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Jan Patočka's Non-Political Politics

Jakub Homolka
When he joined Charter 77, he composed several short articles in which he tried to enlighten its meaning.  ...  From Patočka to Havel, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2000; Bolton Jonathan, Worlds of Dissent, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2012, see especially The importance of these questions  ... 
doi:10.14712/24646504.2018.10 fatcat:gttbnubxtjbg7gpz667lvxcjve

Learning with Multiclass AUC: Theory and Algorithms [article]

Zhiyong Yang, Qianqian Xu, Shilong Bao, Xiaochun Cao, Qingming Huang
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Our foundation is based on the M metric, which is a well-known multiclass extension of AUC.  ...  The Area under the ROC curve (AUC) is a well-known ranking metric for problems such as imbalanced learning and recommender systems.  ...  Oxford university press, 2013. [8] T. Calders and S. Jaroszewicz. Efficient auc optimization for classification.  ... 
arXiv:2107.13171v1 fatcat:zhq7s6ap5vdldjpmg2kiysqzzi

Applying a modified AUC to gene ranking

Wenbao Yu, Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang, Eunsik Park
2018 Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods  
Acknowledgement This study was financially supported by Chonnam National University (2016-2706).  ...  By taking into account this prior probability, a better measure of classification is obtained (Sindhwani et al., 2001) .  ...  GSE10245 is composed of 40 AC and 18 SCC samples. It includes 54,675 expressions, and they were measured under the sample platform GPL157.  ... 
doi:10.29220/csam.2018.25.3.307 fatcat:sflmcapi65dbrpsinl7x6jetea

Digital Yuan – currency or policy tool?

Martin Samek, Martin Vlasta
, universal smartphone ownership.  ...  In: Peking University Law School [online] 12.8.2020 [cit. 2021-03-30].  ... 
doi:10.14712/23366478.2021.28 fatcat:toqwjvecjfhrzod7pcbdaxonzi

Experience beyond Storytelling: László Tengelyi on the Narrative Identity Debate

Jakub Čapek
In the concluding part, some open questions in Tengelyi ' s account of selfhood are addressed, such as the retrospective character of the narrative, the notion of action as adventure, and the role of the  ...  The reasons for Adrian ' s refusal to become a composer turn out -in the eyes of another character -to be the opposite: they are reasons for his embracing the career of a composer.  ...  Communism, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 2012, p. 16.  ... 
doi:10.14712/24646504.2017.7 fatcat:2m2dtfrwnvhjpndgkepnwzsow4

On the validity of time-dependent AUC estimators

M. Schmid, H. A. Kestler, S. Potapov
2013 Briefings in Bioinformatics  
By considering the area under the AUC curve, it is further possible to Matthias Schmid is Professor of Computational Statistics at the University of Munich.  ...  He is former head of the Computational Biostatistics working group at the Department of Biometry at Erlangen University. Hans A. Kestler is a senior lecturer at Ulm University.  ... 
doi:10.1093/bib/bbt059 pmid:24036698 fatcat:2f37xj7lhncu7hfub4ref5ibxa

The role of horizon-consciousness in filmic experiences

Hanna Trindade
The aim of this article is therefore neither to analyze how a predicative knowledge is born out of films (i.e. how we judge or evaluate a film), nor to take into account each structure that compose our  ...  the image, "That testifies of the impossibility of grasping the world without involving a look […] rather than realism, we should speak of 'cinematographic perceptivism', a notion that would take into account  ... 
doi:10.14712/24646504.2019.8 fatcat:ip5tzveignhuvd7f3kmojrl4pe

AUC: Asian Journal of Religious Studies 60.2 March-April 2015

Kuruvilla Pandikattu
2020 Zenodo  
The author provides statistical accounts of our broken and breaking world all in the name of 'God', greed and grade.  ...  Therefore God highly exalted him, giving him the highest title in the universe."  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4044328 fatcat:uam65cctzrc37jcqpyvff7wmnq

Optimization of Ensemble Supervised Learning Algorithms for Increased Sensitivity, Specificity, and AUC of Population-Based Colorectal Cancer Screenings [article]

