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12,959 Hits in 4.5 sec

A Technical Review of Wireless security for the Internet of things: Software Defined Radio perspective [article]

Jose de Jesus Rugeles, Edward Paul Guillen, Leonardo S Cardoso
2020 arXiv   pre-print
This paper presents a review of the vulnerabilities of the wireless technologies that bear the IoT and assessing the experiences in implementing wireless attacks targeting the Internet of Things using  ...  Future cybersecurity systems based on SDR radios have notable advantages due to their flexibility to adapt to new communication technologies and their potential for the development of advanced tools.  ...  wireless attack implementation experiences and vulnerability assessments for wireless technologies, and identifying the types of SDR radio platforms used.  ... 
arXiv:2009.10171v1 fatcat:u77yn7fohbedtjqpqjsmnxpar4

Perception of Environmental Spillovers Across Scale in Climate Change Adaptation Planning: The Case of Small-Scale Farmers' Irrigation Strategies, Kenya

Volenzo Tom Elijah, John O. Odiyo
2019 Climate  
In this study, the cognitive failure and/or bias construct is examined and proposed as an analytical lens in research, policy, and learning and the convergence of disaster risk reduction and climate change  ...  Implicitly, reversing the inherent adaptation failures calls for system approaches that enhance coordinated adaptation planning, prioritise the proactive mitigation of slow-onset disaster risks, and broadens  ...  This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.  ... 
doi:10.3390/cli8010003 fatcat:qcnrhlx62jc7zfntt5t3r5wog4

Managing the radio spectrum

Christos Politis
2009 IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine  
A CR is an agile radio technology that autonomously adapts to the radio environment in one or more ways, using contextual or optimization information. For example,  ...  To validate this point, we have selected to discuss cognitive radio (CR) and its role in future spectrum use.  ...  There he managed a number of projects across a wide range of areas including cognitive radio, polite protocols, radar, fixed wireless and mobile technologies.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mvt.2008.931628 fatcat:nebnoao2yzgm5cdamet7sclvgy

Framework for preventing falls in acute hospitals using passive sensor enabled radio frequency identification technology

R. Visvanathan, D. C. Ranasinghe, Roberto L. Shinmoto Torres, K. Hill
2012 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society  
We describe a distributed architecture for a realtime falls prevention framework capable of providing a technological intervention to mitigate the risk of falls in acute hospitals through the development  ...  Our approach is based on using a battery free, wearable sensor enabled Radio Frequency Identification device.  ...  Alfio Grasso at the University of Adelaide, Australia for their collaborations and support for our research project.  ... 
doi:10.1109/embc.2012.6347326 pmid:23367261 dblp:conf/embc/VisvanathanRTH12 fatcat:xhwimhgedjb2fbetyy3jocykde

Evaluation of a Tactile Navigation Cueing System and Real-Time Assessment of Cognitive State

Michael C. Dorneich, Patricia May Ververs, Stephen D. Whitlow, Santosh Mathan
2006 Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting  
The complexity of the task along with simultaneously challenging cognitive tasks also enabled the real-time assessment of cognitive state in various task load conditions.  ...  Both benefits and costs to this type of automation support are explored in detail, where the evaluation supports the premise that strong automated support should only be used in high workload situations  ...  Army Natick Soldier Center, DAAD16-03-C-0054, for which CDR Dylan Schmorrow served as the Program Manager of the DARPA Improving Warfighter Information Intake Under Stress/AugCog program and Mr.  ... 
doi:10.1177/154193120605002418 fatcat:lzirocov2fd3pduryr4pj7l6ia

A Technical Review of Wireless Security for the Internet of things: Software Defined Radio perspective

José Jesús Rugeles Uribe, Edward Paul Guillen, Leonardo S. Cardoso
2021 Journal of King Saud University: Computer and Information Sciences  
technologies are assessed.  ...  This paper presents a review of the vulnerabilities on wireless technologies that gives connectivity to IoT, and the experiences using Software Defined Radio SDR for implementing wireless attacks to IoT  ...  Risk assessment and analysis of the impact of cyberattacks is a concern that goes beyond technical and academic scenarios.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jksuci.2021.04.003 fatcat:oo76dneupvgkdpe323mawhzh4a

Security Aspects in Software Defined Radio and Cognitive Radio Networks: A Survey and A Way Ahead

G. Baldini, T. Sturman, A. R. Biswas, R. Leschhorn, G. Godor, M. Street
2012 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials  
Software Defined Radio (SDR) and Cognitive Radio (CR) are promising technologies, which can be used to alleviate the spectrum shortage problem or the barriers to communication interoperability in various  ...  We identify the requirements for the deployment of SDR and CR, the main security threats and challenges and the related protection techniques.  ...  A Survey on MAC Strategies for cognitive radio networks is presented As described in section VI, the 802.22 standard defines an authentication and encryption scheme to mitigate attacks against the MAC.  ... 
doi:10.1109/surv.2011.032511.00097 fatcat:6r4qyhbhwjcszph5kxfjvxcf4y

