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Automatic in vivo microscopy video mining for leukocytes

Chengcui Zhang, Wei-Bang Chen, Lin Yang, Xin Chen, John K. Johnstone
2007 SIGKDD Explorations  
Automatic spatiotemporal mining of moving cells from in vivo microscopy videos is extremely difficult because of the severe noises, camera/subject movements, deformations, and strong dependencies on microscopy  ...  Biological videos are very different from conventional videos.  ...  Several approaches have been proposed for tracking moving leukocytes from in vivo microscopy video sequences.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1294301.1294309 fatcat:uktquem36bduvcfiio56aa5otm

An automated method for analysis of flow characteristics of circulating particles from in vivo video microscopy

E. Eden, D. Waisman, M. Rudzsky, H. Bitterman, V. Brod, E. Rivlin
2005 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging  
The task of automated blood cell tracking in vessels from in vivo video is particularly challenging because of the blood cells' nonrigid shapes, the instability inherent in in vivo videos, the abundance  ...  All these results suggest that our method can in fact constitute a reliable replacement for manual extraction of blood flow characteristics from in vivo videos.  ...  Examples of two frames taken from two different in vivo video microscopy of rat mesenteric microvasculature are shown in Fig. 11(a), (b) .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmi.2005.851759 pmid:16092333 fatcat:s57ayf7oujhvhkw7xpupgjlrri

A Monte Carlo approach to rolling leukocyte tracking in vivo

Jing Cui, Scott T. Acton, Zongli Lin
2006 Medical Image Analysis  
Tracking the movement of rolling leukocytes in vivo contributes to the understanding of the mechanism of the inflammatory process and to the development of anti-inflammatory drugs.  ...  From tracking within 99 intravital microscopic video sequences, the Monte Carlo tracker exhibits superior performance in the reduced localization error and the increased number of frames tracked when compared  ...  In this paper, we develop a Monte Carlo tracker to track a single rolling leukocyte in vivo.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.media.2006.05.006 pmid:16876461 fatcat:76r3uu3l7vdmxowbk6mfq6dipq

Detection of leukocytes in contact with the vessel wall from in vivo microscope recordings using a neural network

M. Egmont-Petersen, U. Schreiner, S.C. Tromp, T.M. Lehmann, D.W. Slaaf, T. Arts
2000 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering  
Sequences of video images are obtained and digitized with a frame grabber. A method for automatic detection and characterization of leukocytes in the video images is developed.  ...  The leukocyte-vessel wall interactions are studied in post capillary vessels by intravital video microscopy during in vivo animal experiments.  ...  It is our objective to develop an approach for detection and tracking of individual leukocytes in sequences of video images from in vivo microcirculation experiments.  ... 
doi:10.1109/10.846689 pmid:10916266 fatcat:p4bjkpwuqvc3vefflx7ilzeznu

Optical Flow Based Analysis of Leukocyte Dynamics in Microcirculation

Mohamed Maher Ben Ismail, Ouiem Bchir, Abdelmonim Artoli
2015 International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications  
In this paper we adopt a duality based TV-L1 optical flow to analyze leukocyte behavior using in vivo video microscopy.  ...  Using this technique, it is possible to directly compute the trajectories of leukocytes and their physical interaction parameters directly from the video frames.  ...  Figure1: Ten successive typical frames of rolling and adherent leukocytes from in vivo color video clip Figure 1 shows typical frames of rolling and adherent leukocytes from in vivo color video clip.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijaia.2015.6303 fatcat:6lcdajbyffh7pjruxgaypszk7i

Novel Molecular Imaging Approach for Subclinical Detection of Iritis and Evaluation of Therapeutic Success

