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Three-Dimensional Dental Analysis for Sex Estimation in the Italian Population: A Pilot Study Based on a Geometric Morphometric and Artificial Neural Network Approach

Giorgio Oliva, Vilma Pinchi, Ilenia Bianchi, Martina Focardi, Corrado Paganelli, Rinaldo Zotti, Domenico Dalessandri
2021 Healthcare  
Dental dimorphism can be used for discriminating sex in forensic contexts. Geometric morphometric analysis (GMA) allows the evaluation of the shape and size, separately, of uneven 3D objects.  ...  Future research could overcome some limitations by considering a larger sample of subjects and other kinds of teeth and experimenting with the use of computer vision for automatic landmark positioning.  ...  Moreover, the model proposed here allows one to orient the 3D image and to perform a double check of the positions of reference points during digitation.  ... 
doi:10.3390/healthcare10010009 pmid:35052173 pmcid:PMC8775125 fatcat:q3wgkhulo5dgxpwe3p7e3umg34

Automatic Craniomaxillofacial Landmark Digitization via Segmentation-Guided Partially-Joint Regression Forest Model and Multiscale Statistical Features

Jun Zhang, Yaozong Gao, Li Wang, Zhen Tang, James J. Xia, Dinggang Shen
2016 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering  
However, permission to use this material for any other purposes must be obtained from the IEEE by sending an email to pubs-landmarks based on the coherence of landmark positions to improve the digitization  ...  Experiments on a CBCT dataset show that our approach achieves clinically acceptable accuracy for landmark digitalization.  ...  Hence, every voxel can cast one vote to the potential landmark position, pointed by the estimated displacement.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tbme.2015.2503421 pmid:26625402 pmcid:PMC4879598 fatcat:bemcmqglvzgito5awpyccygmve

3D Scanning, Imaging, and Printing in Orthodontics [chapter]

Emilia Taneva, Budi Kusnoto, Carla A. Evans
2015 Issues in Contemporary Orthodontics  
Acknowledgements This material is based on research sponsored by the Air Force Surgeon General's Office under agreement number FA7014-09-2-0003. The U.S.  ...  The results showed that 20 of the chosen landmarks had high reproducibility based on accepted 0.5 mm cut off point.  ...  Slicing software automatically transforms the point cloud into a stereolithographic file which is sent to the additive manufacturing machine for building the object (Figure 19 ). Figure 19 .  ... 
doi:10.5772/60010 fatcat:abkdn4owfrbftk64lml7bvornq

Cephalogram Synthesis and Landmark Detection in Dental Cone-Beam CT Systems [article]

Yixing Huang, Fuxin Fan, Christopher Syben, Philipp Roser, Leonid Mill, Andreas Maier
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Our proposed automatic landmark detection method achieves 86.7% successful detection rate in the 2 mm clinical acceptable range on the ISBI Test1 data, which is comparable to the state-of-the-art methods  ...  For landmark detection in the synthetic cephalograms, an efficient automatic landmark detection method using the combination of LeNet-5 and ResNet50 is proposed.  ...  Type I: Cephalogram Synthesis from 3D CBCT Volumes For Type I synthesis, our method includes the steps of skeleton enhancement, ray casting, and sigmoid-based transform.  ... 
arXiv:2009.04420v1 fatcat:gpm33e5zc5e2bplqv5ic3iqbnm

Fully automatic integration of dental CBCT images and full-arch intraoral impressions with stitching error correction via individual tooth segmentation and identification [article]

Tae Jun Jang, Hye Sun Yun, Chang Min Hyun, Jong-Eun Kim, Sang-Hwy Lee, Jin Keun Seo
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We present a fully automated method of integrating intraoral scan (IOS) and dental cone-beam computerized tomography (CBCT) images into one image by complementing each image's weaknesses.  ...  The experimental results show that the proposed method achieved landmark and surface distance errors of 112.4 μm and 301.7 μm, respectively.  ...  The 3D vertices of IOS data can be expressed as a set of 3D points and the measurement unit of these points is millimeter.  ... 
arXiv:2112.01784v2 fatcat:pptkf4hj4fgt3c6tlgprsjt3si

Automatic Reproduction of Natural Head Position Using a Portable 3D Scanner Based on Immediate Calibration

Choi, Lee, Yang, Huh, Lee, Heo, Choi, Hwang, Yi
2019 Applied Sciences  
This paper developed a new method to easily record and automatically reproduce the 3D natural head position (NHP) of patients using a portable 3D scanner based on immediate calibration.  ...  The 3D patient NHP Computed Tomography(CT) model was reproduced automatically by performing registration between the CT model and the optically scanned model in the NHP using a modified coherent point  ...  In this study, we automatically reproduced the 3D NHP CT model by applying the resulting transformation from the registrations to the patient's CT head model without manually selecting landmarks on the  ... 
doi:10.3390/app10010174 fatcat:gal634nsinerxblrxdmzpocpji

Convolutional Neural Networks in Orthodontics: a review [article]

Szymon Płotka, Tomasz Włodarczyk, Ryszard Szczerba, Przemysław Rokita, Patrycja Bartkowska, Oskar Komisarek, Artur Matthews-Brzozowski, Tomasz Trzciński
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Advances in medical imaging technologies and methods allow CNNs to be used in orthodontics to shorten the planning time of orthodontic treatment, including an automatic search of landmarks on cephalometric  ...  X-ray images, tooth segmentation on Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) images or digital models, and classification of defects on X-Ray panoramic images.  ...  The architecture is based on the Point CNN network, to which it adds a module based on Monte Carlo ConvNet (MC-CNet) [66] .  ... 
arXiv:2104.08886v1 fatcat:bn6obvqggva63nldkth65xjoe4

