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The Vessel Schedule Recovery Problem (VSRP) – A MIP model for handling disruptions in liner shipping

Berit D. Brouer, Jakob Dirksen, David Pisinger, Christian E.M. Plum, Bo Vaaben
2013 European Journal of Operational Research  
-Assessing the profitability of carsharing fleet distributions based on usage patterns Mathias Goeppel, GR/PAP, Daimler AG, Building 10, Room 2.3.036, One-way carsharing as seen with car2go, where vehicle  ...  EWO involves optimizing the operations of supply, production and distribution activities of a company to reduce costs and inventories.  ...  -Optimal Dynamic Tax Evasion: A Portfolio Approach Francesco Menoncin, Economics, Brescia University, Via S. Faustino, 74/B, 25122, Brescia, Italy, menoncin@eco.unibs.it, Rosella Levaggi  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2012.08.016 fatcat:c27kagfnxnhjfbil2rydhjhomm

Future research directions in design of reliable communication systems

Jacek Rak, Mario Pickavet, Kishor S. Trivedi, Javier Alonso Lopez, Arie M. C. A. Koster, James P. G. Sterbenz, Egemen K. Çetinkaya, Teresa Gomes, Matthias Gunkel, Krzysztof Walkowiak, Dimitri Staessens
2015 Telecommunications Systems  
However, by providing a proper defence, detection of unwanted events, remediation of negative effects, and recovery to normal operational state (e.g., by applying the D 2 R 2 + D R diagnose and refinement  ...  (L4), Session (L5), Presentation (L6), and Application (L7), we focus on a wide range of research directions in the area of communication systems reliability.  ...  Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11235-015-9987-7 fatcat:gtj37p4jb5eexkojria6tsnpui

Visible Light-Assisted Soft-Chemistry Route to Silver Nanomaterials at Room Temperature

Yi Wu, Xin Liu, Zi Huang, Xiang Fei He, Xi Yang, Qing Li
2019 Key Engineering Materials  
The effect of temperature on the morphology and properties of silver nanoparticles was investigated.  ...  Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesizd by a light-assisted liquid phase reduction method with sodium hypophosphite as a reducing agent. DTAB was used to perform as the surfactant.  ...  Musculoskeletal diseases have a high burden on healthcare resources in Turkey due to increasing age of the population.  ... 
doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.807.165 fatcat:xara5sxzf5fsvbib2dy6vrl7j4

Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics

1990 Abstracts of Working Papers in Economics  
This section contains abstracts and complete bibliographic information for current working papers, listed alphabetically by primary author.  ...  For more recent as well as historical information, consult the AWPE DATABASE, available on magnetic media from Cambridge University Press.  ...  AB A review of the agricultural economics literature over the past 15 years reveals a growing interest in the effects of macroeconomic aggregates, especially monetary instruments, on the United States  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0951007900001455 fatcat:geyxpzjiavaxvop32ayggrrfzy

Models and Algorithms for Transportation in the Sharing Economy

Daniel Freund
Though the resulting problems are high-dimensional and non-convex, we develop a general approximation framework, based on a novel convex relaxation.  ...  And a family of elephants. . . iv I had the privilege to work with many other Cornell faculty, most importantly Shane G.  ...  This thesis would not have been possible if it were not for his guidance, mentorship, and unwavering support and he has become a role model for me in more than one way. I also want to thank David P.  ... 
doi:10.7298/x47s7m1x fatcat:qbebo5p4mbepzixkkaft6sgcdu

Machine scheduling and Lagrangian relaxation [article]

SL Steef Van De Velde, JK Jan Karel Lenstra
In the broadest sense, 'scheduling is the allocation of resources over time toperfarm a collection of tasks' [Baker, 1974] , and the theory of scheduling is concerned with 'the optimal allocation of scarce  ...  We confine ourselves to scheduling problems in which each task or activity requires at most one resource at a time.  ...  Minirnizing the makespan with late start penalties added to processing times in a single facility scheduling problem. x In de Algemene Richtlijnen bij Promoties van de Technische Universiteit Eindhoven  ... 
doi:10.6100/ir350591 fatcat:tr2s6ownsbgnhmictqh5xbpfqu

Hybrid Solving Techniques for Project Scheduling Problems [article]

Jens Schulz, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Rolf Möhring
On average we experience a reduction of half of the nodes and decrease running times by 1/3.  ...  Resource-constrained Project Scheduling problems (RCPSP) contain practically relevant and combinatorial optimization problems as they occur e.g., in manufacturing.  ...  Scheduling on a single machine with release times 1|r j | C j is also strongly N P-hard, see [171] . Such problems become easier if we allow preemption.  ... 
doi:10.14279/depositonce-3602 fatcat:lvrxq7gp2vaczpvhvn6mo756pu

Quality of Experience: From Assessment to Application (Dagstuhl Seminar 15022) Understanding Complexity in Multiobjective Optimization (Dagstuhl Seminar 15031) Model-driven Algorithms and Architectures for Self-Aware Computing Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 15041) Artificial and Computational Intelligence in Games: Integration (Dagstuhl Seminar 15051)

Michael Philippsen, Pascal Felber, Michael Scott, J Eliot, Katrien De Moor, Markus Fiedler, Peter Reichl, Martín Varela, Salvatore Greco, Kathrin Klamroth, Joshua Knowles, Günter Rudolph (+13 others)
2015 unpublished
interacting with and within virtual environments.  ...  The research field of artificial and computational intelligence in games focuses on the wide variety of advanced computational techniques used to create, enhance, and improve the experiences of humans  ...  of user workloads on the system resource consumption a predictive stochastic model allowing to predict the system performance for a given user workload and resource allocation a control theory model used  ... 

