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Corporate Social Responsibility: Projects, Practices and Challenges [article]

Dr. Mohsin Shaikh, Dr. Tasya Aspiranti, Dr. Ika Nurul Qamri
2024 Zenodo  
, CSR Impact and sustainability.  ...  It will also be useful to professionals and practitioner's working in the CSR and sustainability sectors.  ...  It includes developing digital content and learning platforms for underprivileged schools, enhancing education quality and student engagement.  Microsoft: Microsoft's 'Project Sangam' is a cloud-based  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10781542 fatcat:c6lkhag3zbgezcnyt4og5tv3uu

Grand challenges: companies and universities working for a better society (Extended Abstracts)

2021 Sinergie Italian Journal of Management  
Le società contemporanee si trovano di fronte a un bivio: da un lato i governi sono sotto pressione per raggiungere obiettivi ambiziosi di crescita economica, dall'altro tale crescita alimenta complesse  ...  A critical review of the empirical literature based on econometric methods", Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 112, n. 4, pp. 2158Production, vol. 112, n. 4, pp. -2170.  ...  ., JONKER J. (2018), "Embracing the variety of sustainable business models: A prolific field of research and a future research agenda", Journal of cleaner production, vol. 194, pp. 695-703.  ... 
doi:10.7433/srecp.ea.2020.01 fatcat:7tu5ulmovbauzc744x5nxjx2by


Raimundas Kalesnykas
2020 Acta Prosperitatis  
effective management system of corruption prevention and the commitment shown by top management to ensure its functioning in a realistic rather than formal way.  ...  Corruption as a multi - structured global phenomenon undermines good governance, public trust in public sector organizations and causes serious damage to the functioning of those organizations.  ...  Included in the list of valuable support are: Caucasus University administration and colleagues from University and business society.  ... 
doi:10.37804/1691-6077-2020-11-92-115 fatcat:7iftageqcvffvczdnwpv7rf6le

Study of the impact that style of leadership has upon innovation within the UAE through utilisation of the knowledge sharing role

K Alhaddad
Additionally, these findings make a significant contribution to the broader understanding of how knowledge sharing acts as a mediator between transformational leadership and innovation.  ...  To obtain a deeper understanding, we conducted surveys and utilized datadriven techniques, sourcing perspectives from employees within the GCAA.  ...  Within Iraq's educational landscape, this leadership quality aids faculty members in rallying behind a shared vision (Carmeli et al., 2011) .  ... 
doi:10.24377/ljmu.t.00022747 fatcat:nmvnkxjt6vcynj25xpkr6kytsm

Proceedings of the 2021 Joint Workshop of the German Research Training Groups in Computer Science. May 31–June 1, 2021

Joint Workshop Of The German Research Training Groups In Computer Science, Erlangen May 31–June 1, 2021, Felix Freiling
Initiated in 1996 and run regularly since 2007, researchers of the German Research and Training Groups (RTGs) funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in the field of computer science meet annually  ...  The goal of these workshops is to foster an interchange of ideas and experiences in order to strengthen the connection within the German computer science community.  ...  , (3) proactive user assistance, and (4) mechanisms to protect privacy and assess trust according to dynamic constraints.  ... 
doi:10.25593/opus4-fau-16426 fatcat:isoyq5lzdffxrdqzvkmfsnjgau