Automatic Tooth Arrangement with Joint Features of Point and Mesh Representations via Diffusion Probabilistic Models [article]

Changsong Lei, Mengfei Xia, Shaofeng Wang, Yaqian Liang, Ran Yi, Yuhui Wen, Yongjin Liu
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Conditioned on the features extracted from the dental model, the diffusion probabilistic model can learn the distribution of teeth transformation matrices from malocclusion to normal occlusion by gradually  ...  In addition to traditional metrics ADD, PA-ADD, CSA, and ME_rot, we propose a new evaluation metric based on dental arch curves to judge whether the generated teeth meet the individual normal occlusion  ...  Wang et al. (2022) proposes a tooth arrangement network based on tooth landmark constraints and a hierarchical graph structure. All the aforementioned methods employ point clouds as input data.  ... 
arXiv:2312.15139v1 fatcat:ob2tmbxt5zgvhkbzdgjrvk6k4a

Modeling Surperspective Projection of Landscapes for Geographical Guide-Map Generation

Shigeo Takahashi, Naoya Ohta, Hiroko Nakamura, Yuriko Takeshima, Issei Fujishiro
2002 Computer graphics forum (Print)  
Using ordinary perspective projection, the deformed shape is then transformed into a target guide-map image where each landmark enjoys its own vista points.  ...  This paper presents a new approach for modeling such surperspective projection based on shape deformation techniques.  ...  Yoshiyuki Kokojima for their helpful comments on this research.  ... 
doi:10.1111/1467-8659.t01-1-00585 fatcat:2sazt62wrncwxokqza2aen4qci

Modeling Surperspective Projection of Landscapes for Geographical Guide-Map Generation

Shigeo Takahashi, Naoya Ohta, Hiroko Nakamura, Yuriko Takeshima, Issei Fujishiro
2002 Computer graphics forum (Print)  
Using ordinary perspective projection, the deformed shape is then transformed into a target guide-map image where each landmark enjoys its own vista points.  ...  This paper presents a new approach for modeling such surperspective projection based on shape deformation techniques.  ...  Yoshiyuki Kokojima for their helpful comments on this research.  ... 
doi:10.1111/1467-8659.00585 fatcat:ba7mbiih7jesdkkcsl4a4cgfpm

Computer-based craniofacial superimposition in forensic identification using soft computing

B. Rosario Campomanes-Álvarez, Óscar Cordón, Sergio Damas, Óscar Ibáñez
2012 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing  
The technique is based on a three-stage methodology. The first two are performed automatically by soft computing techniques. However, the final decision corresponds to the forensic expert.  ...  Moreover, the availability of new digital equipment has resulted in a significant advance in the applicability of this forensic identification technique.  ...  An semi-automatic method based on the use of real-coded EAs and FSs for solving the first two stages of the CS process: 3D skull model reconstruction and SFO was reviewed.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12652-012-0168-1 fatcat:apqbrtcserdvdeqpt7l4rsrqai

Customized Design of Hearing Aids Using Statistical Shape Learning [chapter]

Gozde Unal, Delphine Nain, Greg Slabaugh, Tong Fang
2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We design a novel method to learn the relationship between two classes of shapes, which are related by certain operations or transformation.  ...  In this paper, we present a solution to the problem of customized 3D shape modeling using a statistical shape analysis framework.  ...  for automatic shape transformation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-85988-8_62 fatcat:xe5z5cb2pbezldu6l3x5oyjhva

Deep Learning for Automatic Image Segmentation in Stomatology and Its Clinical Application

Dan Luo, Wei Zeng, Jinlong Chen, Wei Tang
2021 Frontiers in Medical Technology  
For the backbone network, we distinguished methods based on convolutional neural networks from those based on transformers.  ...  We categorized data sources into panoramic radiography, dental X-rays, cone-beam computed tomography, multi-slice spiral computed tomography, and methods based on intraoral scan images.  ...  and landmark digitization; the DSCs of midface and mandible on their own dataset were 0.9319 and 0.9327, respectively.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fmedt.2021.767836 pmid:35047964 pmcid:PMC8757832 fatcat:gnbf4xxfh5hgdif6ynne3umiqi

Three-dimensional visualization of teeth by magnetic resonance imaging during speech [chapter]

Sandra Ventura, Diamantino Freitas, Isabel Ramos
2013 Biodental Engineering II  
during speech based on the position matching of the reference landmarks; 3 rd extraction of 3D vocal tract shape.  ...  Landmarks on the forehead, nasal root, nasal tip and points along the cranium were used for superimposition of the upper incisor. Direct visualization of incisors crowns.  ... 
doi:10.1201/b15986-4 fatcat:5vahy4l3vzalhhncfga3b45ryy

Estimating patient-specific and anatomically correct reference model for craniomaxillofacial deformity via sparse representation

Li Wang, Yi Ren, Yaozong Gao, Zhen Tang, Ken-Chung Chen, Jianfu Li, Steve G. F. Shen, Jin Yan, Philip K. M. Lee, Ben Chow, James J. Xia, Dinggang Shen
2015 Medical Physics (Lancaster)  
Methods: To estimate a patient-specific jaw reference model, the authors use a data-driven method based on sparse shape composition.  ...  Conclusions: The authors have presented a novel method to automatically estimate a patient-specific reference model for the patient suffering from CMF deformity.  ...  Among them, 31 points are jaw landmarks and 27 are midface landmarks.  ... 
doi:10.1118/1.4929974 pmid:26429255 pmcid:PMC4575319 fatcat:xkk7bl4ndfcyjcqmak45evkkou
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