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Energy efficient in-memory AES encryption based on nonvolatile domain-wall nanowire

Yuhao Wang, Hao Yu, Dennis Sylvester, Pingfan Kong
2014 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2014  
We show that all AES operations can be fully mapped to a logic-in-memory architecture by non-volatile domain-wall nanowire, called DW-AES.  ...  This paper explores an in-memory AES encryption using the newly introduced domain-wall nanowire.  ...  The non-volatile domain-wall nanowire devices are both used as storage element and deployed for logic computing in AES encryption.  ... 
doi:10.7873/date.2014.196 dblp:conf/date/WangYSK14 fatcat:gvsshtlaarco5dvk4rrpopxkpm

Energy efficient in-memory AES encryption based on nonvolatile domain-wall nanowire

Yuhao Wang, Hao Yu, Dennis Sylvester, Pingfan Kong
2014 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 2014   unpublished
We show that all AES operations can be fully mapped to a logic-in-memory architecture by non-volatile domain-wall nanowire, called DW-AES.  ...  This paper explores an in-memory AES encryption using the newly introduced domain-wall nanowire.  ...  The non-volatile domain-wall nanowire devices are both used as storage element and deployed for logic computing in AES encryption.  ... 
doi:10.7873/date2014.196 fatcat:qmvxn43u7fcsdlob7ocizdza3q

Sealer: In-SRAM AES for High-Performance and Low-Overhead Memory Encryption [article]

Jingyao Zhang, Hoda Naghibijouybari, Elaheh Sadredini
2022 pre-print
In this paper, we present Sealer, a high-performance and low-overhead in-SRAM memory encryption engine by exploiting the massive parallelism and bitline computational capability of SRAM subarrays.  ...  Despite massive efforts in designing hardware enhancements for data and code protection, existing solutions incur significant performance overhead as the encryption/decryption is on the critical path.  ...  propose DW-AES [20] by utilizing the domain wall nanowire to implement the AES encryption algorithm in NVM.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3531437.3539699 arXiv:2207.01298v1 fatcat:hvobr5fqereh5m33j2s2eh5wo4