Fang Xie, Dawei Sun, Alexander Schering, Shintaro Nakao, Souska Zandi, Ping Liu, Ali Hafezi-Moghadam
2010 American Journal of Pathology  
In vivo MS accumulation preceded clinical signs of anterior uveitis and leukocyte adhesion in iris vasculature.  ...  This work introduces noninvasive subclinical detection of endothelial injury in the iris vasculature , providing a unique opportu-nity for quantifying vascular injury and immune response in vivo.  ...  Garland for help in the preparation of this manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.2353/ajpath.2010.100007 pmid:20581051 pmcid:PMC2893649 fatcat:4ww5zqsryjfp7epc4ggurgp4dm

Uropod elongation is a common final step in leukocyte extravasation through inflamed vessels

Young-Min Hyun, Ronen Sumagin, Pranita P. Sarangi, Elena Lomakina, Michael G. Overstreet, Christina M. Baker, Deborah J. Fowell, Richard E. Waugh, Ingrid H. Sarelius, Minsoo Kim
2012 Journal of Cell Biology  
Using enhanced three-dimensional detection of fluorescent CD18 fusion proteins in a newly developed knockin mouse, we report that extravasating leukocytes (neutrophils, monocytes, and T cells) show delayed  ...  Despite considerable advances in our understanding of cell migration in secondary lymphoid organs, real-time leukocyte recruitment into inflamed tissues is not well characterized.  ...  This project was financially supported through grants from the National Institutes of Health (HL087088 and HL018208 to M. Kim)  ... 
doi:10.1083/jcb1977oia11 fatcat:nvkycqbuxvcfpn7bijivtuykka

Uropod elongation is a common final step in leukocyte extravasation through inflamed vessels

Young-Min Hyun, Ronen Sumagin, Pranita P. Sarangi, Elena Lomakina, Michael G. Overstreet, Christina M. Baker, Deborah J. Fowell, Richard E. Waugh, Ingrid H. Sarelius, Minsoo Kim
2012 Journal of Experimental Medicine  
Using enhanced three-dimensional detection of fluorescent CD18 fusion proteins in a newly developed knockin mouse, we report that extravasating leukocytes (neutrophils, monocytes, and T cells) show delayed  ...  Despite considerable advances in our understanding of cell migration in secondary lymphoid organs, real-time leukocyte recruitment into inflamed tissues is not well characterized.  ...  This project was financially supported through grants from the National Institutes of Health (HL087088 and HL018208 to M. Kim)  ... 
doi:10.1084/jem.20111426 pmid:22711877 pmcid:PMC3405502 fatcat:tja744lwefgfdp4iphfankrw4i

Selective Uptake of Indocyanine Green by Reticulocytes in Circulation

Xunbin Wei, Judith M. Runnels, Charles P. Lin
2003 Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science  
It has been suggested that ICG labels leukocytes and that ICG can be used to track leukocyte movement in vivo.  ...  The strongly ICG-labeled cells did not roll on dermal vascular endothelium in vivo, in contrast to rhodamine 6G-labeled leukocytes.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors thank Ulrich von Andrian for first pointing out the lack of interactions between ICG-labeled cells and the endothelial wall, and Pat P.  ... 
doi:10.1167/iovs.03-0041 pmid:14507897 pmcid:PMC2830078 fatcat:o5kpky2ghfdwhdw3gpeehuw37q

In Vivo Imaging of the Mouse Neurovascular Unit Under Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion

Kenichiro Yata, Yuhei Nishimura, Miyuki Unekawa, Yutaka Tomita, Norihiro Suzuki, Toshio Tanaka, Akira Mizoguchi, Hidekazu Tomimoto
2014 Stroke  
In the pial small arteries and veins, rolling and adhesion of leukocyte were detected, more prominently in the latter.  ...  In the deep cortical capillaries, flow stagnation because of leukocyte plugging was frequently observed. Conclusions-We established an in vivo imaging method for real-time visualization of the NVU.  ...  Sources of Funding This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) grant number 22590929. Disclosures None.  ... 
doi:10.1161/strokeaha.114.005891 pmid:25370583 fatcat:2b3fb7cnondh7juutqepubjvwe