Anirudh Kamath, Aditya Singh, Raj Ramnani, Ayush Vyas, Jay Shenoy
2017 arXiv   pre-print
This method is tested under ten-fold cross validation to have a .95 AUC, 92 clinically validated, this test promises to be cheaper, faster, and potentially more accurate when compared to a stool DNA test  ...  Schloss' lab at the University of Michigan (Baxter et al., 2016) .  ...  The end result ensemble is composed of extreme gradient boosted trees, logistic regression, random forests, decision trees, an artificial neural network, and a support vector machine.  ... 
arXiv:1708.03951v2 fatcat:ooevwq3esberjpnkjwtovgh254

Patient-Specific Modeling Algorithm For Medical Data Based On Auc

Guilherme Ribeiro, Alexandre Oliveira, Antonio Ferreira, Shyam Visweswaran, Gregory Cooper
2016 Zenodo  
Compared to the patient-specific decision path (PSDP) entropy-based and CART methods, the AUC-based patient-specific decision path models performed equivalently on area under the ROC curve (AUC).  ...  We introduce two patient-specific algorithms based on decision tree paradigm that use AUC as a metric to select an attribute.  ...  PATIENT-SPECIFIC DECISION PATH ALGORITHMS BASED ON AUC The proposed patient-specific decision path algorithm uses AUC as a metric to select patient's features that will compose the path [14] .  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1338643 fatcat:nqvtidguurcfnfjn2udyrgsab4

A Regulatory Model to Choose the Appropriate Regulatory Tools

Mirko Pečarič
Oxford University Press, USA, 2008, 65.  ...  A professional body or a licensing board composed of practitioners of the relevant occupation or profession grants most occupational and professional licenses.  ... 
doi:10.14712/23366478.2017.4 fatcat:zwtmvqlr6fdo3fjn2jcllulkjq

Horizons of vulnerability and the problem of human dignity: Ethical and phenomenological assessments

Ignacio Quepons
The paper suggests how a phenomenological account of vulnerability, in the context of moral emotions, may address the clarification of the problem of human dignity.  ...  Turner Bryan S., Vulnerability and Human Rights, Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, 2006. 8 This notion is inspired by the Negative Theory of Justice developed by the Mexican philosopher  ...  Ignacio Quepons is Associate Researcher at the Philosophy Institute, Veracruz University, Mexico.  ... 
doi:10.14712/24646504.2019.10 fatcat:wb3td6sv2vcm3mn65mfj5v2iz4

AUC: Asian Journal of Religious Studies July-August 2017 62/5

Kuruvilla Pandikattu
2017 Zenodo  
AUC: Asian Journal of Religious Studies July-August 2017 62/5 Editorial: Being Sinners | (pp. 3-4) A Pioneer in Hindu-Christian Dialogue in Depth Cosme Jose Costa SFX | (pp. 5-11) Thoughts for Teachers  ...  He has also composed a lovely prayer adoring the Infinite Being.  ...  rather it should become a grace to the universe.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4291711 fatcat:sol3qnqxu5c4xpcvtn4jo3jx6e

Memoryscapes: Southeast Europe and the Question of "Small/Minor" Literature

Gorica Majstorovic
Kiš took account of historical events by writing creative fiction and by memorializing the victims of the Holocaust.  ...  While recalling Tanja's and her students' mistrust of identity and the newly-established languages of Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia, the novel is composed on the premise of multidirectional memory.  ... 
doi:10.14712/23363231.2021.3 fatcat:4eu2nx2ylrfrpnkkkghr2xyn7y

The Infinity of the World and the Infinite Plurality of Phantasy-Worlds

István Fazakas
Firstly, I will focus on the unifying horizontality in perception in order to lay out the fundamental features which determine a phenomenological account of the world.  ...  If for Richir the primacy of perception has to be abandoned and phenomenology should be a phenomenology of phantasy-appearances, and if there is no intrinsic unifying tendency in phantasy that would account  ...  Carr), Evanston, Northwestern University Press, 1970, p. 162.  ... 
doi:10.14712/24646504.2019.7 fatcat:7jermra7kjexdmnzcelulti5qe
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