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Specification Of Agent Explicit Knowledge In Cryptographic Protocols

Khair Eddin Sabri, Ridha Khedri, Jason Jaskolka
2008 Zenodo  
Modelling this knowledge is crucial for the specification, analysis, and implementation of cryptographic protocols.  ...  In this paper, we propose a mathematical framework which specifies the explicit knowledge of an agent involved in a cryptographic protocol.  ...  The explicit knowledge representation is important for the specification, analysis, and implementation of cryptographic protocols.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1329127 fatcat:w5pgsvvndrfafjqmbn6s4ax7hm


Amol H. Shinde, Umbarkar A.J., Pillai N.R.
2017 ICTACT Journal on Communication Technology  
In this paper, we discuss the brief history of formal methods and tools that are useful for the formal verification of the cryptographic protocols.  ...  Various specialized tools have been developed for this purpose and are being used to validate real life cryptographic protocols.  ...  Paper reviewed the tools for the specification and verification of cryptographic protocols and will help the researchers review the protocol analysis tools.  ... 
doi:10.21917/ijct.2017.0226 fatcat:cjtshuv25rbvjggalyzy7xtdkq

Universally Composable Symbolic Analysis of Mutual Authentication and Key-Exchange Protocols [chapter]

Ran Canetti, Jonathan Herzog
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We restrict attention to protocols that use public-key encryption as their only cryptographic primitive and have a specific restricted format.  ...  Following recent work on cryptographically sound symbolic analysis, we demonstrate how Dolev-Yao style symbolic analysis can be used to assert the security of cryptographic protocols within the universally  ...  In particular, Shai discovered a bug in a previous version of the proof of Theorem 1, and Akshay discovered a bug in a previous formulation of F cpke .  ... 
doi:10.1007/11681878_20 fatcat:cgkfnymnbzhdbbfjraz54euid4

An IND-CCA2 Secure Public Key Cryptographic Protocol using Suzuki 2-Group

Akshaykumar Meshram, Chandrashekhar Meshram, N. W. Khobragade, Akshaykumar Meshram, Chandrashekhar Meshram
2017 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Methods/Statistical Analysis: Public key cryptographic is a protocol of transferring private info and data through open network communication, so only the receiver who has the secret key can read the encrypted  ...  Objectives: The public key cryptographic protocol is one of the most important fields in computer security.  ...  Rectifying the problem, making it favorable is the key concern for developing public key cryptographic protocol over non-commutative algebraic systems.  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i12/111588 fatcat:xsdmhxzrgvbj5c6t3rbko3n22q

Security protocols over open networks and distributed systems: formal methods for their analysis, design, and verification

S Gritzalis, D Spinellis, P Georgiadis
1999 Computer Communications  
Formal methods, theory, and supporting tools can aid the design, analysis, and verification of the security-related and cryptographic protocols used over open networks and distributed systems.  ...  The most commonly followed techniques for the application of formal methods for the ex-post analysis and verification of cryptographic protocols, as the analysis approach, are reviewed, followed by the  ...  Boyd, Queensland University of Technology, W. Mao, Hewlett-Packard, and the anonymous referees for their insightful remarks and constructive comments.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0140-3664(99)00030-4 fatcat:cv3vmaztf5drxc2edllnfgefva

A Logical Framework for Distributed Systems and Communication Protocols [chapter]

José Meseguer
1998 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
will discuss some promising directions for its use as a logical and semantic framework for distributed computing and communication protocols.  ...  I will introduce the main ideas of rewriting logic [ll]-a logic for the specification, prototyping and programming of concurrent systems in which concurrent computation exactly corresponds to logical deduction-and  ...  A REFLECTIVE LOGICAL AND SEMANTIC FRAMEWORK Being a semantic framework means that rewriting logic, instead of building in a particular model of concurrency or distribution such as, for example, process  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35394-4_20 fatcat:qjfqhrr4qbbpjk5na4z4yubnai

Cryptographic Protocols over Open Distributed Systems: A Taxonomy of Flaws and related Protocol Analysis Tools [chapter]

S. Gritzalis, D. Spinellis
1997 Safe Comp 97  
We then outline and comment on different attack construction and inference-based formal methods, protocol analysis tools, and process integration techniques and their effectiveness in aiding the cryptographic  ...  When designing and implementing cryptographic protocols one must avoid a number of possible flaws.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Prof. P.Georgiadis, University of Athens, Greece, for his helpful comments.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-0997-6_10 dblp:conf/safecomp/GritzalisS97 fatcat:go4hkyeygrczjg63vlgyaopnde

