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16,808 Hits in 4.7 sec

Facial-Sketch Synthesis: A New Challenge [article]

Deng-Ping Fan, Ziling Huang, Peng Zheng, Hong Liu, Xuebin Qin, Luc Van Gool
2022 arXiv   pre-print
This paper aims to conduct a comprehensive study on facial-sketch synthesis (FSS).  ...  Second, we present the largest-scale FSS investigation by reviewing 89 classical methods, including 25 handcrafted feature-based facial-sketch synthesis approaches, 29 general translation methods, and  ...  General Image Synthesis Deep facial-sketch synthesis belongs to the task of image generalization.  ... 
arXiv:2112.15439v5 fatcat:lr4dofk57ffenklivpadkqjw2e

Joint Deep Learning of Facial Expression Synthesis and Recognition [article]

Yan Yan, Ying Huang, Si Chen, Chunhua Shen, Hanzi Wang
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, to overcome the above issue, we propose a novel joint deep learning of facial expression synthesis and recognition method for effective FER.  ...  Firstly, a facial expression synthesis generative adversarial network (FESGAN) is pre-trained to generate facial images with different facial expressions.  ...  In [38] , a new attribute guided facial image synthesis based on GAN is developed to perform image-to-image translation. C.  ... 
arXiv:2002.02194v1 fatcat:gtjnfrbk3bg5lidkrengp7f76a

Head2Head++: Deep Facial Attributes Re-Targeting [article]

Michail Christos Doukas, Mohammad Rami Koujan, Viktoriia Sharmanska, Anastasios Roussos
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Facial video re-targeting is a challenging problem aiming to modify the facial attributes of a target subject in a seamless manner by a driving monocular sequence.  ...  We leverage the 3D geometry of faces and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to design a novel deep learning architecture for the task of facial and head reenactment.  ...  Facial Synthesis and Re-targeting Various deep architectures have been proposed for the image and video synthesis tasks with the aid of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), Variation Auto-encoders (VAE)  ... 
arXiv:2006.10199v1 fatcat:ylapnwbkzjes5gejb4zmnou6ym

Deep Facial Expression Recognition: A Survey [article]

Shan Li, Weihong Deng
2018 arXiv   pre-print
With the transition of facial expression recognition (FER) from laboratory-controlled to challenging in-the-wild conditions and the recent success of deep learning techniques in various fields, deep neural  ...  Finally, we review the remaining challenges and corresponding opportunities in this field as well as future directions for the design of robust deep FER systems.  ...  Facial expression synthesis Realistic facial expression synthesis, which can generate various facial expressions for interactive interfaces, is a hot topic. Susskind et al.  ... 
arXiv:1804.08348v2 fatcat:katpvrizybha5bgy6bepfi3xpe

Deep Semantic Manipulation of Facial Videos [article]

Girish Kumar Solanki, Anastasios Roussos
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The proposed method is based on a disentangled representation and estimation of the 3D facial shape and activity, providing the user with intuitive and easy-to-use control of the facial expressions in  ...  Editing and manipulating facial features in videos is an interesting and important field of research with a plethora of applications, ranging from movie post-production and visual effects to realistic  ...  Introduction Manipulation and synthesis of photorealistic facial videos is a significant challenge in computer vision and graphics.  ... 
arXiv:2111.07902v2 fatcat:rwlyjvrmrvbxngyr4xw5rz2rva

Unsupervised Generation and Synthesis of Facial Images via an Auto-Encoder-Based Deep Generative Adversarial Network

Jeong gi Kwak, Hanseok Ko
2020 Applied Sciences  
The processing of facial images is an important task, because it is required for a large number of real-world applications.  ...  As deep-learning models evolve, they require a huge number of images for training. In reality, however, the number of images available is limited.  ...  As a result, our model can be seen as superior in terms of image quality and diversity. Facial Synthesis Results We test the synthesis of facial images using our model as described in Section 3.4.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app10061995 fatcat:ewzl3nkcknftdlh45qn322rzi4

Photorealistic Facial Texture Inference Using Deep Neural Networks

Shunsuke Saito, Lingyu Wei, Liwen Hu, Koki Nagano, Hao Li
2017 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
input picture output albedo map rendering rendering (zoom) rendering (zoom) rendering Figure 1 : We present an inference framework based on deep neural networks for synthesizing photorealistic facial texture  ...  We demonstrate that fitting a convex combination of feature correlations from a high-resolution face database can yield a semantically plausible facial detail description of the entire face.  ...  The core challenge consists of developing a facial texture inference framework that can capture the immense appearance variations of faces and synthesize realistic highresolution details, while maintaining  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2017.250 dblp:conf/cvpr/SaitoWHNL17 fatcat:yzj4thbvrzazlhwva3vlvwhmku

A Survey of Deep Facial Attribute Analysis [article]