Imaging leukocyte trafficking in vivo with two-photon-excited endogenous tryptophan fluorescence

Chunqiang Li, Riikka K. Pastila, Costas Pitsillides, Judith M. Runnels, Mehron Puoris'haag, Daniel Côté, Charles P. Lin
2010 Optics Express  
We describe a new method for imaging leukocytes in vivo by exciting the endogenous protein fluorescence in the ultraviolet (UV) spectral region where tryptophan is the major fluorophore.  ...  Two-photon excitation near 590 nm allows noninvasive optical sectioning through the epidermal cell layers into the dermis of mouse skin, where leukocytes can be observed by video-rate microscopy to interact  ...  (d) Single-frame excerpts from video recordings of leukocyte migration in skin tissue (Media 3). (e) Trajectory of the centroid of a migrating leukocyte at 80-second interval (scale bar 20 µm).  ... 
doi:10.1364/oe.18.000988 pmid:20173920 pmcid:PMC3369551 fatcat:4eylt6frrfbltezdoc5faze25e

Page 57 of None Vol. 38, Issue 2 [page]

1998 None  
The migration of leukocytes from the blood- stream into inflamed tissue requires a cascade of events in the microcirculation (24).  ...  Soluble adhesion molecules are detectable only in small quantities in serum of healthy individuals (21, 22).  ... 

Modeling leukocyte trafficking at the human blood-nerve barrier in vitro and in vivo geared towards targeted molecular therapies for peripheral neuroinflammation

Kelsey M. Greathouse, Steven P. Palladino, Chaoling Dong, Eric S. Helton, Eroboghene E. Ubogu
2016 Journal of Neuroinflammation  
Modeling leukocyte trafficking at the blood-nerve barrier using a reliable human in vitro model and potential intravital microscopy techniques in representative animal models guided by human observational  ...  Peripheral neuroinflammation is characterized by hematogenous mononuclear leukocyte infiltration into peripheral nerves.  ...  and a subaward P30 AI27767 to E.E.U., as well as institutional funds from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12974-015-0469-3 pmid:26732309 pmcid:PMC4702318 fatcat:tdrfztnlv5g4vdqaj276u4inse

Automatic Tracking of Rolling Leukocytes in Vivo

Scott T. Acton, Klaus Wethmar, Klaus Ley
2002 Microvascular Research  
Automated tracking of leukocytes is possible for in vitro studies, but not for recordings resulting from intravital experiments.  ...  Therefore, we have designed and implemented an image processing system for automated tracking of rolling leukocytes in vivo.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was in part supported by NIH R01 HL 64381 to KL. STA is supported in part by the Army Research Office under DAAD19-01-1-0594.  ... 
doi:10.1006/mvre.2001.2373 pmid:11749081 fatcat:drckvcfmbjfohb4q7lck6w4jzq

Monocytes, neutrophils, and platelets cooperate to initiate and propagate venous thrombosis in mice in vivo

Marie-Luise von Brühl, Konstantin Stark, Alexander Steinhart, Sue Chandraratne, Ildiko Konrad, Michael Lorenz, Alexander Khandoga, Anca Tirniceriu, Raffaele Coletti, Maria Köllnberger, Robert A. Byrne, Iina Laitinen (+20 others)
2012 Journal of Experimental Medicine  
Using conditional mutants and bone marrow chimeras, we show that intravascular activation of the extrinsic pathway of coagulation via tissue factor (TF) derived from myeloid leukocytes causes the extensive  ...  We describe a novel mouse model of DVT which reproduces a frequent trigger and resembles the time course, histological features, and clinical presentation of DVT in humans.  ...  Massberg), as well as the National Institutes of Health grant HL006350 (N. Mackman) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health grant HL102101 (D.D.  ... 
doi:10.1084/jem.20112322 pmid:22451716 pmcid:PMC3328366 fatcat:uaxrphi6nze6zmxk7caotn6cku
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