Towards industry 5.0 in disaster mitigation in Lombok island, Indonesia

Filosa Gita Sukmono, Fajar Junaedi
2020 Jurnal studi komunikasi  
In the disaster that occurred in West Nusa Tenggara, researchers found that the government, disaster mitigation and recovery agencies, journalists, and the public used internet chat-based digital technology  ...  However, Industry 4.0 technology still has limitations in terms of disaster mitigation.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The researchers would like to express their profound appreciation to LP3M Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta for supporting the current research.  ... 
doi:10.25139/jsk.v4i3.2424 fatcat:p237t3ledffkxi2ilg3du3qmli


2018 Ambiente & Sociedade  
The text aims to address the issue of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in disaster risk management (DRM) models.  ...  As a result of the literature review, it is argued that the communication flows in the DRM may have three cognitive characters ICTs: a) multisignified; b) multidirectional and multilevel; c) multidimensional  ...  As a result, the text evidences an asymmetry in the operationalization of these technologies in the DRM, as well as the need to consider the cognitive aspects inherent to the meaning, dimension and direction  ... 
doi:10.1590/1809-4422asoc0103r4vu18l1ao fatcat:wxqmn4o53jhi5gd5elcz2h2x3u

Statistical Inference on Spectrum Data for Design and Enforcement of Harm Claim Thresholds

Janne Riihijarvi, Petri Mahonen, J. Pierre de Vries
2017 IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking  
ITIF would urge the Commission to move forward with the TAC's recommendations on moving towards a risk-based approach to assessing the potential for interference.  ...  This is an important recognition that receivers play a role in mitigating harmful interference.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tccn.2017.2746578 fatcat:s35o2fsohrcrfie77tx3gmsi6u

Prosperity of IT security technologies in homeland defense

Kangbin Yim, Aniello Castiglione, Ilsun You
2013 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing  
Performing a risk assessment is an essential step to be undertaken in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the security measures especially to protect privacy of information in a networked system, for  ...  in many ways by penetration of these technologies into public domain in the form of wired or radio signals and protocols for the PSTN, cellular networks and the wireless Internet.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12652-013-0208-5 fatcat:2lzdonddpjboxl2wjlmtafhrka

Failure Analysis in Next-Generation Critical Cellular Communication Infrastructures [article]

Siguo Bi, Xin Yuan, Shuyan Hu, Kai Li, Wei Ni, Ekram Hossain, Xin Wang
2024 arXiv   pre-print
The advent of communication technologies marks a transformative phase in critical infrastructure construction, where the meticulous analysis of failures becomes paramount in achieving the fundamental objectives  ...  Through an exhaustive examination of existing literature, we discern and categorize prominent research orientations with focuses on, namely resource depletion, security vulnerabilities, and system availability  ...  Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) can enhance channel availability (CA) for primary and secondary users.  ... 
arXiv:2402.04448v1 fatcat:wvsamkjovrcf7ebqf64doeyefe

Wireless Broadband Opportunities through TVWS for Networking in Rural areas of Africa

Dramane Ouattara, Mohamed Aymen Chalouf, Francine Krief, Omessaad Hamdi
2015 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems  
In this paper, we propose a new approach based on Cognitive Radio technology to address the challenges for ensuring connectivity in remote areas of Africa.  ...  Through the deployment of Cognitive Radio, emergency services in rural areas will benefit from low cost access networks.  ...  Acknowledgment This work is partially supported by the LICoRNe project, funded in part by the National Agency for Research in France ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche).  ... 
doi:10.4108/inis.2.3.e4 fatcat:v5navnyt75al3hk5kdkzrsxk34

Opportunistic Usage of Maritime VHF Band—Deployment Challenges for a New Regulatory Framework

Eduardo Bolas, Nuno Borges de Carvalho, José Neto Vieira, Paulo Mónica de Oliveira
2014 Wireless Engineering and Technology  
Eventually, the solution must include spectrum sharing, using a Cognitive Radio (CR) based approach, but unfortunately current regulatory framework and spectrum management regime are not appropriate for  ...  To overcome such constraints, it is necessary to address a whole field of regulatory and standardization issues in order to prepare an evolution towards a more flexible and dynamic approach to spectrum  ...  Actually, this manoeuvre does not present significant risks for incumbent operations, even in early stages of cognition maturity of secondary radios, because analogue voice services have a good tolerance  ... 
doi:10.4236/wet.2014.51001 fatcat:uewq4groxrgsfltemk7nzug3a4

Addressing Adventitious Behaviors Associated with Dementia
Reagowanie na nietypowe zachowania związane z demencją

Douglas Kemerer
2018 The Journal of Neurological and Neurosurgical Nursing  
Cognitively impaired patients are at increased risk for falls, skin integrity issues, accidents, and wandering behaviors.  ...  Utilization of technology in the form of computers to implement music therapy, reminiscence therapy, and occupational recreational therapy was the selected evidence-based best practice to implement.  ...  Cognitively impaired patients are at increased risk for falls, skin integrity issues, accidents, and wandering behaviors.  ... 
doi:10.15225/pnn.2018.7.1.5 fatcat:pkz6pzbscrctpgercctq47ch34
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