Xin Zheng, Yanqing Guo, Huaibo Huang, Yi Li, Ran He
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of deep facial attribute analysis from the perspectives of both estimation and manipulation.  ...  First, we summarize a general pipeline that deep facial attribute analysis follows, which comprises two stages: data preprocessing and model construction.  ...  effects on such a synthesis task.  ... 
arXiv:1812.10265v3 fatcat:tezgo2angvfefbttuoodnss6t4

Photorealistic Facial Texture Inference Using Deep Neural Networks [article]

Shunsuke Saito, Lingyu Wei, Liwen Hu, Koki Nagano, Hao Li
2016 arXiv   pre-print
We demonstrate that fitting a convex combination of feature correlations from a high-resolution face database can yield a semantically plausible facial detail description of the entire face.  ...  To extract the fine appearance details from this incomplete input, we introduce a multi-scale detail analysis technique based on mid-layer feature correlations extracted from a deep convolutional neural  ...  The core challenge consists of developing a facial texture inference framework that can capture the immense appearance variations of faces and synthesize realistic highresolution details, while maintaining  ... 
arXiv:1612.00523v1 fatcat:p56xsh5cufcczohx74tjgehlry

Generating Facial Expressions with Deep Belief Nets [chapter]

Joshua M., Geoffrey E., Javier R., Adam K.
2008 Affective Computing  
After learning a deep belief net, perception of a new image is very fast because it only involves a feedforward pass through the multiple layers. Generation from the multilayer model is slower.  ...  A deep belief net for facial expressions Facial expression dataset In order to learn a generative model from a large and varied corpus of faces, we combined datasets that capture a significant degree  ... 
doi:10.5772/6167 fatcat:lzahtcdadvcb5fbqa4ucquosiy

A Survey of Deep Facial Attribute Analysis

Xin Zheng, Yanqing Guo, Huaibo Huang, Yi Li, Ran He
2020 International Journal of Computer Vision  
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of deep facial attribute analysis from the perspectives of both estimation and manipulation.  ...  First, we summarize a general pipeline that deep facial attribute analysis follows, which comprises two stages: data preprocessing and model construction.  ...  could have significant effects on such a synthesis task.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11263-020-01308-z fatcat:xmlukvd5qbenzkzjacefhcnope

Mesoscopic Facial Geometry Inference Using Deep Neural Networks

Loc Huynh, Weikai Chen, Shunsuke Saito, Jun Xing, Koki Nagano, Andrew Jones, Paul Debevec, Hao Li
2018 2018 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
Unlike current state-of-the-art methods [17, 5] , which assume "dark is deep", our model is trained with measured facial detail collected using polarized gradient illumination in a Light Stage [20].  ...  Figure 1 : Given a flat-lit facial input textures and a base mesh, our system can synthesize high-resolution facial geometry.  ...  For the skin detail synthesis, Saito et al. [40] presented a photorealistic texture inference technique using a deep neural network-based feature correlation analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2018.00877 dblp:conf/cvpr/Huynh0SXN0DL18 fatcat:sla2zupg4nbdfddm5cmbcry3ae

HMM-Based Photo-Realistic Talking Face Synthesis Using Facial Expression Parameter Mapping with Deep Neural Networks

Kazuki Sato, Takashi Nose, Akinori Ito
2017 Journal of Computer and Communications  
Communications al-speech synthesis, i.e., creating a talking head with synthetic speech and facial animation, is an interesting topic for more advanced man-machine interfaces.  ...  This paper proposes a technique for synthesizing a pixel-based photo-realistic talking face animation using two-step synthesis with HMMs and DNNs.  ...  When we can prepare a large amount of facial video samples, a promising approach is to use synthesis techniques based on visual unit selection [6] [7] [8] that was inspired by the idea in speech synthesis  ... 
doi:10.4236/jcc.2017.510006 fatcat:skirpgy22ra4lcpeag4dayne7q

Facial Landmark Based Region of Interest Localization for Deep Facial Expression Recognition

2022 Tehnički Vjesnik  
The realization of a reliable facial expression recognition system through machine learning is still a challenging task particularly on databases with large number of images.  ...  For CNNs, a task related best achieving architectural structure does not exist.  ...  In this study, a facial landmark-based ROI localization for deep FER task is presented.  ... 
doi:10.17559/tv-20200423145443 fatcat:z7cfiangtfhabl3tacvxavcgmq

Deep Facial Non-Rigid Multi-View Stereo

Ziqian Bai, Zhaopeng Cui, Jamal Ahmed Rahim, Xiaoming Liu, Ping Tan
2020 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
However, this optimization is challenging since each input image has a different expression.  ...  We facilitate it with a CNN network that learns to regularize the non-rigid 3D face according to the input image and preliminary optimization results.  ...  Ours Deng et al. [16] Mean (mm) 1.44 1.47 STD (mm) 0.38 0.40 based landmark fitting and emotion priors captured by deep learning while can also synthesis facial details.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr42600.2020.00589 dblp:conf/cvpr/BaiCRLT20 fatcat:dd2xkgwhwrh67kytc5f7avin34
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