowledgment This research is partially supported by Laboratory AER-TECH of Regione Emilia-Romagna, Italy.  ... 
doi:10.2312/pe/vriphys/vriphys08/077-082 dblp:conf/vriphys/AleottiC08 fatcat:db74vqstnvgxbbvsnv5dwrxgzi

OpenGRASP: A Toolkit for Robot Grasping Simulation [chapter]

Beatriz León, Stefan Ulbrich, Rosen Diankov, Gustavo Puche, Markus Przybylski, Antonio Morales, Tamim Asfour, Sami Moisio, Jeannette Bohg, James Kuffner, Rüdiger Dillmann
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
These aspects include development and testing of new algorithms, modeling of the environments and robots, including the modeling of actuators, sensors and contacts.  ...  Simulation is essential for different robotic research fields such as mobile robotics, motion planning and grasp planning.  ...  Requirements for a Grasp Simulator From a scientific point of view, a novel simulator for robot grasping should provide primarily a realistic simulation of dynamic properties of, at least, rigid objects  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-17319-6_13 fatcat:w3faywqltfhj3bjcorvcj6sqfy

Learning Deep Policies for Robot Bin Picking by Simulating Robust Grasping Sequences

Jeffrey Mahler, Ken Goldberg
2017 Conference on Robot Learning  
to model dynamic object-object interactions and robust wrench space analysis from the Dexterity Network (Dex-Net) to model quasi-static contact between the gripper and object.  ...  This paper considers the task of bin picking, where multiple objects are randomly arranged in a heap and the objective is to sequentially grasp and transport each into a packing box.  ...  to index precomputed robust grasps for 3D models in the simulation.  ... 
dblp:conf/corl/MahlerG17 fatcat:tzy7jlhmxnebrirncpnu32cko4

A Real2Sim2Real Method for Robust Object Grasping with Neural Surface Reconstruction [article]

Luobin Wang, Runlin Guo, Quan Vuong, Yuzhe Qin, Hao Su, Henrik Christensen
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We hypothesize that recent 3D modeling methods provides a path towards building digital replica of the evaluation scene that affords physical simulation and supports robust manipulation algorithm learning  ...  3D learning algorithms and mesh-based physical simulation techniques.  ...  In summary, our method decouples 3D modeling and grasp pose sampling, and both sub-problems can be solved with quality and generalizability using state-of-the-art methods.  ... 
arXiv:2210.02685v3 fatcat:mpkl5e6oibeotioyn22zfcz7fm

From robotic hands to human hands: a visualization and simulation engine for grasping research

A. Miller, P. Allen, V. Santos, F. Valero‐Cuevas
2005 Industrial robot  
Various components support the analysis of grasps, visualization of results, dynamic simulation of grasping tasks, and grasp planning.  ...  Purpose -Robotic hands are still a long way from matching the grasping and manipulation capability of their human counterparts, but computer simulation may help us understand this disparity.  ...  Simulating dynamics The system allows the user to form grasps of an object and analyze these grasps without using dynamics.  ... 
doi:10.1108/01439910510573309 fatcat:67ozgjvaizcihfw2wqhsi4j2va

Modeling and Simulation of Robotic Grasping in Simulink Through Simscape Multibody

Maria Pozzi, Gabriele Maria Achilli, Maria Cristina Valigi, Monica Malvezzi
2022 Frontiers in Robotics and AI  
The proposed approach can be used to simulate the grasp dynamics in Simscape, and then analyse the obtained grasps in SynGrasp.  ...  In this paper, we present a framework for modeling and simulating grasps in the Simulink environment, by connecting SynGrasp, a well established MATLAB toolbox for grasp simulation and analysis, and Simscape  ...  Zaidi et al. (2017) presented a method to model robotic hands grasping 3D deformable object, and SynGrasp functions were used for the graphical representation of grasps.  ... 
doi:10.3389/frobt.2022.873558 pmid:35712551 pmcid:PMC9197556 fatcat:hfjbqnwgbzfb3j5m2udblwc2ny

Grasp affordances from multi-fingered tactile exploration using dynamic potential fields

Alexander Bierbaum, Matthias Rambow, Tamim Asfour, Rudiger Dillmann
2009 2009 9th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots  
To evaluate our approach, experiments were carried out in a detailed physics simulation using models of the five-finger hand and the test objects.  ...  In this paper, we address the problem of tactile exploration and subsequent extraction of grasp hypotheses for unknown objects with a multi-fingered anthropomorphic robot hand.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The work described in this paper was conducted within the EU Cognitive Systems projects PACO-PLUS (FP6-027657) and GRASP (FP7-215821) funded by the European Commission.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ichr.2009.5379581 dblp:conf/humanoids/BierbaumR09 fatcat:632u37uy2bdtnjatp7pt5oyzb4

Data-driven grasping

Corey Goldfeder, Peter K. Allen
2011 Autonomous Robots  
This paper propose a novel framework for a data driven grasp planner that indexes partial sensor data into a database of 3D models with known grasps and transfers grasps from those models to novel objects  ...  We show how to construct such a database and also demonstrate multiple methods for matching into it, aligning the matched models with the known sensor data of the object to be grasped, and selecting an  ...  The database consists of 3D object models, kinematically accurate robotic hand models, and grasps for each model with each hand.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10514-011-9228-1 fatcat:ibsz7lafujhrbglrsqter5ptca
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