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Affine-invariant recognition of gray-scale characters using global affine transformation correlation

T. Wakahara, Y. Kimura, A. Tomono
2001 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
We demonstrate the high matching ability of the proposed GAT correlation method using gray-scale images of numerals subjected to random Gaussian noise and a wide range of affine transformation.  ...  In particular, optimal GAT is efficiently determined by the successive iteration method using topographic features of gray-scale images as matching constraints.  ...  A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the 15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 3-8 September, 2000, Barcelona, Spain.  ... 
doi:10.1109/34.917573 fatcat:b7u5rtprjne5faqrig5hlxo74a

A Survey of Elastic Matching Techniques for Handwritten Character Recognition

2005 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
Thus, by using the EM distance as a discriminant function, recognition systems robust to the deformations of handwritten characters can be realized.  ...  The pattern distance evaluated under optimized 2DW is invariant to a certain range of geometric deformations.  ...  For example, linear scaling of the bounding box of a character is the simplest normalization technique and enough to realize scale-invariant recognition.  ... 
doi:10.1093/ietisy/e88-d.8.1781 fatcat:zlcm7bwznvgb7bw4jqbi44dzcq

Shape matching using GAT correlation against nonlinear distortion and its application to handwritten numeral recognition

T. Wakahara
Seventh International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 2003. Proceedings.  
We investigate a technique of global affine transformation (GAT) correlation to absorb linear distortion between gray-scale images.  ...  Features used in GAT correlation are occurrence probabilities of black pixels or gradients.  ...  In our previous paper [7] , we introduced the concept of global affine transformation (GAT) correlation that achieves both noise tolerance and affine-invariance.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icdar.2003.1227627 dblp:conf/icdar/Wakahara03 fatcat:dyrgymz5szfvtakhzymkegxwqa

Multivariate Analysis of Conserved Sequence–Structure Relationships in Kinesins: Coupling of the Active Site and a Tubulin-binding Sub-domain

Barry J. Grant, J. Andrew McCammon, Leo S.D. Caves, Robert A. Cross
2007 Journal of Molecular Biology  
An extensive computational analysis of available sequence and crystal structure data was used to identify functionally important residue interactions within the motor domain of the kinesin molecular motor  ...  Principal component analysis revealed that all current kinesin crystal structures reside in one of two main conformations, which differ at the active site, and in the position of a microtubule-binding  ...  Prior to assessing structural variability iterated rounds of structural superposition were used to identify the most structurally invariant region of the motor domain.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2007.02.049 pmid:17399740 fatcat:jl2br27uync3nlcdhlz443qnvu

A Review for Artificial-Intelligence-Based Protein Subcellular Localization

Hanyu Xiao, Yijin Zou, Jieqiong Wang, Shibiao Wan
2024 Biomolecules  
As the gold validation standard, the conventional wet lab uses fluorescent microscopy imaging, immunoelectron microscopy, and fluorescent biomarker tags for protein subcellular location identification.  ...  However, the booming era of proteomics and high-throughput sequencing generates tons of newly discovered proteins, making protein subcellular localization by wet-lab experiments a mission impossible.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/biom14040409 pmid:38672426 pmcid:PMC11048326 fatcat:slimbidr5jaghlgws5qgl6uuce

Advances of Deep Learning in Protein Science: A Comprehensive Survey [article]

Bozhen Hu, Cheng Tan, Lirong Wu, Jiangbin Zheng, Jun Xia, Zhangyang Gao, Zicheng Liu, Fandi Wu, Guijun Zhang, Stan Z. Li
2024 arXiv   pre-print
, and functions, and explores how these techniques can be used to extract meaningful features and capture intricate relationships within protein data.  ...  In recent years, deep learning has emerged as a powerful tool for protein modeling due to its ability to learn complex patterns and representations from large-scale protein data.  ...  Invariance and Equivariance We examine affine transformations that maintain the distance between any two points, known as the isometric group SE(3) in Euclidean space.  ... 
arXiv:2403.05314v1 fatcat:w5knidms6zewfivkbu3owdumxe

Continuous Offline Handwriting Recognition using Deep Learning Models [article]

Jorge Sueiras
2021 arXiv   pre-print
For the design of this new model, an extensive analysis of the capabilities of different convolutional architectures in the simplified problem of isolated character recognition has been carried out in  ...  need for the text to be segmented into characters.  ...  [68] applied affine transformations, elastic distorsions and multi-scale transformations.  ... 
arXiv:2112.13328v1 fatcat:xkcdw7c2rngd7jsaixsfosqzc4

AI-powered simulation-based inference of a genuinely spatial-stochastic model of early mouse embryogenesis [article]