OASIcs, Volume 85, ATMOS 2020, Complete Volume [article]

Dennis Huisman, Christos D. Zaroliagis
We are also grateful to Transport for London (TfL) for permitting us to use their data, and to PTV AG for providing the London data.  ...  However, changes in the railway infrastructure to accommodate the increase in traffic are expensive and take a long time.  ...  Note that list L only indicates the priority of the activities, and not their actual order. Therefore, a i can start before activity a j with j < i if the required resources allow this.  ... 
doi:10.4230/oasics.atmos.2020 fatcat:cfergu24w5f73ajydwnxvac3p4

Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 12, Issue 5, May 2022, Complete Issue [article]

We would like to thank all participants of the Dagstuhl Seminar 22222 for their input on this spontaneous activity.  ...  We will show that this problem is equivalent to solving a system of singular integral equations with Cauchy kernels.  ...  . , P k along with fixed flow rates r 1 , . . . , r k .  ... 
doi:10.4230/dagrep.12.5 fatcat:w2chv6ku3nefnhuiajasaglgsu

OASIcs, Volume 33, ATMOS'13, Complete Volume [article]

Daniele Frigioni, Sebastian Stiller
Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dominik Kirchler for his precious comments on the Best Origin Problem and on the dominance rule.  ...  Acknowledgements We wish to thank the transit agency of Rome, Roma Servizi per la Mobilità, and in particular Luca Allulli, Carlo Gentile, Damiano Morosi, and Fabio Schiavo, for their kind assistance with  ...  Experiments were performed on a machine with 96GB of RAM and two Intel Xenon E5649 CPUs with 8 cores, each having a frequency of 2.53 GHz (exactly one core was used at a time).  ... 
doi:10.4230/oasics.atmos.2013 fatcat:mj7bxl5go5aozmeldhgwrvhega

An Asymptotic PTAS for Batch Scheduling with Nonidentical Job Sizes to Minimize Makespan [chapter]

Yuzhong Zhang, Zhigang Cao
Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Finally, we thank Xi'an Jiaotong University and NSF of China for the support and local organizers and colleagues for their assistance.  ...  In addition to selected papers, the conference also included two invited presentations, by Bailin Hao and Kurt Mehlhorn, and eight invited papers.  ...  We develop an improved parameterized algorithm for the problem based on a deeper and more careful analysis on the structures of bipartite graphs.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73556-4_7 fatcat:qundndqypvgupglzb3iv4yhe7m

LIPIcs, Volume 208, GIScience 2021, Complete Volume [article]

Krzysztof Janowicz, Judith A. Verstegen
Estimating the effects of "community opening" policy on alleviating traffic congestion in large Chinese cities by integrating ant colony optimization and complex network analyses.  ...  A state-of-the-art survey of indoor positioning and navigation systems and technologies. South African Computer Journal, 29(3):145-197, 2017.  ...  The common goal is to find a single polygon or multiple polygons enclosing the input data. A naïve method is to compute the convex hull of all input points.  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.giscience.2021.ii fatcat:7zoor7eg6jdyda4jgr4b2vosue

Uncertainty-aware visualization techniques [article]

Christoph Schulz, Universität Stuttgart
Whether and how we present this uncertainty can have a major impact on how our audience perceives such information. Still, uncertainty is rarely visualized and communicated.  ...  Similarly, it may be challenging to classify a point within a probability distribution. One must learn how to interpret uncertainty-afflicted information.  ...  We fitted logistic functions to our data with a random guess rate of 0.5, as common for 2AFC experiments.  ... 
doi:10.18419/opus-12115 fatcat:la56gcmgkjgd3kyr45muwqnide

LIPIcs, Volume 2, FSTTCS'08, Complete Volume [article]

Ramesh Hariharan, Madhavan Mukund, V Vinay
This survey is based on joint research with Dietmar Berwanger and Stephan Kreutzer.  ...  Topology and determinacy For any arena (G, v) of a Banach-Mazur game, the space Paths(G, v) is endowed with a topology whose basic open sets are O(x), the sets of infinite prolongations of some finite  ...  instance, or the times to reach the vertices in a TSP instance. • Scheduling problems: C could be the load of the machines or the flow-times of the individual jobs. • Allocation problems: C measures the  ... 
doi:10.4230/lipics.fsttcs.2008 fatcat:byk56drkgzc6dlyzfnfysbydoq