The work of Dean Rosenzweig

Andre Scedrov
2007 Proceedings of the the 6th joint meeting of the European software engineering conference and the ACM SIGSOFT symposium on The foundations of software engineering - ESEC-FSE '07  
We highlight his contributions to modeling, analysis, and testing of network security protocols, and his work on information technology used in the Zagreb Stock Exchange.  ...  Dean Rosenzweig, who passed away in January 2007, was a distinguished mathematician and computer scientist.  ...  for CORBA ORB, to finally writing the key server algorithms for order matching and trading.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1287624.1287677 dblp:conf/sigsoft/Scedrov07 fatcat:hwbk67uknnhhhmobtqd4d6fhvi

Security Frameworks for Wireless Sensor Networks-Review

Gaurav Sharma, Suman Bala, Anil K. Verma
2012 Procedia Technology - Elsevier  
This paper gives an overview of cryptographic frameworks designed so far and also a comparison of existing schemes is tabled.  ...  Since WSN suffer from many constraints including lower processing power, low battery life, small memory and wireless communication channel, security becomes the main concern to deal with such kind of networks  ...  Asymmetric Cryptographic Frameworks In this subsection, we discuss cryptographic frameworks, which are based on two shared keys, private key for encryption and public key for decryption.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2012.10.119 fatcat:6vmzafrfabhlfa47iy35uhq4zm

On the Multi-output Filtering Model and Its Applications [chapter]

Teng Wu, Yin Tan, Kalikinkar Mandal, Guang Gong
2017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Our experiments show some non-randomness in the distribution of algebraic degree and nonlinearity for KASUMI.  ...  Second, we study the distribution of the cryptographic properties of component functions of a random primitive in the multi-output filtering model.  ...  By comparing the distribution of the algebraic degree and nonlinearity properties with that of a random one, we discovered that, for KASUMI, its distribution of the algebraic degree is very different,  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-55589-8_18 fatcat:gakaae3glfbjhiynudsxgafm5e

Locking-Enabled Security Analysis of Cryptographic Circuits

Devanshi Upadhyaya, Maël Gay, Ilia Polian
2024 Cryptography  
We introduce LEDFA (locking-enabled differential fault analysis) and demonstrate for several ciphers and families of locking schemes that fault attacks become possible (or consistently easier) for incorrectly  ...  In this article, we study the consequences of applying logic locking, a popular design-for-trust solution against intellectual property piracy and overproduction, to cryptographic circuits.  ...  Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available in article. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/cryptography8010002 fatcat:qzldvbnadzhvrfpjseso2zffui

PQC: Triple Decomposition Problem Applied To GL(d, Fp) - A Secure Framework For Canonical Non-Commutative Cryptography [article]

Pedro Hecht
2018 arXiv   pre-print
At same time it is immune against quantum attacks (using Grover and Shor), if the size parameters are carefully selected. Semantic security and IND-CCA2 compliance for this framework is discussed.  ...  We give support to the fact that this framework is cryptographically secure against classical attacks like linear algebra attacks, length-based attacks, side-channel attacks against square (or duplicate  ...  For this reason, the following security analysis is not limited to the present example and can be extended in new contexts. To proceed with this analysis, two conjectures are exposed.  ... 
arXiv:1810.08983v1 fatcat:yptm4xm26nfy5b24o6pqhhptgm

Team Automata for Security

Maurice H. ter Beek, Gabriele Lenzini, Marinella Petrocchi
2005 Electronical Notes in Theoretical Computer Science  
In this paper we present a survey of the use of team automata for the specification and analysis of some issues from the field of security.  ...  In [33] , Kleijn presented a survey of the use of team automata for the specification and analysis of phenomena from the field of computer supported cooperative work, in particular notions related to groupware  ...  Like IOA, TA form a flexible framework for modelling communication between components of distributed and reactive systems.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2004.11.044 fatcat:a5zwrqrp45hanf57rvc6itjpzi

Algorithm 959

José Antonio Álvarez-Cubero, Pedro J. Zufiria
2016 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software  
The most relevant cryptographic criteria for both block and stream ciphers as well as for hash functions can be evaluated with VBF: it obtains the nonlinearity linearity distance, algebraic degree, linear  ...  Moreover, because of the size and complexity of modern ciphers, automatic analysis programs are very helpful in reducing the time required to study cryptographic properties of vector Boolean functions.  ...  Search for Vector Boolean Functions with Excellent Profiles Boolean functions with very high nonlinearity pose some of the most challenging problems in the area of symmetric cryptography and combinatorics  ... 
doi:10.1145/2794077 fatcat:4tgey4sslzbxjfly4t3sra6hc4

Algebraic Intruder Deductions [chapter]

David Basin, Sebastian Mödersheim, Luca Viganò
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We present a framework for security protocol analysis that can handle algebraic properties of cryptographic operators in a uniform and modular way.  ...  Our framework is based on two ideas: the use of modular rewriting to formalize a generalized equational deduction problem for the Dolev-Yao intruder, and the introduction of two parameters that control  ...  the protocol analysis problem, along with other parameters like the number of sessions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11591191_38 fatcat:mta2bkpwargsbdkylp3zeoy5si
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