Michael A. Ramirez-Sierra, Thomas R. Sokolowski
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Using this framework, we carry out a large-scale Bayesian inferential analysis and determine parameter sets that reproduce the experimentally observed system behavior.  ...  at the tissue scale.  ...  We also express our appreciation to Roberto Covino and his lab for their invaluable guidance and expertise throughout the project, especially for pointing us in the direction of the powerful SBI framework  ... 
arXiv:2402.15330v2 fatcat:kiiqmvoyjve2ph43mokngxileq

The Earliest Steps of Protein Folding: Conformational Biases within the Unfolded Ensemble and during Folding

Micayla A. Bowman
The thermodynamic hypothesis of protein folding originally introduced by Christian B. Anfinsen states that the protein native state is the global energy minimum of a polypeptide.  ...  All proteins start their journey being synthesized by the ribosome as a linear polymer of amino acids and must make a transition from a disordered, unfolded ensemble to a functional folded structure.  ...  Depending on the scale used, dramatic differences occur not just in the magnitude of the hydrophobic character, but even if a protein is ultimately classified as hydrophobic (>0) or hydrophilic (<0).  ... 
doi:10.7274/h702q527g2c fatcat:ff7zbrwtznd7pkac32ysjtz5wq

Graphical pangenomics

Erik Garrison, Richard Durbin
2018 Zenodo  
To demonstrate the utility of this approach, I use my implementation to solve resequencing and alignment problems in the context of Homo sapiens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  ...  By indexing the topology, sequence space, and haplotype space of these graphs and developing generalizations of sequence alignment suitable to them, I am able to use them as reference systems in the analysis  ...  Searching works by maintaining the invariant that the prefix of the suffixes in the SA interval defined by [sp, ep] is that given by the set of characters that we have considered in reverse order from  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3269840 fatcat:glracsk2jvgb3lehvepq2jl5l4

A Machine that Dreams: An Artistic Enquiry Leading to an Integrative Theory and Computational Artwork

Benjamin David Robert Bogart
2017 Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology  
The Dreaming Machine is an image-making agent that uses clustering and machine learning methods to make sense of live images captured in the context of installation.  ...  The difference between these processes of visual mentation are varying degrees of activation from external stimuli (exogenous) and feedback in a predictive model of the world (endogenous).  ...  Acknowledgements Acknowledgments The authors thank the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada for supporting the research that led to Memory Association Machine and future work on Dreaming  ... 
doi:10.1162/leon_a_01488 fatcat:e4b4pdzfcjc2lpkrwzymdjedci


1946 American Anthropologist  
In Systems of consanguinity and affinity (1870) he attempted to classify kinship systems and relate them to each other.  ...  ., The use of primitive material in the study of personality. Character & Pers. 3: 1-16. Sapir, E., The emergence of the concept of personality in a study of cultures. J. soc. Psychol. 5: 408-415. .  ... 
doi:10.1525/aa.1946.48.2.02a00020 pmid:21020668 fatcat:ebnvqqnk4rfolmorxubtipndoi

Compositional dependence of molar absorptivities of near-infrared OH- and H2O bands in rhyolitic to basaltic glasses

Susanne Ohlhorst, Harald Behrens, François Holtz
2001 Chemical Geology  
The low water contents required in our experiments to reproduce natural mineral association of the CPT rhyolite are in agreement with previous ideas (Honjo et al.the nearly anhydrous character of the SRPY  ...  Such deposits are an excellent archive providing the basis for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions on local and regional scales.  ...  isotope data of his bachelor thesis.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0009-2541(00)00303-x fatcat:qzsb65avdfeu5l53prxcgqifxu

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting February 19–23, 1984 Convention Center, San Antonio, Texas

1984 Biophysical Journal  
with the Tm of the lipid at 23.60 C.  ...  Protein-bound charge and dipole motions in biological membranes are crucial for a variety of membrane functions, including the opening and closing of channels (gating) and the functioning of electrically  ...  Ionic strength of soluions was determined using an iterative computer program taking into account the heats of protonation and complexation of all species involved.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0006-3495(84)84182-x fatcat:o3yn7vak4nbohopnkmjxjfdzby

Abstracts of the 13th Annual Meeting of Israel Society for Neuroscience

2005 Neural Plasticity  
The sfressed de,us showed s.ig_ificantlv lower densities of..Parvalburnin-.aLad. Cdbindin-D28k-immunoreactive .{.-Jr) neurons in this hippoeampal su.b,gion.  ...  In addition, serum d_ep.rivation induced increase in protein levels of holo-APP, in consistence with Israel Science Foundaiion and the US-Israel B-Natonal Science Foundaaon.  ...  We checked proinflammatory cytokines profile at 2 and 4h after CHI using RT-PCR. b-actin served as  ... 
doi:10.1155/np.2005.1 pmid:15940829 pmcid:PMC2565472 fatcat:6yiorqangzffpo5b3mdytg5xhy
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